German Shepherd Dog (Alsatian) Discussions

Discussion in 'German Shepherd Dog' started by Discussion Thread, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. running cloud

    running cloud New Member

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    Caspa was 12 when we lost him, yes he was apricot along his back and at the back of his ears but this got lighter as he got older, i will show another pic only taken 5 weeks ago. Chloe is 5yrs old the black & tan and a girly, we also have an NI now age 5mths. Think most of you have seen the pic's of the pup!


    Our NI Pup Tala
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  3. BrandieSnap

    BrandieSnap New Member

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    Lovely photos Cloud. Thanks for sharing Caspa with us, I'm sorry for your loss :-(

    I have heard of Shiloh Shepherds. I thought they were a different breed though :? That branched away from german shepherds somewhere along the line. And King Shepherds too? :? Maybe they are just fancy names for German Shepherds then:smt102
    I don't know anything about them, but I've heard the names :smt017
  4. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    Beautiful photo's RC. I'm sorry to hear of your loss of Caspa :-(

    I haven't heard of Shiloh Shepherds. It's a lovely way to refer to our long coats though :grin:
  5. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    Are the King Shepherds those magnificent giant longcoated ones???? I've been trying to find out the name of them as we had some pics on here at one time, but I couldn't remember what they were called. Anyone know? They're absolutely huuuuge, so perhaps they are the King ones?:)
  6. Meganrose

    Meganrose New Member

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    Don't know about the names Helena, certainly not in any of our lines although they are huge and fluffy:grin: Just to give you another off the press, as I've just been doing some group training with them, and was going to take some pics. Got one before the battery went dead:roll: Which one do you think was l;listening?;
  7. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    Wow! This is all getting too much for me, I don't know about anyone else!!!!:grin: That Darla is to die for, I could just pick her up and whisk her away without you looking!!!!:grin: Such a pretty, pretty dog, I love them all of course, but more so the extra pretty ones! Mishka looks fantastic too and of course Storm. Why has Storm not got the really long fur on his ears like Cassie has?? He's getting such a long coat now, but his ears need to do some catching up??!! Lol! Love 'em all! Thanks for giving me yet another fix of your beauties:grin:
  8. Meganrose

    Meganrose New Member

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    Ha, ha, oh poor Storm we've hacked it all off as advised to by his breeder...poor love as he is so late getting his ears to stand up! Poor lad he's had some 'glue' on there too...for all of about 5 minutes lol. They are finally turns, but bless him he does look odd at the moment! He does naturally have loads of fur there of will return...soon I hope:grin:

  9. running cloud

    running cloud New Member

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    MRose the one in the middle is the spitting image of my Chloe, she is beautiful whats her name and how old is she?


    Chloe here last summer!:grin:
  10. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    Lol! Poor Storm, I didn't realise you had to cut the fur off those ears! Lol! Funny though, coz Cassie took ages too for hers to stand up, well one of them, she really did look most odd even at 6 months! Very late for ears I think?!:grin:

    Chloe is beautiful too, love her pretty face, and love her colourings, fantastic. :grin:
  11. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    Gorgeous dogs MR :grin: Especially the one on the left :smt007

    My Storms ears seemed to take ages to stand up. She was 7 months old before they stayed upright. Up until then, they seemed to of taken a life of thier own :lol: Now she just looks like a bat :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. Meganrose

    Meganrose New Member

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    Is it something with that name????:lol:
  13. Meganrose

    Meganrose New Member

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    p.s. sorry about the mess up of your quotes and my answers...Megan was hanging off my arm (oh and spellings) sorry but got to dash :grin:
  14. BrandieSnap

    BrandieSnap New Member

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    It looks like Darla's head is about to fall off :lol: Bless, she must be trying so hard!
    Poor Storm, the floppy ears are cute though :lol:

    Helena, yes I think the king shepherds were huge and fluffy!

    Found this about them: "The King Shepherd's origin comes from several different breeds. Although there are some differences in opinion regarding the exact breed make-up, it is generally believed that the King's breed make-up includes German Shepherds of American lines, crossed with Malamutes and/or a Flock Guardian breed (i.e Great Pyrenees), which were then bred back to German Shepherds of European descent.

    The head should be immense and well defined. The build of this breed is heavy bodied, heavy boned, slightly long, robust and muscular; the structure is solid. "
  15. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    Thanks for that Suzie, I've been racking my brains to find out what they were called. When I saw the previous pictures of these I really liked them, soooooo big and fluffy, and if you love gsd's as much as I do, then the more you get to the pound the better in my eyes!! More to cuddle and play with hey?!:grin: I will go looking for pics tomorrow now!:grin:
  16. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    Courtesy of King and Chateau de chief king shepherds

    A piccie of one. They're bloody huge :shock:

  17. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    Huge, but how handsome is that dog!!!!!:p :grin: Thanks for finding that pic Wolfie - I wonder if they come in white!!!????:lol: I'd have one of those any day:grin:
  18. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    I'm not sure H, this breed is very new to me :grin: Try googling King Shepherds and see what comes up :grin: I'd definatly be interested to know ;-) :grin:
  19. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    Found one H :grin: They're known as 'Fort white':grin:

    Courtesy of Amy's Acres King Shepherds

  20. Meganrose

    Meganrose New Member

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    This is really interesting what your saying about 'King' Shepherds as it says they had other breeds such as Malamute introduced into them. Our beloved Bruce (who died last year) had a little Malamute in him and was so huge. Mishka is actually his daughter. Lost of of my good photos' and so will have to try and get some scanned again. but, this gives you the idea...Bruce with Megan, a huge good natured teddy bear.
    and of course his daughter Mishka;
    and this was me with two of Mishka's litter names when they were only 5 weeks old (those were the two smallest and the shortcoats) get the idea about size!
  21. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    Isn't he gorgeous that Fort White!! Wow! what a magnificent dog:) I'll do that Wolfie, I'll search these babies out, I think they're quite something.

    Your dear Bruce was a real beauty Meganrose, absolutely stunning. You've got me thinking now about my old Tara. I knew both her parents and saw them on a regular basis because the girl bred from them, and they were huuuuge too, especially the dad. I commented at the time that I'd never seen such enormous gsd's but she didn't say anything at the time. Anyway, since Tara I have had 3 others and none of them, although my current two are quite large, have been as large as she was, so I'm now wondering whether in fact my old Tara's Mum and Dad were these King Shepherds. It wasn't as if I was very young and small and they appeared extra large, I was in my 20's!!:grin:

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