what can people tell me about them? we get 4 in at work as our day dogs and i must say ive taken a liking to them. they seem very intelligent dogs, and very loving too, the only thing i have noticed about them is they seem quite sensitive. other than that i dont know much, and I'd certainly like to know more.
I think it depends which lines they are from as to how sensitive they are my Dads old GSP was far from sensitive and my boy I would not say was too sensitive either. Intelligent yes! I think it makes them rewarding to train. Mine can open doors and stair gates... But he's also pretty biddable though his love of food has made training easier! They tend not to be as dizzy / giddy as vizslas and settle down in the house better and are over grown lap dogs. There are different lines with different amounts of drive and as you probably know they are a popular hpr so you've got quite a lot to choose from! HTH
thanks for the reply. ive noticed just between the ones at work at there are different temperments and drives. we have a girl who is very sensitive and constantly comes for reassurance, or if the other dogs are playing a bit rough etc. they are really nice, and they come a close second to a weimaraner for me i think lookswise and what ive learnt about them so far.
Weims are very beautiful too I agree the GSP is my fav for a few reasons tho ETA: Oh also IF you ever consider getting a GSP a FEW people (far from all) can be very passionate about their favorite lines and might put you off others so worth looking into a few different lines and making your own mind up !
i dont know enough about GSPs to decide yet, where as ive been researching weims for the past 2 years!
I have had 2 now and they were totally different. My first bitch was very laid back and a bit of a couch potato, unlike Ollie who is a high drive workaholic. He does have an off switch but he would happily work all day and all night given the chance.