What is a good dog breed for me? Which breed for me?

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by AndrewT1993, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. misskatie20

    misskatie20 New Member

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    Staffordshire bull terrier?
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  3. AndrewT1993

    AndrewT1993 New Member

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    I was thinking something along those lines in the "pit bull" family. But don't insurance companies raise your rates or drop you if you own one of these "dangerous" pit breeds?
  4. Wild storm

    Wild storm New Member

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    a weimerana is a brilliant dog to have..i have a longhaired one and he is great..he is protective, active and they fetch..a female are'nt too big, thats my opinion anyway :)
  5. Dobionekenobi

    Dobionekenobi New Member

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    I would imagine that if a Dobermann is too big, then a Weim will be too...
  6. Dobionekenobi

    Dobionekenobi New Member

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    Just a thought but are you thinking of getting a pup? I just wonder if a rescue might be a better plan because then you have more of an idea of the qualities of the dog, your wife might be more flexible because she can actually meet the dogs and get to know them - you never know, she might fall in love with one and you get a bigger dog than you thought you might otherwise!!! Although breeds tend to have certain characteristics you always find odd ones who don't comform so you might think you are buying a breed who wants to run who just doesn't grow up like that! If you take on a slightly older rescue you can look for one who likes running and conforms to your other ideals.
    The other reason why i think this might be a very good idea is that although puppies are full of energy and often want to run and run, in most breeds it is not a wise idea to over exercise them for at least the first year of their lives - you risk doing serious long time damage to their joints.
  7. misskatie20

    misskatie20 New Member

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    I have no idea about insurance in america, but wasn't aware pit bulls were considered dangerous in the US.
    Since staffy is a different breed maybe it wouldn't affect insurance.
    When I read your desired traits I just thought my dog could fit every one of them and she is staff cross american bull (well supposed to be anyway she's more staff than anything else). Suppose it depends on individual dog.
    I know staffordshire bull terriers are known to be loyal and they really are great family dogs, but unfortunatley have bad reps.
    What about a pit bull? might be worth looking into the insurance side of things, if I was living in america I think I'd get a pit bull. Just think they are fabulous dogs when brought up properly.
  8. Wild storm

    Wild storm New Member

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    Weimara bitches are just abit smaller than dobes but each to their own i guess :)

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