I think it may be time Health

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Luke, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. Luke

    Luke New Member

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    I think it may be time

    But I'm really not sure, and that's what in finding difficult.
    Last Christmas my little grey face, better known as Flo or Florrie, was really unwell and after a lot of tests and investigations she had a lot of fluid on her lungs, and a heart murmur which was apparently the onset of acute heart failure. It was difficult to treat as she didn't react well to the varying medication, and the steroids were a risk of shortening her lifespan and so forth. But she picked up, and for the last six months has been drug free bar something of the canine equivalent of treatment for blood pressure, a little slower and quieter than before but at 10 I wasn't too surprised. We nearly lost her when she was original ill, and te vets warned then that should such occur again then we may not have many options.
    She was quieter this weekend, isn't want to go for a stroll, didn't get involved with guests when we had a garden party (her favourite thing as she's so sociable) was just odd, this morning she started the wheezes cough she had last time she was ill, and then vomitted clear froth again, all things which preceded her being unwell before. I rang the vets n they said bring her straight in, she had X-rays and blood tests and it wasnt what we were expecting, she has a cancerous mass around her lungs and at the base of the trachea, it's quite established and must have spread quite quickly within the last four n a half months which is when she was last at the beta and was fine. It's inoperable and he's quite ill, she's been placed on corventol to help open her lungs up n I have an appointment in 2 weeks to see hats happening, on the proviso of I call any time and bring her back at the slightest concern, or the slightest thought that I think enough is enough.
    I bought her home, and I'm now sat trying to decide what to do for the best. Those that "know" mean this online platform know I'm quite a realist, I'm not someone to wait and wait for my own selfish reasons until the dog is at deaths door, I'm of the adage of I'd rather their last memory be with dignity n "going with their boots on" as my grandad always said. But at the same time, I'm not ready to say goodbye to her. But she looks so tired and worn out, lying next to me as I type this she hasn't even batted an eyelid at something being popped trough the letterbox which, in former years, was a sure declaration of war against her in her eyes
    Oh crikey, I forgot how hard this is.
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    It is hard, I know. I have been in that situation more than a few times in the past, and I know what I would do now with your little one, but then I am not you, am I.

    And I was within hours of doing it again on the 11th of this month. After Pereg's diabolical seizure [and my first fall trying to move her from banging her head on the doorframe - during which my head hit the stone floor - hard] I telephoned my vet and asked him to please come over and release her. He was off duty but I called his mobile, and he told me to sleep on it and call him again in the morning.

    Then she had the second one a couple of hours later and I crashed down again and ended up in the ER with concussion and bad cuts by the side of my eye because I had not taken my spectacles off and they shattered. Anyhow, while I was waiting for the CT scan I asked someone what the time was and when I was told 11pm I immediately said I must give her her medication as it was due.

    And that was when I realised that at 5½ years old she was not ready, and neither was I, and that we would carry on fighting.

    It turned out to be the Seresto collar Ram had put on her on 21 May - she had been having a very bad time since then [there were no contra-indications on the leaflet about not putting the collar on a seizure dog], and she went 12 days sz-free after I cut it off her.

    So yes, I do know how hard it is, and I do know what I would do if I were you. But as I say, I am not you, am I.

    I wish you peace in whatever decision you make for your beloved little Flo.
  4. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    So sorry to hear about Flo, I have been there many times & it never gets any easier.
    In the end it was when they were having more bad days then good days, was when I decided it was time to let them go to rainbow bridge.
  5. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Sorry to hear about Flo. All you can do is be there for her, and when you know it's time - say goodbye. It's the hardest, but last kind act you can do for a dog.
  6. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    I am so sorry you are in this situation and your love is evident,having been there several times I know how hard it is, however the sad reality is that as their best friend, we have to put our personal feelings aside and trust our gut instinct, I wish you all the strength in the world, being brave sucks at times like these, I always feel its better to be a day early ,than a day to late.x
  7. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    It is so sad, we don't have any of them for long enough. It is a gut feeling thing - in the past I suspect I may have been too early, and I know I've left it too late on occasions. Your love shines through and I'm sure Flo knows that you have her best interests at heart. Hope you can feel the support here.
  8. Janet

    Janet Member

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    My heart goes out to both you and Flo. It's a horrible, horrible time.
  9. Luke

    Luke New Member

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    It's very difficult as the vets aren't offering much guidance, unusual as they've always been very good before--I rang back again this eve n was greeted again with the "two weeks on the medication to help with her breathing then see where we go from there". But frankly, I can't see where they're coming from. the medication will only aid her breathing which is laboured by the mass, the mass is not treatable, I don't understand why waiting two weeks is so vital. It's te first time, ever, that I feel a bit left in the dark by the practice. Hence my post, I'm just really not sure when te time is right. She's okay now, within reason, however is that a good enough reason to wait and see the days come where she becomes sicker? Very quiet, wheezes again, made the horrible throaty gurgle heave while eating dinner again too. Ho hum.
  10. swimdog

    swimdog Member

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    So sorry for Flo, the hardest thing is saying goodbye. Hugs to you all.
  11. IceCody

    IceCody Member

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    I am so sorry to hear that :(( Wish I could say something to help you but I have no word but my thoughts are with you. Hugs

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