Alaskan Malamute bitch, poor/picky eater! Diet

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by chopperheys, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. chopperheys

    chopperheys New Member

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    Alaskan Malamute bitch, poor/picky eater!

    My Malamute bitch is a terrible/picky eater and imo is under weight by quite a lot. I've been trying to convince my partner about feeding both the malamutes on a raw diet, the prey one not BARF, but she's having none of it. Is there anything else that I could consider? She's 2 years old and eats less than half of what my male eats. If you think the raw diet is the way forward could someone give me a good diet/routine to follow as I'm finding it hard to get my head around.

    All suggestions welcome.
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  3. Atlas

    Atlas New Member

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    Malamutes are known to be picky eaters. Atlas himself will can hold out for days to chance something better coming along into his bowl, They will not starve themselves to the point of malnourishment though - its more of a protest.

    First things first If you think your girl is underweight due to not eating, I would certainly get your vet to give her the once over. You say she is 2yrs old, so is this something recent or has she always been this way? My worry is not that you say she’s eating less than your male, its that you think she’s underweight…

    If it is a simple case of picky eating, may I suggest some constancy in what you are giving her and the times and place of feeding. Atlas will only ever eat from his bowl when it’s in his indoor run and only in the evening. He likes his privacy and routine. This is partially due to our training of him and also his preference. We don’t change his food up at all, because we know that he won’t eat something he’s not familiar with without a fight! To add to that, we also know that if we go out and buy something different for him to eat, that he has been “rewarded” for his stubbornness and he will keep refusing food until he gets what he wants…
  4. BaltosDad

    BaltosDad New Member

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    The first thing to consider when a Malamute is either acutely or consistently not eating or eating poorly is to rule out an organic cause...a sickness, abnormality, etc. They are prone to acute/chronic/partial GI 'torsion', so I agree with Samantha...get the Vet to check her out.
    Then try going with a high quality large breed kibble food like Purina Pro. trial and error is a part of this, but Balto loves tis food and it agrees with him. Add an occasional diced chicken breast (cooked) or steak here and there, and a small amount (tablespoon) of olive or vegetable oil. And plenty of fresh water availability. My Mal Balto will balk at water which has been standing but will drink the whole bowl when I freshly replace it.
    Also, try and get a bowl stand if you can, so the dog doesn't have to lean to the floor to eat...makes it easier for them.
    And Samantha is right...the dog should have her own place to eat and eat at the same time(s) each day. If she doesn't eat within 15 minutes, pick up the bowl and remove it, and try again in an hour. Also, some dogs don't like water in their food as some people do this...they like it crunchy. Good for the teeth too.
    Good luck,,,,check with the Vet first for safety and your own peace of mind.:)
    Mark and Balto

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