Hello, I am new to Breedia and would like to introduce you to Bella my Bolognese (she has her own Facebook Page for those who want to keep up to date with her antics (just search for Bella The Bolognese). She is 15 months old, loves muddy puddles (as can be seen in the next picture) and chasing birds in the park. Bolognese are lovely dogs and lots of fun. My mother also has one called Mia who is 2 weeks younger than Bella. It is wonderful to see them running around together. Mia is on the left in the following picture. They are not yappy dogs but can bark to alert you to visitors etc. (although they don't bark excessively). I am often asked about her grooming requirements but really it isn't too bad providing you keep on top of it and comb/brush her everyday. Her coat requires no cutting or shaping but I do have to tie her fringe back (unless she is in a show) otherwise she wouldn't be able to see (see next picture).