Has your dog ever had leg problems? Questions

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by XxSTORMxX, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. XxSTORMxX

    XxSTORMxX New Member

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    Has your dog ever had leg problems?

    Around 2 weeks ago I was woke one morning to my Alaskan malamute ( storm) in pain with his right leg and limping so I rushed him to the vets. The vet had said that it was not good news and that my storm could have a joint problem...We were given painkillers and another type of medication and were asked to return within the 2 weeks ( our appointment is in a couple of days). Storm had been fine a couple of days after seeing the vet, he was himself again, walking fine until today where I noticed he has starting limping again, not as bad as when he first had the problem but still limping and not wanting to put much pressure on the leg and no crying. Has anyone had this problem before? what has been the cause? I think the vet wants to x-ray next time we go. Thank you for any replies
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  3. dogdays

    dogdays New Member

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    Sorry to hear about Storm, hope he gets well soon. My moodog (Muriel) has had a couple of issues with her legs but they're not genetic. Firstly she did a cruciate, chasing rabbits at night. She also pulled up sore and limping one morning from another night time chase of some creature, took her to the vet ,course of pain killers for a couple of days and she's fine. Just had to stop her from chasing things for a while. She's 10 now and because of the cruciate leading into arthritis she is on a maintenance dose of joint guard.
    He might have just pulled a muscle
  4. LMost

    LMost Member

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    Sorry Storm is having issues.
    It could be something minor as a bad sprain to a major tare, a simple pull will generally go away after a week.
  5. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Agree with the above :)

    I would try on-lead walks/rest for a week and see if that helps, and then let the vet know if it does or not.
  6. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Depending on age there is a possibility it could be Pano’ (Panosteitis Growing Pains in Dogs.
  7. XxSTORMxX

    XxSTORMxX New Member

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    Thank you all for the replies. we have been keeping an eye on him today and he still slightly limping with no pain after being fine for a while. we were told not to walk him until his next visit to the vet just incase its something that could become worse :( my partner feels storms leg to see if its still painful but no sign of anything, its just confusing me on why he is still limping. I am crossing my fingers that the vet will say it is something that will go away. storm is not even 1 years old yet and a big heavy dog which is one reason the vet was worried for him. I was told that Alaskan malamutes are known to have problems with the legs...I will just have to see how everything goes on Tuesday. Thank you all again for the replies...cross fingers all
  8. LMost

    LMost Member

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    If there is no reaction to rubbing, it does not mean a lot Mal's are very much like Mastiff in they hide pain, your partner is just rubbing and most likely not putting much pressure.
    and unless there is weight behind it along with pressure I highly doult you will get any reaction.

    All large and giant breed dog are known for leg issues, due to there bones being very soft to allow for the large amount of growth they do in the first year to 18 months.
  9. katygeorge

    katygeorge Member

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    phoebe pulled a muscle in her shoulder once so was pain killers and lead walks for a few weeks and all was well. could be anything really. Only vet can say
  10. dogdays

    dogdays New Member

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    How is Storm doing?
  11. XxSTORMxX

    XxSTORMxX New Member

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    hey sorry for late reply been busy. I had taken storm to the vets again and been told he does need the operation. The vet gave felt with with pressure to the the leg and storm cried. We have two months to come up with the money for his operation ( he was not insured on time) and then he will have to go in. :(
  12. dogdays

    dogdays New Member

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    Sorry to hear that. Hope you can find the money for the op. Sometimes think our dogs think we have an endless supply of funds, Muriel gave me an emergency trip to the vet on boxing day last year for a snake bite, uninsured luckily my bank can do loans for large vet bills.
  13. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Sorry to hear about Storm, what did the vet say was wrong with his leg .
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I am sorry to hear about Storm needing surgery - especially as my dog has been limping on her front left leg and I had hoped to get my Vet to check her leg/shoulder when I take her for her regular blood tests - due tomorrow but might have to be delayed.

