This fella is in a RSPCA rescue as a Dobe cross i just wondered if you Doberman peeps out there thought he was just a blue colour rather than cross ...
Looks like a blue to me. Maybe someone should drop them a line and point out that potentially passing on a blue dobe as a weim x isnt really a good thing given the potential coat issues
What age would you say ?? He is down as 7 but i with the tail intact i thought he would be younger ...
hard to tell my boy is 6 next week and still gets mistaken for younger (maybe thats just the way he acts!) ive seen a few older one with full tails so bit of a guessing game i cant see any wear and tear on elbow skin so would have thought younger possibly unless hes had a life of creature comforts thus far?
I thought he looked quite young tbh. Milan is 5 nearly 6 and has a full tail so not really a guide as quite a few breeders didn't dock before the ban. He's got lovely short nails though.
100% Blue Dobe. Dobe x Weims are usually solid colour with no markings, more often than not they are brown.
It was RSPCA Lincolnshire Mid and Lincoln Branch... He is not on the list any more so he has been either rehomed or reserved ....