Does anyone have any experience with these? I just found out about the breed at Discover Dogs yesterday and just wondered if anyone has ever owned/met one?
They look cute, I have never come across one though. Malka may have, I see it is considered the national breed of Isreal and that's where she comes from.
Be sure to check out our breed profile too: Canaan Dog Info, there are some lovely photos submitted by our members at the bottom as well
Thanks had a look good info up there and I love the pictures <3 What were they like? I have had a read up and from what I've read they can be a but iffy with "rude" dogs (which I'm used to with my dog). What are their energy levels like? Were they hyper a lot or not too bad? Thank you
I have never seen a Kna'ani as a pet, nor do I know anyone who has/has had one, but I have seen them with Bedouin on the way to Be'er Sheva, and have also seen some with the IDF.
We very nearly went for a Canaan 16 years ago before we got Hal, our deceased wolf cross. We met up with the couple who then were the only breeders of Canaan's in the country, a lovely couple, and met their principle stud dog, Digger. The one thing that put us off and made us go down the WC route was that the males tend to be quite aggressive towards other dogs, and with our daughter only been 8 and tiny for her age, we wanted to get a dog that she would be possibly less intimidated by. We were very taken with them - we met a whole load of the dogs, not just Digger, and they were lovely.