The Problem with the System Is There Is No System Discussions

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Malka, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    The Problem with the System Is There Is No System

    Another article which made me think.

    Full article here...

    I sometimes used to show some of my Griffons at open shows - just for fun. But when top breeders kept entering their championship dogs to make sure that no others could possibly think their dogs had a chance - articles like the above make more and more sense to me.

    And I start to wonder whether those CC winners are, sometimes, pushed out possible newcomers?
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  3. LMost

    LMost Member

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    Not sure exactly how the system does or does not work there, but here in the US, seen 2 shows that the winners for Mastiff, where clearly a disgrace to the breed but yet due to the very small (sometimes only 2 or 3 entries) where awarded points.

    Doing the small shows anything can get a CH title here it seems.
    There is a female is Pennsylvania US. that has a huge fault in a white start on the chest and there working toward her GCH.
  4. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Open shows have been in decline for years, they used to be enjoyable and informal, a good grounding for newcomers, judges and exhibitors to learn the ropes,its very expensive to hire these venues which are getting few and far between, what with Judges expenses lunches ,cards and rosettes ect: to be paid for I don’t think its feasible any longer. when I was showing the classes had very poor entries, yes its lovely to win Best Puppy or BOB, but i would much rather have competition and feel we earned our win.

    I personally think we lose our open shows
  5. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I agree Vee. In the 60's & 70's it was not unusual for a local Open show to draw 1000 entries. These days they only seem to be useful for puppy training, and making up odd JW and ShCM points. Many clubs are failing as it becomes increasingly difficult to recruit committee members and helpers.
    Unfortunately fewer entries also means fewer new judges coming through, and yet more appointments for the growing band of variety judges, who in spite of KC judge training, do lack specialist knowledge. There is also a growing concern about the falling numbers of Champ. show entries as exhibitors find the cost of entries and fuel to be just too expensive for their cardboard return. Unless there are changes soon, our shows can only dwindle to become the preserve of the well connected and wealthy.
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    My mentor, who was a KC judge but that is immaterial - was a member of a small showing club which was mainly for puppies to start to get used to being shown.

    So I supported that little club - took my Z girl and totally messed up because I had no idea how to handle her - but we had fun.

  7. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Those were the days !The show scene has changed a lot since I first started, I remember in those days people stayed all day, when I gave up showing around 15yrs ago, once their class was finished off they went unless some hung around to enter BIS .

    I have to admit I enjoyed showing and got the adrenalin rush bug, traveled far and wide, it was a hobby to me and a fun day out with like minded people and my dogs it used to be for everyone but nowadays its so expensive what with travel entry fees ect; a lot of people just cant afford it anymore .
  8. katygeorge

    katygeorge Member

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    I dont know very much about showing dogs or dog shows. My friend shows her dogs, bullmastiffs being one breed she has. She hardly does any now, does enough to get to crufts and thats about it due to the expense of it all. Shes always saying shes not sure why she does it anymore as it just cost her an arm and a leg

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