My parents bought a little holiday home Caravan this past weekend! It's situated in Thorpe St Peter about 10/20 mins drive from nearby beaches, and I'm very excited to be able to use it as and when I wish! We have been given permission to fence off a small garden area for the dogs, and we're located on a very quiet park out in the country overlooking a pond. It's just a really nice feeling having your own place to retreat too and with 4 dogs between myself and my sister it will be nice not having to find dog friendly rentals! Although we do still plan on having the odd holiday further afield also. I think my mum is expecting to have the keys this coming weekend, so i'll be heading down to help her clean and unpack some new bits & pieces
Your dogs going to love playing on the beach. Are dogs allowed on beach ? Anyway enjoy your long bank holiday in your new caravan
My parents have been looking into it for years, and then suddenly by chance Friday night I stumbled upon a website with the perfect caravan for them. Everything just slotted into place, and it all happened so quickly! Most of the beaches are dog friendly. A couple of the popular ones have beach restrictions during the summer months, but there is one about 20 mins away with no restrictions. It's going to be fun exploring the area and finding different walks/beaches
I really envy you especially being able to take the dogs to the beach! We've no beaches or sea here only thermal spas and I don't somehow think Georgie would be very welcome swimming around in a heated pool even wearing a pink bikini!
Sounds great - I had to look up Thorpe St Peter to find out where it was and it sounds like a really lovely and quiet place. Ideal for a break away from the rat race.
Thanks guys! It's not quite ready yet, so haven't been up there as of yet. Hopefully during the week, or at the very least the weekend.