Why do all People Assume all Border Collies are Nasty General Chat

Discussion in 'Border Collie' started by colliecrazy1, Apr 24, 2006.

  1. colliecrazy1


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    Why do all People Assume all Border Collies are Nasty

    Why do all People Assume all Border Collies are Nasty, Had a Plummer, today and He just Assumed my Meg was Nasty....Just becouse She Barked, She Was With me All the time, Or In the garden....She Barked When He Rang the Bell, He Turnt Round and Said have You Goy Insurance, If It Bits Me, I said She is Not going to Bit you As she is Not Being Nasty ...She is Just Still Only 8Months Old, and i have Hold of her.... and He Said Well get the Dog Out Or I will Walk, So i said Ok walk then...I will get Another Plummer, And thats What I did, The Other Plummer Came in With out any problems Fussing Meg, And then he Did the Plumming work, And Played Ball with her, So i told him about the First Plummer and He said Yes...Ive Come across people like that before my self, And i told him he,s Name and he said He,s Got Dogs he,s self...and Border Collies...ALL I can say it that First Plummer was a Flipping Whimp...If he has Collies then he Should know.
    Julie :x :x
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  3. Hoggett

    Hoggett New Member

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    Ian Stewart Hoggett
    I know what you mean, some people look at Blackie and the fear in there eyes! Even my OT that came out with me was petrified, he sneezed and she screamed!!! Stupid people.

  4. bluemerle lover

    bluemerle lover New Member

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    i had a plumber like that last year he wouldnt do my boiler he saw the boys and said do they bite i said no he said what are they i told him he said never heard of them they look so nasty and viscious i said well there not i said ok i will put them out the back if you feel un easy he said chain them up i said no i wont i said there outside they cant get in and he kept moaning so i said right grab your things and clear of so he did so i phoned the plumbing center and explained what had happened and they that they had had loads of people complianing about this plumber so later on another plumber came and he couldnt get over the boys he was asking questions talking to them he was alright with them i mean to say my boys dont look nasty or viscious :-(
  5. MBll

    MBll New Member

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    Welll let me tell you about WORKMEN .......COUNCIL WORKMEN !!!!

    I had replacement windows done & the council workmen WOULDNT come into the house ...nope I didnt have dogs ....I had pet RATS?

    The way they were acting youd think they rats were going to come out of their cage & run up their legs & rip out their throats :roll:
  6. Snorri the Priest

    Snorri the Priest New Member

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    Thorgrim Thorgrimsson
    I've come across this attitude before, too - in fact, I still keep an eye on unknown BCs on farms, because, if they do decide to get at you, they will - they can be too agile to avoid!

    My current Boys are no threat to anyone, but I do warn people to be on time, so that I can get them shut away in time - not because of any danger, but because they are a pain in the bum, making a lot of noise when there's a visitor. For instance, I had to shut them away when my new computer was delivered, in case they tripped the man up and made him drop it!

    Most people in my area are fairly familiar with BCs, and know to exercise a certain amount of caution (some farm BCs here can be a bit territorial): it's the "I know dogs - they'll be fine" brigade that I look out for! Usually, these people turn out to know Sweet Fanny Adams.

    My two are good at keeping religious "missionaries" at bay - I never shut them away for a proselytiser! Keep that crowd on the outside of the gate!

  7. MBll

    MBll New Member

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    excuse me for mentioning me rats when you lot are talking about dogs lol lol :roll: Its not excatly like i like my lot at the minute Im having real major problems here lol Ill shut up now :?
  8. bens mum

    bens mum New Member

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    i met an adorable bc on sat, she was so lovely, she decided i was ok caused i smelled right, 2 cats n 1 dog type smell, she was impressed, i took a pic on my mobile but havent got the cables to down load it sorry, but she was lovley.
  9. colliecrazy1


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    you go a head and talk about Your Pet rats.... feel free,

    But thees Darn Workman make Me Crazy....Yes I know To Well when Going a Cross any Farms I keep My Collies always On Leads....and Well away From any Farm Collie.....They Always seem to have Bigger Teeth than your pet Dog...I remember From Moving From Portsmouth To Sheffield in 1984...Wow Did i not get them Teeth in my leg, from that Farm Collie....He Chaces me For Miles..lol :grin:
  10. colliecrazy1


