I dont know if any of you will remember, but its been about 3 or 4 months since we first took Meg in for her X rays for her hips and elbows, but the first set were sent back before she had moved in the x ray So they had to do some more about a month ago, and knock her out completely!! Anyway, we FINALLY got them back today, her scores were 0/0 for elbows and 2/1 for hips. I think those are quite good? Her dad had the same elbow and 3/4 hips and Chloe had 6/6 hips!
Sorry to be thick, but what is a good or bad score? Often hear of people talking about good hip score etc but not 100% sure what a good score should be?
I'm sure someone has a more technical answer but essentially the lower the better you can't get better than 0!! a point equals a flaw in the bone i believe
"For each hip joint a score is derived by evaluation of nine separate features by employing a set of defined criteria. The final score is the SUM of the points awarded for each of the nine radiographic features of BOTH hip joints. The minimum score for each hip is 0 and the maximum is 53, which gives a total range of 0-106. The LOWER the score the less the degree of hip dysplasia evident."- Taken from the BVA website So for hips the best score is 0/0 and the worst is 53/53 (that's for each hip). "for each elbow joint a grade is derived by evaluation of the margins of the joints and the bone structure for signs of primary lesions and/or osteoarthritis of the elbow. Four grades are possible under the Scheme, the minimum grade for each elbow is 0 and the maximum is 3. The overall grade given for both elbows is the grade that was given to the elbow with the highest grade. The LOWER the grade the less the degree of elbow dysplasia evident on the radiograph"- Taken from the BVA website. Again the best elbow score would be 0/0 and the worst 3/3. Each breed has a mean score for hips, which tells you where your dog is in comparison to the rest of the breed. Here's the link: http://www.bva.co.uk/public/chs/bms2006.pdf
Yes, i believe the lower the score the better. Im not sure whats the highest you can get but i know of someone who had an Irish setter with hips 23:13 and they bred from it We are really pleased with Megs, especially as we've been told that her dad's score ( 3/4 ) is the best you'd be able to get with a lab And we were even told that Chloe (meg's mum) had a very good hip score!!! I guess it shows that sensible exercise isn't bad for them Sorry, i type so slow, but i think everything is answered above!! lol!
That is excellent Jessica! Example of a bad score is my own dogs....her score is very high....44:42 total 86 - which as you can see, is getting close to the maximum (53:53, total for both hips 106). The mean score for her breed is 27
Don't know who told you that but the best of any breed is 0:0=0 & the worst 53:53=106 We had a GSD who had a 0:0=0 hip score ;-)