St Bernard General Chat

Discussion in 'St. Bernard' started by x-clo-x, Oct 30, 2012.

  1. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    St Bernard

    Do we have any on dogsey?

    I don't know much about them (bar the classic beathoven film :lol: )

    We have a Newfoundland in work who is beautiful and I have fallen head over heels for her, but we don't have any st Bernard's and I actually have no idea why they are like as a breed to own.

    I've seen them at crufts with their bibs on, but have never seen one on normal day to day life, and thought it would be nice with them not being that common, to have a bit of info and maybe some pictures of them on here.
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  3. Niccie

    Niccie New Member

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    My mum has two - I never wear clean clothes to visit or anything black!
    And avoid them at all costs after they have had a drink!

    One of them loves to stay clean - the other doesn't!!


    They are a bit older now but some photos of when they were puppies...





    Apparently the local vets have refused to spey the female due to her size and she has four phantom pregnancies a year :cry:
    I don't think the phantoms are breed specific, and a more sensible person than my mother would probably seek out a more knowledgeable vet!
  4. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    Oh wow! They are truly beautiful! Did your mm have both pups at the same time?! Bet that was fun!

    I do love them, they have such beautiful faces. I don't know if I could deal whole slobber and hair issue, but then the Newfie at work isn't too bad, so maybe a Bernard wouldnt be as bad as the image I have in my head?!
  5. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    I love St Bernards - and your mums are stunning Niccie :049:

    We met one at the vets, and I know they are big - but I was not expecting them this size, he dwarfed Rocky!

    How old are they now Niccie?
  6. Lynn

    Lynn Member

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    Beautiful dogs.

    Not for the faint hearted I believe.

    I have met two since owning Bernese and one was at training school because the man just couldn't handle him that was when Ollie young and he had a slightly iffy temperament a bit like Ollie unusual in the breed I think and the other still when we had Ollie it use to be walked near where we live and with a muzzzle. But on the whole like in Bernese it is rare to get with one with temperament issues I believe.

    Ollie did and Dillon does get mistaken for a St. Bernard I find it hard to see myself as the colouring is so different and the size too.
    I chose not to have a St or Newfie due to slobber issues but with Dillon who has very loose flews I probably wouldn't find much difference. Training and growing up I think they are all much the same too. Big and can be stubborn.

    How old is your mums girl Niccie is she maybe not finished with her growing so that is why they don't want to spey yet ? If she has done growing then I cannot see why they won't.
  7. Niccie

    Niccie New Member

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    She did - and it was a slight nightmare training them as the female (Bonnie) was really eager and willing but the boy (Beethoven) is a bit lazy!

    The hair isn't so bad to be honest and the slobber is only really a nightmare after they have had a drink or when they are on a walk. My mum does carry tissue with her everywhere to try and wipe the slobber before it gets her!

    She has recently taken in a Newfoundland pup as well (she is absolutely mental!) and the slobber levels seem to be similar :lol:

    They are 4 now I believe, I've not been in the area much since then so only have photographs from when they were puppies.

    You can kinda get a sense how big they are now from these photographs

    These guys don't come from a good breeder by any stretch of the imagination and are brother/sister but they are really loving sweet dogs. They do have a 'scary' bark for some which puts a lot of people off, and issues with other dogs coming over to one of them - the other will tend to 'ask the other dog to leave'


  8. Lynn

    Lynn Member

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    Thay are beautiful. I can't imagine why the vet won't spey the girl then as she over her growth period abnd it seems a shame if she keeps having phantoms.

    Your mum is a brave lady adding a newfie pup to the gang too.

    Dillon is awful for slobbr when walking and like you say after a drink I get it up the walls if he shakes his head.
  9. Niccie

    Niccie New Member

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    It is horrible on her, but my mum has used the same vet for X amount of years with various dogs - I was asking a friend of mine who is a vet and she thinks it may be because there isn't another surgeon at his practice to help out :-(

    Yeah no carpet around where the dogs go anymore :lol: I do love big dogs so I have to admit it doesn't bother me too much!
  10. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    When I win the lotto and get myself a few acres I will get a Moscow watchdog which was breed by the Russian army using a St Bernard x Caucasian Ovtcharka....
  11. Lynn

    Lynn Member

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    Wow impressive.
  12. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    They truly are wonderful dogs :007: I love giant breeds though. The chunkier the better :lol:
  13. sarah1983

    sarah1983 New Member

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    Oddly enough there are quite a few round here. Never really see them out on walks but occasionally see them pottering around on the grass outside the flats.

    I used to go to training class with 2 males and a female. The female and smaller male weren't too bad for drooling but the bigger one...oh my god. You needed an umbrella when George shook his head. The other two were rescues and had a few issues but George...:007: Lovely, lovely dog.
  14. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    See that would be my issue. I can cope with slobber, doesn't bother me, but I don't know if I could cope with slobber and long hair combo :lol:
  15. sarah1983

    sarah1983 New Member

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    The smooth coated ones don't have long hair at all. They have a pretty dense coat if I remember right but not long. Even the rough coats wouldn't be what I'd consider long haired. I think of breeds like Bearded Collies and Afghan Hounds when people mention long hair :lol:
  16. Duck

    Duck New Member

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    this is a breed i love and i havent seen many about a friend of mine had one and she was adorable, the slobber wouldnt bother me at all as i own a dane and he is a nightmare for slobber, i am put off slightly by the coat but i would never say never to owning one one day.
  17. PB&J

    PB&J New Member

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    A couple near me keep Newfies and St Bernards, I sometimes see them out and about and when I'm walking the dogs. Two things that have become apparent - they don't live long; their previous St B died age five and the younger Newfie followed not that long after :( And the other thing is they smell very strongly of dog :lol: I've passed them on the street before and the whiff has followed me lol. It's not unpleasant, just a very strong dog smell. Then again I suppose plenty might say the same of my two, I guess it's what you're used to.
    They are incredibly sweet though, true gentle giants. Gelert finds them a bit unnerving though because of their size.
  18. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    maybe its the slobber because the 2 Neo mastiffs i met stunk to high heaven the owner had a beer towl in his belt to clean there chops
  19. PB&J

    PB&J New Member

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    Slobber and all that hair in the case of St Bernards - bad combination lol.
  20. spockky boy

    spockky boy New Member

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    The Newfies we get in to groom do smell stronger than other breeds of dog. Can find it hard to get the smell out, due to their coat type too.
  21. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    Maybe I don't necessarily mean long haired, more the fact how much the moult? It makes me chuckle that they wear bibs at crufts :lol:

    A woman I know who had a DDB carrie a beer towel round :lol:

    think that's my thinking :lol:
    I don't think newfies smell though, Rosie doesn't anyway :lol: ive never been around a st Bernard in real life.

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