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    Ian ,
    Are you feeling Any better....
    Julie :grin:
  11. Leslie

    Leslie New Member

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    My dog is very vocal. She barks a lot, but she wouldn't hurt a fly. She
    hides behind me if someone approaches us. But because she barks so
    much, people are afraid. My mailman used to be afraid to put my mail
    through the slot because he thought she might take his hand off. :roll:
    She's the biggest mush in the world!
  12. Leslie

    Leslie New Member

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    An afterthought...

    I've always subscribed to the philosophy that there are no bad dogs, just
    bad owners. I think if you raise a dog with a lot of love and affection,
    your dog will be sweet and gentle (for the most part). :lol:

    I have a neighbor who is an AWFUL woman. She is so unbelievably
    nasty to everyone. She owns a golden retriever who is just as nasty
    as she is. Whoever heard of a nasty golden retriever?? :?
    Guaranteed if that dog had a different owner, he would be a sweetheart
    like all other goldens.

    Pit Bulls have a horrible reputation also. People who raise their pit bulls
    to fight turn them into nasty, horrible dogs. But I know a couple of people
    who have made their pit bulls a house pet, and they are great dogs.

    It's all about the owner in my opinion.
  13. Joly

    Joly New Member

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    wow i have never seen that attitude towards my parents collie!! everyone who comes in our house be it family friends or workmen have loved buster and made a real fuss!! maybe we have just been lucky!
  14. Hoggett

    Hoggett New Member

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    Ian Stewart Hoggett
    Blackie is the same, he'll bark and snarl, but if anyone or dog took a step towards him he runs behind me!!

    Quite a few times I have thought the postman had been, then all of a sudden I have heard him barking, he'd trapped the posty in the garden, with him gaurding the only exit. :shock: :shock: But the posty just talks to him and they are great pals.

  15. colliecrazy1


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    Meg is 8/1/2 Months Now....And I know She Barks...But she is Wagging her Tails And Laying Down @ the same Time...and like everyone has said So MANYTIME BEFORE...if you show your scared then they pic that up....meg would only like you to death...She has all the love in the World, She is my world, But She Will get Told of If she Does Wrong in the house.....Im the boss..
    Not her, and She is Understanding that Fast...When People Come to the house, She Told Down.....and thats Where she Knows She is To Stay...Untill I say Otherwise.
    lol, but we only have the Jumping really.... to sort...We are Nearly there....
    LOL. she has Bed springs for Legs. :grin: :grin:
  16. Hoggett

    Hoggett New Member

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    Ian Stewart Hoggett
    Julie I know what you mean about the bed springs for legs, we used to have one - Shep, If I had been out and come in the back way, as I was walking down the path he would run up to me and spring, we used to always knock shoulders together ( I used to bend down to him).

  17. colliecrazy1


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    yes Ian,
    I can just see that....yes but its not us Meg Does it to, Its other people, and Shell I tell you Why.....Becouse a LOT of people when she Was Younger would LET her jump up, and i kept say Tell her Down, so then they would O, she is only a BABY....the rest is History...But thank the lord we are getting that Sorted....Everytime i see anyone....Right On the lead She Goes..... And i Walk past them And make Her go to the Down possition...and All being well its Paying off.....We had a little set back, But we have Come through it.
  18. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    I have never had this kind of a problem with my soppy male BC ...

    but that could be something to do with the fact that I also own a longhaired GSD bitch - it is her that they are all scared of!:shock:

    I have no idea why!! :roll:
  19. DobieGirl

    DobieGirl New Member

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    ha ha - you should see the fear in some peoples eyes over a 4 months old Dobermann! :lol: some people just dont get it :roll:
  20. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    Have to admit I'm surprised by this thread...nasty BC's????
    I've never, ever, ever come across anyone who thought bC's were nasty dogs...
  21. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    I think it stems from farm yard collies who are chained up and tend to be fairly territorial. Also, they seem to have a reputation for being "snappy" but all the ones I know, and my own, are really lovely.

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