How long do you............ General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by alice0675, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. alice0675

    alice0675 New Member

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    How long do you............

    spend online?

    I had a friend over last night who continually checked her phone. I just presumed she was waiting for a call or text. After a while I asked her and she said she was online, now I don't have a all singing and dancing phone anymore so never go online unless I'm sat at the computer. She thought it strange that sometimes I don't go online for days or even weeks, am I in a minority here?
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  3. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Hi Ali :) I don't have an all singing and dancing phone either and spend my time losing the one I do have :D
    I am online every day without fail, banking/shopping and chatting to people online .
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I am another one who does not have an all singing and dancing phone - in fact my mobile phone is only ever switched on if I am out of my house for any reason.

    But as I rarely leave my home [just the odd half hour across to the little shop maybe twice a week, plus necessary regular vet visits], I have the choice of either being online, chatting to people or reading online newspapers etc, sitting in front of the television [which I might as well not have as the sound is too blurred for me], or reading a book.

    And both television and reading books make my eyes ache.

    So I would say that I am online most of my waking hours.

    Boring old biddy that I am!

  5. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    I do have an all singing all dancing phone but I only use it for phone calls and texts. I go online most days but nip in and out as and when. I hate when people keep looking at their phone or text when you're talking to them, I usually say "you can go now cos I'm obviously boring you" it seems to have the desired effect as they either pack it in or leave, and I ain't bovvered which:p
  6. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    ...too long :lol:

    I get up, get out of bed and straight to email. While working, I have the browser and email open and now even iMessage is on the computer :roll: :lol:

    I don't use my phone to go online if I am out with anyone tho - you often see people do that and I think it's really rude :p
  7. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    I don't have a mobile as I'd have to drive 12 miles to get a signal. I usually go online around 6.30 am whilst Georgina is outside and Chloe is still fast asleep. That's it until late afternoon when I'll go online for another hour (if I'm lucky). At present the weekend is when I spend most time on the computer but that will shortly come to an end because when the weather gets better I'll be spending most of my time growing my veggies, tending the flower beds and either freezing or making jam and pickles for next winter.
  8. alice0675

    alice0675 New Member

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    :eek: Looks like I am in the minority.

    Wonder what everyone did before we got all these fancy gadgets :lol:
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I would not call my basic mobile phone a fancy gadget - my original one could not even send or receive texts and my current one just about manages those [but I do not which is why I do not text] and also takes photos. Only I do not know how to do those either.

    Maybe my computer is a gadget? But it is the only way I have in keeping in contact with the outside world, so I would call it a necessity rather than a gadget.

    Before I had a computer I used to watch television, although until I moved into this bungalow I was without a television for about ten years. There are no libraries anywhere although there used to be one in town but it did not have any books in English. No second-hand book stores either. What I did some years back was put an advertisement in the then only English language newspaper asking for unwanted second-hand books. As there was a very cheap postage rate for used books up to a weight of 25kg, I sometimes was sent a load of books. Never knew what might arrive and most were not of much interest, but they were better than nothing.

    But now I have my computer and

  10. toondogs

    toondogs New Member

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    Maybe half an hour in the morning to skim the news and see what the weathers doing. If the wife's watching the soaps I stick on my head phones and listen to some music or watch something on the other side online :rolleyes:

    Thats about it really, my phones a brick so couldn't go online if I wanted to.
  11. katygeorge

    katygeorge Member

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    not when i with people. i hate that. i had a paddy on news years eve as every 10 mins my mates were checking facebook and it drove me mad. At home im online alot as my hubby watches rubbish things on tv
  12. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    I have just dragged myself into the 21st century and got an iPhone. I have to say I love it, although I don't have mobile reception where I live, but it means I can check emails or have a quick peek online when I am out and about. I like the fact I can post realtime photos of where I happen to be - usually with a dog or two in tow :D

    I often pop online while eating my lunch, but my main online time is in the evening when all the day's jobs are done. The internet has taken over from the TV for me, and I hardly watch anything on the tele anymore, but would rather spend my time online - and it is 99% dog related :)

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