Tell me about your Dobermann General Chat

Discussion in 'Dobermann' started by kammi_sparky123, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Tell me about your Dobermann

    First off, what is the plural for Dobermann? :lol:

    Okay so basically recently I have been introduced to the Dobermann. I always knew they existed and what they were :lol: but I mean I had never really looked into them or researched them in any way, and was only when a colleague at work said about how amazing they were that I was then "introduced" to them lol.

    As you may or may not know, when I move out I will be getting a second dog (circumstances allowing, but to be fair as I already have one dog, adding a second wouldn't be a major step lol as I would already be making allowances/arrangements for Alfie anyway).

    I was just wondering more about your Dobermann(s?) as it really isn't a breed I had looked into before! All I know so far is what the woman at work told me about them as she has had a few! :) So I have had some good information so far, but just wondering about others experiences?

    How active are they/how much daily exercise do they need? (Physical and mental).

    How are they with people/other dogs? (In general).

    Are they easily trainable?

    Health issues?

    Anything else?

    Andddd of course, pictures! :D

    ETA: Oh and what are other peoples reactions to you when you are out with them?
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  3. tattoogirl73

    tattoogirl73 New Member

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    hiya. the first thing I'd suggest is that if you have a male dog already I would get a female Doberman because male on male aggression is very common with the breed. they are a very intelligent breed and can be easy to train but they like to do things their way. they're very playful, and mine would happily walk for hours but on the rare occasions that I can't walk him will chill out in the house. they are very much velcro dogs. get used to having company in the bathroom, and don't be fooled by the size because they are total lapdogs :grin: I find people think Opie is friendlier when he is walking with smaller dogs than when we are on our own. I'd add pictures but I haven't worked out how to do that on my kindle yet :)
  4. fluffybunnyfeet

    fluffybunnyfeet New Member

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    Some people really love them, they will come up and chat to you and make a big thing of it and a fuss of your dog(s), other less knowledgable types tend to take a detour when they see them
  5. LauMeur

    LauMeur New Member

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    Hi :)

    I got a dobie some moths ago, but I've been around them for four years because my ex has had dobies since I met him. They're very, very, very loving. But they're also very protective and loyal. At the beginning he had to adult females and they accepted me almost immediately, a week after I met them they were already playing with me a lot, and a month later they would even go take walks with me (without my exb). Years passed and I can even say that they love me now :p They still get super exited when I visit and sad when I leave.

    The dobie I have now is the son of the youngest female I was talking about. He's also very loving, he follows me anywhere (and I mean it), and he gets along just fine with my older dog a male golden retriever. I can tell you he didn't have any aggression issues with the retriever, in any case it was the other way around (the older male, a retriever IS aggressive sometimes).

    He does need a lot of attention and lots of exercise. If you don't take them out to run daily, they get naughty and destroy everything you happen to misplace :p That and the following you around everywhere seems to be a general characteristic of the breed.

    IMO they're totally worth the attention needing :D

    His name is Zeus and here he is with his "I didn't do it" face:
  6. LauMeur

    LauMeur New Member

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    My Zeus is sooo used to follow me into the bathroom that when I go out, he's seen scratching the bathroom door thinking that I'm inside and not letting him in :044:
  7. Dobermonkey

    Dobermonkey New Member

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    Hes my very soul on 4 legs.

    24 hours in a day is just not long enough for him to be with me. He would stand and have you rub his chin (chin only, not belly or head or elsewhere) for all of those 24 except of course for at least an hour of no holds barred full speed runnage.

    He has me so well trained I can actually read what he wants me to do just by the way he looks at me or licks my face or talks to me.

    He is an absolute clown but no one gets near the front or back gate with out impressive verbal abuse

    Likes to throw himself on the floor and writh around drilling his bony head into my bare feet and generally makes a better door than he does a window (yes, they think they are lap dogs, I suggest if you get one also buy a 60in tv at the same time just so you dont miss your favourite programs!)

    Mine has no prey drive which is a blessing as he can be very demanding as it is without that on top!

    Health issues galore in the breed so careful breeder selection is paramount!
  8. DobieGirl

    DobieGirl New Member

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    Owned by Roxy and Tyler also known as "The Twins" lol

  9. DobieGirl

    DobieGirl New Member

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    Sorry in answers to your questions -

    How active are they/how much daily exercise do they need? (Physical and mental). 2-3 hours per day, preferably spread out.

    How are they with people/other dogs? (In general). - Ty loves everyone and everything. Roxy is not fond of children but always been good with dogs.

    Are they easily trainable? - Yes although too intelligent, wont do the same thing too many times, it bores them. You need to keep their minds active!

    Health issues? Tyler has hayfever, Roxy recently diagnosed with Lymphoma :(

    Anything else? I hate to self advertise, but if you want a first hand opinion I have just published a book on what it's been like raising Roxy and Tyler. It's called "The Twins" and found on various websites.

    Reactions when out and about? Much better since the dogs are older and keep themselves to themselves. I used to get very angry when they were younger and people would run off screaming, now I just expect it lol
  10. KarenT11

    KarenT11 New Member

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    I have a doberman cross anatolian. A very active on the go dog. She is 20 weeks old
    Very intelligent too.
  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Karen, this thread is seven years old.

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