German Shepherd Dog and Children? Behaviour

Discussion in 'German Shepherd Dog' started by tanata, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. tanata

    tanata New Member

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    German Shepherd Dog and Children?

    Hello again and another question.

    What are they like with children and babies, are they good match?

    I'm thinking about a puppy not older rescue dogs.
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  3. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    HI Nikki - if brought up correctly GSDs make wonderful family pets. And GSD puppies are some of the cutest you will ever see!

    GSDs are also some of the smartest dogs out there, so you really do get out of them what you put in.

    However, as with any breed, I would not leave a dog alone with children.
  4. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    l agree with Azz, my two Gsd boys were 18 mths old when our son was born (hes now 30 so long time ago, but i never had any problems, Kal wasn't to sure at first but we never pushed him, Rye took over as guardian from day one and they became inseparable. Ribbet collage.jpg
  5. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    That's a lovely montage Vee :) I wonder if my mum has any old photos of our dog, will have to ask her next time I am down.
  6. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    Lovely photos Vee.

    Nikki - to answer your original question, I would say that a well bred, well socialised GSD who is brought up around children is a most wonderful family companion. Of course the children also need to be taught to respect the dog.

    My dogs are all brilliant with my son (who is now six).




  7. Apache

    Apache New Member

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    Never had a moments cause to worry about my GSD's and my children. Obviously you take all the normal precautions and, as with any dog, you dont leave them alone. Here are a couple of photos of my first GSD, Elke and my daughter (now 34) taken around 1981.


  8. GSD-Sue

    GSD-Sue New Member

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    All of my GSDs have been great with children & our first was great with me when I was a child, Great for family outings as most of them herded the group together & didn't like any wandering off,
  9. swimdog

    swimdog Member

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    My eldest child is now 40 and we had Sheps all through their childhood, never had any problems just lots of good times.
  10. jeagibear

    jeagibear Member

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    I've never had a problem....Absolutely brilliant with all kiddies.
    Max had a little friend called Josh with cerebral palsy. Josh was 8 years old and walking, when Max first met him. Josh ran towards us, from behind,shouting "Doggy Doggy" very loudly. I slowly turned around and Josh got to us and just knelt down and cuddled Max. Max just put his ears back and gently licked Josh's face. From that time on they were the best of friends. I showed Josh how Max would take a biscuit from my mouth, and Josh wanted to learn it too. Max was brilliant with him. I lost Max at 6 years old, Josh would have been around 10years old. After Max had gone, Josh was sad. He would say " I do miss Max!"
    So i started to get him used to Jeager. They were exactly the same with each other! I used to say to Josh..." Could you teach Jeager those tricks, that you taught Max please?" ( even though Jeager already knew them, we didn't tell Josh that!)
    Josh was 18 years old and in a wheelchair, when he moved away, but he had a fantastic relationship with Jeager, for those last eight years.
    One time, Josh was with his Mum and his Grandparents. Josh was using a walking frame at this time. He stopped and asked if he could give Jeager a biscuit. I said "Of course you can" His Grandparents, who i had never met, looked mortified, as i put the biscuit in Josh's mouth. His Mum just said "It's fine" Then Josh leant forward on his frame, he lost balance and nearly went right over, but somehow he held himself, and i straightened him up. As i did, Jeager very gently followed him down and back up, then stood on his back legs and took the biscuit from Josh's mouth. How it had stayed in, i don't know. We all cheered and Josh's Mum had a tear in her eye. It was very moving and i was so proud of Josh and Jeager.

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