"Do not walk your dog here" General Chat

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Azz, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    "Do not walk your dog here"

    This was posted in the Dogsey News section by @Malka so am cross-posting here. Basically there was a sign outside a public park saying "'Do not walk your dog here! Muslims do not like dogs. This is an Islamic area now."

    There is some debate as to who really put the poster up - but it's an interesting topic anyway, surely whoever put it up would have known that dog lovers would fiercely defend their dogs...
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  3. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    Can't see that being a genuine sign set out by the council. Is it even legal to "claim" an outside public space as belonging to one religion?
  4. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    It is possible that extremists/ sympathisers have put the sign up to cause trouble. What I find odd about this story is that there are dogs in muslim countries, usually just walking around. Many muslims don't want them in their homes where they pray but I've never heard of not wanting them on the streets.

    No matter who is responsible things are not good in our society when either; people are putting up signs to discredit another group or people are putting up signs to stake a claim on an area from others.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    This http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/8570506/Police-covered-up-violent-campaign-to-turn-London-area-Islamic.html is a two year old article.

    Does anyone really think that things have changed?

    Dogs are considered as dirty by many Muslims, especially in the Middle East.

    I live in Israel and I own a dog who lives in my house, and there are many ultra Orthodox Jews who are convinced that if you have a dog in the house the Masshiah [Messiah] will not come. And those are the ones who throw stones at my dog and who throw stones at me.

    My answer is that I always thought that when the Masshiah comes he will be riding on a donkey.

    So yes, I do believe that those posters were put up by the same people who want Sharia Law in "their" areas of the UK. Especially in the parts of London where those posters appeared.
  6. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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  7. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    I am surprised anyone took it seriously , I could knock up a poster like that on my printer in two minutes and stick it on top of a genuine one.

    Whoever did post it child, left or right winger they are doing a good job of stirring up hatred between people.
  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Meg - hatred has always occurred everywhere. My father, who was born in England and who fought in the British army in WW11 was told more than a few times "go back to Palestine - we do not want Jews in England."

    And when my then 8-year old son came home one day, having been beaten up by teenagers from the local "bad" school and said "mummy, why do they call me a dirty Jew?" was when I started thinking about leaving England, although it took me another 7 years before I did.

    I am probably hated for living here in Israel by people who hate my Country. But that is their problem. I am just so glad that I do not live in England any more, because whether it is true or not, some of the things I read terrify me.

    I do not understand the UKIP or EDL or all the other whoever they ares. They frighten me. The whole hatred frightens me.

    I know why certain ultra-Orthodox men throw stones at Pereg. She just had to see a man dressed in ultra-Orthodox style clothing to start barking in terror. And I know why they throw stones at her and at me. But it is towards her, not intending to kill her.

    We Jews do not bury people up to their neck and stone them until they are dead. We do not cut off hands as is done in Sharia Law.

    And Sharia Law is what is wanted in many Muslim areas in England now.
  9. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Nobody can deny that there are 'Muslim areas' in most cities and there are those who wish to change the English/British culture (including our love of dogs),
    Whether the sign is real or not.
    Would you let it put you off walking your dog in that area ?
    Would you put yourself or your dog at risk (possibly) for a principle?

    Malka Quote
    I am just so glad that I do not live in England any more, because whether it is true or not, some of the things I read terrify me.
    I know why certain ultra-Orthodox men throw stones at Pereg. She just had to see a man dressed in ultra-Orthodox style clothing to start barking in terror. And I know why they throw stones at her and at me. But it is towards her, not intending to kill her.)

    Im confused as to how ultra-Orthodox men throw stones at your dog, do you mean when your walking her?
    Personally that would scare me ,don't think UK has reached that stage yet.
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    No - what I mean is that when a man dressed in ultra-Orthodox clothing walks past and they see her, they will usually jump in fright? horror? - she will bark, because she knows darn well that they are going to bend down, pick up a stone, and throw it. towards her. Or me if I am outside.

