A rant about a dog - American Bully Controversial

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Lugavnoff, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Lugavnoff

    Lugavnoff New Member

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    A rant about a dog - American Bully

    Earlier tonight, I stumbled upon a picture of an American Bully.

    The American Bully is mistaken for the American Pit Bull Terrier, Bulldog, Boxer, Mastiff, etc.

    The American Bully has become a very impure "breed".

    They are being inbred so often they are becoming infertile, therefore being forced to breed with other breeds, like Frenchies, Bulldogs, Mastiffs, etc.

    I am a fan of the "real" American Bully; good structure, strong, muscular, relatively healthy, and most of all - great companionship.

    Because of the inbreeding in the Bully breed, they are forming more and more mental and physical health issues and deformities.

    I will post a picture of a "standard" American Bully, and what people now call an "exotic" Bully.

    As you probably already know, most breeds have a standard to go by. The American Bully's standard is slowly (or quickly in some cases) dying.

    The exotic Bully's are out-crossed and inbred to the point of being unable to breed or function properly.

    The Bully I came across tonight goes by the name of "Freakshow".

    This dog has some VERY noticeable physical deformities - for any breed standard.

    He is at the moment one of the top exotic Bullies around, and is passing these traits on to all of the offspring he has.

    When I saw his picture on a open board, I mentioned how some of the health issues or physical deformities could cause problems, are very noticeable, how (in my opinion) he should not be bred, and should be neutered.

    Rather than backing up his dog, telling me he has been vet checked, etc, he called me obese, had Diabetes, was going to take a heart attack when I ate my next burger, and that I was going to joke on a twinkie (I haven't even had a twinkie until this yeah, haha!)

    Anyways, needless to say he ignored my health concerns for the dog.

    He had a lot of other people telling me off, and they all said the dog could jump six feet, out run any game dog, etc.

    When I told him I was unable to accept the fact that his dog was healthy without seeing xrays, seeing vet checks, etc, he went on to tell me how obese I was again.

    This other fellow than joined in and said some of the most shocking things I have ever read coming from a "breeder".

    I say "breeder" because they are only money mongering ByBs.

    Anyways, this is what he said to me regarding the dogs health (note: I will block "bad words" and names):

    "(Kennel name): (My name)..listen... U made ur point already! Now can u please shut the hell up so my phone stops vibrating! F**K! Who gives a **** if the dog is healthy or not there's nothing u or anybody can do to change it."

    I was quite shocked seeing this.

    Anyways, I just had to rant, or vent somehow. I'm not sure where this should have been posted, but I hope you all understand!

    I will post a picture of a Standard American Bully, and a picture of the dog I am referring to in this post.

    Here is a standard American Bully, photo from TheBullyMethod:

    Here is an "exotic" American Bully:

    And here is "Freakshow", the dog in the post:
    Yes, he has no tail and the standard calls for a tail (he had a kink tail which he passes on to almost ALL of his offspring)

    Look at his elbows? I have never seen anything like that.

    That does not look like a healthy dog to me. He is obese on top of all the other issues he has.

    Anyways, that is all I have to say about this!:x

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  3. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Search Xxxl pitbulls on this site ..
  4. Lugavnoff

    Lugavnoff New Member

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    They are screwing with the breed standard too much. Saying pocket, micro, standard, exotic, xl, etc. They are hurting the dogs trying to get what they want. There is a video on facebook of this dogs offspring who's tongue is blue from lack of oxygen, and you can physically see his elbows popping in and out of place as he turns around. It's disgusting.
  5. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    They are banned in the uk ,so have never see this new type in the flesh,,
  6. Lugavnoff

    Lugavnoff New Member

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    It's disturbing and sad, and should be considered abuse owning and breeding and inbreeding dogs this deformed.
  7. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    It goes on in loads of breeds, Legs to short,,backs roached ,faces flat ,to much wrinkle and so on,,
  8. Ben Mcfuzzylugs

    Ben Mcfuzzylugs

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    Yes it should be - in many breeds
    The problem is the people in that side of the breed dont see problems with what they are creating
    So many breeds are being bred horrifically, it has to be stopped, just cos we can alter dogs so easilly and so quickly dosent mean we should
  9. labradork

    labradork New Member

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    Good grief...that has got to be the most unattractive dog I have ever seen. Whoever bred that should be ashamed of themselves.
  10. Dobionekenobi

    Dobionekenobi New Member

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    American bulldogs are perfectly legal in England.
  11. krlyr


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    I think they may possibly fall foul of "Pitbull Type" - unfortunately the BSL applies to dogs that look similar to a Pitbull rather than just the breed itself. I certainly wouldn't want to take the risk with an of-standard Bully.

    I'm not sure why OP feels the need to attack someone's dog, not just to the owner but on random internet forums too :? A generalised rant about the decline of breed standards, sure, but to pick a specific individual's dog and then criticize both the dog and owner on forums where the owner cannot give their side of the story seems off to me :?
  12. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    they are pitbulls ...
  13. Dobionekenobi

    Dobionekenobi New Member

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    The OP clearly states they are American bullys, standard and this strange exotic version. NOT the pit bulls they can be mistaken for.
    However krlyr is totally correct in that owning a breed of this sort does, sadly, run the risk of being mistaken for a pit type and all the potential problems that may cause.
  14. Dobionekenobi

    Dobionekenobi New Member

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    PS just to add, if you do want my tuppence, in this case i would agree that the dogs actually do look more pit than american bully but i am only going on the OP's statement.
  15. krlyr


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    American Bullys are a fairly new, non-KC/AKC recognised breed consisting of Pitbulls, Staffies and bulldogs apparently though. If Labradors were a banned breed in the UK then I imagine Labradoodles would be a potentially illegal breed as a result, since Labradoodles are essentially Lab crosses.
    If the law specifically banned Pitbulls then I could see a possible argument that a Bully would be legal but the BSL bans "types" not breeds. According to the below, even some American Bulldogs have been deemed "of type"
  16. Dobionekenobi

    Dobionekenobi New Member

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    I stand totally and utterly corrrected. Apologies! Having grown up knowing American bulldogs (and always having referred to them as American bullys) i utterly made the assumption!!!
  17. JoedeeUK

    JoedeeUK Member

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    Does the OP have permission to use the photos ? Do they have the copyright ? If they don't they shouldn't have put them on their photobucket account :-(
  18. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    An american bulldog and an american bully are different breeds... These are a cross of pits and low rider staffs ..
  19. Ben Mcfuzzylugs

    Ben Mcfuzzylugs

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    They look more toad than dog :(
  20. Dobionekenobi

    Dobionekenobi New Member

    Likes Received:
    Hence my apology!

    But i do agree with feeling uncomfortable about ranting about someone elses dogs in this manner and posting someone else photos. I'm not entirely sure what the OP hopes to achieve.
  21. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    I posted while you posted ..lol plus on my phone it deleys ..

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