    I do not have any insurance for her so pay for everything each time I take her, but my Vet will always take payments if necessary. I hope you are able to get the money for Storms's surgery as soon as possible.
  15. XxSTORMxX

    XxSTORMxX New Member

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    Dogdays Im glad your bank were helpful in that way and Muriel is better :). GsdSlave I am unsure on the name of the problem. it was a longish word ( im forgetful ). I just remember the vet saying something about the joint in the right back leg and he showed us how the joint was not connecting or something but I can also remember him saying something about a clamp in the leg when he has his operation?....Malka im sorry to hear about your dog...I hope she is well soon bless her and hope it is nothing bad. I was looking into pet insurance just before storm had this leg problem and unfortunately was too late as storm was already put on the system with a bad leg before I insured him.... I have now insured him so now thankfully if this problem happens in his other leg than I shall be covered. Another unfortunate thing at the moment is that we are not able to take storm for walks. The vet has said that if we take him for walks then he could put too much strain on the leg what with him being such a big an heavy dog...Im unsure if I had mentioned it in any of my replies but storm is only 8 months old and already having problems which is worrying but as I say thankfully I am now insured on him and cross fingers he will be fine in the future :) ..... I love my little storm to bits and will for sure find the money to help him. :) thank you all so much for asking about him...love to all your dogs :)
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @XxSTORMxX - Stace, did your vet say that Storm has hip dysplasia? Please give him a gentle hug from me. :)
  17. XxSTORMxX

    XxSTORMxX New Member

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    @Malka I don't think so but I have been reading up on that as I was looking through my book that a got about Alaskan malamutes. My partner was having these thoughts about storms leg today....I just think that he cant get his head around the fact that he is walking fine with no limp anymore and just back to himself although this evening storm has been feeling down for some unknown reason, he was fine through the day. Storm has not yet had an x-ray as the vet said he would x-ray storm on the day of the operation which is another thing which is not making sense to some people as they say they would of though to x-ray him before hand before having to find the money for his op. I will for sure give him a hug from you :)
  18. dogdays

    dogdays New Member

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    The not walking bit is very true, extremely hard not to take your dog for walks but it will put a lot of stress on the other leg. Luckily Mals can handle being inside with people.
  19. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @XxSTORMxX - Stace, the vet cannot possibly know whether Storm needs an operation or not until he has Xrayed him and checked the Xrays thoroughly. And possibly gotten a second opinion on them.

    Please do not, under any circumstances, let the vet just Xray and then go straight ahead with the surgery, because he might well be operating when there is no necessity for it.

    I am not a vet and my experience with hip/leg problems is with humans, having a daughter who spent many years having major hip surgeries from the age of 14 months. Her specialist took a number of Xrays before making any decisions as to when to perform the first operation. He did not just say "oh she needs an operation, I will Xray her before I start."

    Could you possibly take Storm to another vet for a second opinion?

    More hugs for the lovely lad! :)
  20. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    I agree with everything Malka has said if that was my vet id be changing him immediately.

    I strongly suggest you change vets and get an X-Ray done, if HD is suspected then get plates looked at by a specialist If it is HD, id be reluctant to have him operated on at such a young age, at its usually advised to wait till at least 12months to allow for the skeletal growth, vets are not usually very good at diagnosing HD accurately and the positioning and quality of x-rays are VERY important. http://leerburg.com/hipart.htm

    I had similar some years ago with a young GSD vet diagnosed Hip Dysplasia I asked for the x-ray plate and had it evaluated by a specialist and he had excellent hips with a score of 3/4. So please have the xray evaluated by a qualified radiologist.

    Quote (I just think that he cant get his head around the fact that he is walking fine with no limp anymore and just back to himself although this evening storm has been feeling down for some unknown reason, he was fine through the day

    The way you describe the limp coming and going and him looking depressed id defiantly ask about Pano http://leerburg.com/pano.htm

    In the meantime id try him on a combination of glucosamine/chondroitin and fish oil.
  21. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I had never heard of Pano [thank you Vee for those links] but looking at the pictures of the Xrays from the first link, the shape and positioning of the femoral head into the hip socket is very similar to that of a human.

    Anyhow, if Storm does have hip dysplasia and not Pano, the following is an excellent article about it:


    Whatever it is that is causing Storm's on/off limping, I wish him well and hope that you can get a correct diagnosis.

    Incidentally, I give my dog Glucosamine and Chondroitin with MSM, Sea Mussel Extract, Omega 3 in the form of Fish Body Oil, and also Vitamin e [to aid the effectiveness of the FBO]. This is as a preventative measure, not because she has joint problems. I think that her current limping is due to a strained/sore muscle in her shoulder not the joint itself, and as I have had to cancel today's vet visit I will be taking her on Sunday. I think that whatever is causing her limp was probably caused by her leaping on and off things, especially as she is overweight due to her medication.

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