    Unfortunately because Pereg remembers what has happened in the past and does not wait for them to bend down - she just has to see a man dressed in that garb to start barking in the hope that he will just walk past and ignore her.

    I never have any problems when taking her out. And even though this is an Orthodox Moshav it is not ultra ultra and there are not that many men who are dressed in ultra-Orthodox clothing.

    But there are still that few who think that if you keep a dog in the house the Mashiach /Messiah will not come. A very old idea that has carried through to even this day amongst certain groups.

    Dogs are OK if they are kept outside all the time as watch dogs, but keeping dogs as a pet is, according to them, wrong. Dogs are not considered to be dirty, just that there is this ancient idea amongst some ultra-Orthodox men about not keeping a dog in the house.
  11. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    I can't see why they think it's acceptable to throw stones, these people are adults why would that be ok?
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    As it has been explained to me it is not throwing stones to hurt - it is out of fear and to make sure the dog does not go near them.

    It is not quite the same as considering dogs as dirt - just this old conviction that if there is a dog in the house the mashiach will not come. And for some of these people you cannot convince them otherwise.

    Pereg, of course, being probably more sensible, sees a man wearing certain black clothes, does not stop to see if they bend down to pick up a stone...

    ...and barks and makes out that she is the most evil dog that a not very big dog can be!
  13. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    I still wouldn't find it acceptable for an adult to behave in that manner. They may not want the dog anywhere near them then cross the road as most people in the UK would do, Throwing stones is an aggressive act.
  14. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    I agree. What if that stone was to seriously injure dog or human? Not acceptable IMO whatever walk of life you're from.
  15. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    GsdSlave likes this.
    I have Jewish friends but they don't threw stones at any dogs, plus the men wear the traditional Orthodox black clothing with the ringlet hair falling down under their hats, I respect their wishes & leave my dogs at home when visiting them & they understand my dogs will be in same room as them when they visit me.
  16. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Sorry but being scared is no excuse or justifiable for barbaric behaviour.
    if a stone or stones did hurt you or your dog would you find that acceptable ,because they were scared.
    Think theres a big difference in considering dogs as dirt , and throwing stones at them.
    How are they able to throw stones at her if its not during exercise .??
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2014
  17. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    She's tethered up outside so wouldn't be able to reach anyone anyway.
  18. Malka

    Malka Member

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    The door is open most of the time so yes, she is tethered and goes out and comes in as she wants. When she is in and stays in and the door is closed then of course she is not tethered and has the run of the house.

    It has gone midnight - 12.17am actually, and the door is still open so she is still tethered. I have been outside watching ISS ZARYA going over again. Incredible to think that there are men up there...
  19. katygeorge

    katygeorge Member

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    I am a live and let live kinda of person, but i hate it when people preech about other peoples lives, try and force their views or take away somebodys rights or way of life. If i lived there i would hold a doggy fun day on that park. I hate all of this wanting to change this country as if they want it like their homeland why did they leave it or why dont they go live there. I was offered work at event a few years ago in birmingham but they called it winterfest i said i couldnt do it as i only worked christmas events in december. Why should 1 religion change to suit another. Other religions dont offend me i have no issue i even worked the huge eid party in birmingam till a few years ago. I also worked as a sabbath maid for about a year (now that was an odd job). As for throwing stones at you malka and pereg if i saw that happening here the little warrior inside me would pop out and ild be throwing them back only ild aim at them. Im very much an eye for an eye kind of lady. I know that wouldnt help the situation but i wouldnt be anybodys victim and i wouldnt stand by and see it happening to somebody else.
  20. wildmoor

    wildmoor Member

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    The signs are likely to be put up by racists to stir trouble, before moving in 2012 I lived in an area where a 1/4 of people are of the Muslim faith of many nationalities, and I knew many who kept dogs including in the house, I have friends who follow Islam it does not stop them visiting my house where 3 dogs reside.

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