American Bullies Photos

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Kitkat_, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. Laurabehjet

    Laurabehjet New Member

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    Still think they look like pit bulls.. Sorry.

    Not that I have anything against them, I don't believe in breed specific legislation but just know it would end badly for these guys if introduced into the uk.
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  3. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    Personally I do not like exaggerated features in any breed - just give me a good ol fashioned fit and agile dog any day of the week :)

    I'm not sure why you think posting these photos perpetuates the abuse Baxter - I would think it does the opposite - as it is showing how they are not acceptable by so many people seen in this thread ;)
  4. Baxter8

    Baxter8 New Member

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    Sandy (Baxter8 )
    Azz - I think there is another unsavoury section of the community that look at and distribute pictures from the internet claiming "it wasn't my fault officer, I was only looking at the pictures"

    The pictures have already been posted previously (the really grotesque ones) and many participants were disturbed by them the first time around. I find it offensive that the OP would post them yet again - the dogs are victims of cruelty, I don't want to see that on a dog-lovers site.

    I agree with you - a fit and agile dog does it for me every time.

  5. Lacey10

    Lacey10 New Member

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    If you were looking at something on tv you found offensive,surely you would change channel:017:
    Don't LOOK at the pics if you don't like them.....simples:grin:
  6. Kitkat_

    Kitkat_ Member

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    I dont know how many people saw those pictures? I do not remember every name from that thread... By showing the pictures it is educating, brushing it under the carpet isnt going to help anyone or those dogs. The more people that see the disgusting state of the dogs being bred the more can be don about it. Also yes there is a big campaign going on to end BSL, next protest is 2nd of November, Richmord Terrace in London :grin:

    Also these pictures are part of a series on a Facebook group, the series is called "WTF of the day" and all those dogs were claimed to be Pit Bulls, I wouldnt give any of the breeders the time of day by visiting their websites

    Thank you Azz :grin: I'm with you, give me a nice working APBT any day of the week :007:
  7. Kitkat_

    Kitkat_ Member

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    I know its a hard balance, you dont want innocent dogs to be mindlessly ripped away from families and killed but at the same time if people could freely get their hands on game bred APBT it would be a complete disaster :(

    Obviously the Am Bullies look similar to Pit Bulls because they were bred from them but they are a lot chunkier, heavier, less active, not "game", and usually all blue!




  8. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    I think if people are looking for such photos they will find them anyway - a quick google will return loads. I would rather them come here and see how people highlight why they're not a good idea, than go on a site where they see otherwise.

    Just imagine if all the good sites (like Dogsey) banned them - then that would only leave the bad sites promoting them, so it would work against your position as there would be little to no discussion about the flaws.

    That's how I look at it anyway :)
  9. Baxter8

    Baxter8 New Member

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    Sandy (Baxter8 )
    Azz - whilst I don't like images of these dogs appearing anywhere, I take on board what you say and shall as another poster has suggested avoid looking at them!


  10. Mattie

    Mattie New Member

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    The first 5 pictures look like the dogs have just done quite a bit of exercise, many animals muscles stand out when exercised, this photo looks like the dog hasn't just been exercised. The photo below it again the dog hasn't been exercised. The second dog is Cyril, my Staffy who looks remarkably similar to the other dog.

    American Bull Dogs look like a cross of Staffy and Boxer to me, there are loads in the uk and they are not Pit Bulls


  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    American Bull Dogs are not the same as "American Bullies".
  12. Mattie

    Mattie New Member

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    It is very easy to develop muscles on the dogs, first a heavy chain round their necks will build up the neck and shoulder muscles, depending on the weight of the chain how big the muscles get. The dogs are also encouraged to jump up and hold onto something and swing, again this builds up muscles. Many are also put on a treadmill to get them fit. Cyril will jump up and swing on something if he gets the chance, I try to avoid him doing that but I have had to take the door handles off my doors to stop him.:lol:
  13. Baxter8

    Baxter8 New Member

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    Sandy (Baxter8 )
    I think our staffies are predisposed to be muscular. The dogs in the second lot of pictures are grotesquely abnormal though don't you think.

    Having to remove the door handles - gave me a smile that only a fellow staffie owner could understand.

  14. Caramel

    Caramel New Member

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    Sorry, I must admit I have not read all the posts, but the first question that sprang to my mind when reading

    "this is what they SHOULD look like" was:

    "So they all SHOULD be leaning heavily into the lead, trying to get their owner off their legs?"

    The pictures of those "monstrosities" (sorry, I can't think of any other word) that were posted below of what those poore creatures acutally do look like ar my personal Top10 of the most ugly dogs ever. They look like some idiots really needed a penis enlargement and for lack of that created these caricatures of what a healthy and loving dog should look like.
  15. Mattie

    Mattie New Member

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    I adore Pit Bulls, they are fantastic dogs, very loyal but do need to be trained and exercised, isn't that true of every dog not just Pit Bulls. It was a dog that wasn't trained or exercised who had me off my mobility scooter several months ago, thankfully I don't have brittle bones or I many never have walked again and would spend the rest of my life in a nursing home. The 2 Weimaraners who attacked and caused Joe to have panic attacks which lead to seizures later in the day were not trained. I could go on and on, no matter what breed of dog you have it needs training and exercise.

    There wasn't a problem with Pit Bulls until the same idiots who are destroying the name of Staffies, Akitas, ABDs, Huskies etc are doing now. 2 of the breeds in the DDA have never been in this country. A Pit Bull never killed anyone until after the DDA, that made them valuable dogs to the idiots.

    I used to have a photo of 2 dogs looking in a mirror as Pit Bull type dogs, one was a Labrador the other a Chi, both breeds fit the criteria for Pit Bulls as quite a lot of breeds do.


  16. Florence

    Florence New Member

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    This is so true, thank you Mattie!
  17. lovemybull

    lovemybull Member

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    Malka and Azz like this.
    I hadn't looked at these postings before. I've been involved in bully advocacy for several years now. Enjoying most of the pictures. Obviously I can't say enough against those ignorant monsters that breed the "mutants" however.

    My dear boy has tank sized proportion but nothing like some of those more extreme chested guys. Callie is 3 years old yet has the knees of an elderly dog. I don't want to even imagine the orthopedic problems some of the dogs pictured must suffer from.

    An interesting observation however. If you own and/or are a fan of bulls in general you look at those faces and see the gigantic smile. For people who fear bullies that's the same face that is so terrifying. It's all about individual perception.
  18. Adjecyca

    Adjecyca New Member

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    Kitkat_ likes this.
    WOW i am surprised how many people think the original dogs posted are gross :( i think they are BEAUTIFUL dogs and i love a nice muscular bully. They are not on steroids (it is genetics)and bullies are VERY nice loving family pets...
  19. lovemybull

    lovemybull Member

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    I wouldn't say they are gross. They have lovely faces and I could love them all. The point is that responsible dog breeders create lineage to be healthier not more crippled. As I said, my boy's chest is modest compared to some of the dogs pictured above, yet he has orthopedic problems that will eventually require surgery. I feel that is a direct result of someone's misguided attempt to create meatier and beefier. If you own a young dog who can barely do steps or get up on a bed or chair then you understand.
  20. Adjecyca

    Adjecyca New Member

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    I am not talking about the really short dogs, i am talking about the dogs that were first posted, the classic and xl bullies are not dogs who can 'barely do steps or go up the stairs' and my dog, who is a classic American bully like the ones in the original post does GREAT exercise wise, the dogs are FAR from crippled, the last bunch of dogs the "extreme and exotic bullies" i disagree with their breeding, but the classic and XLs in the original post are BEAUTIFUL and far from crippled as long as the breeder is being responsible about the homes they give to or do proper health testing there is nothing wrong with breeding them :) People are saying they are gross and on steroids because they are muscular, i find that kind of sad considering i own a muscular American bully [​IMG]

    I would also like to add that regardless of breed, irresponsibly bred dogs are more likely to have health problems, people breeding bullies and doing OFA and Pennhip testing on them, nothing wrong with that, it isn't the fact that they are muscular that is hurting the dogs, it is the bad breeding practices and not health testing
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2015
  21. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I have to say the dogs posted looked to condition (beefed up as fighting dogs) I have previously owned 6 Pit bulls way back in the 60's/70's & they were nothing like the so called pit bulls of today, the same as the American Bully they are far to beefed up these days compared to the one's I knew in the 60's/70's.

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