Some fantastic photos among this lot I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. I will post a few at a time, as there are quite a few. A rather infamous man and his GSD
Fab photos. I was trying to translate the caption on the 11th photo "sanitsat hunde beider rast". Nearest i could get was "Sanitary dog at the races". It may also mean "Ambulance dog at the races". I have one or two older photos, will scan them when i get a minute. thanks for posting these
Glad you all enjoyed them as much as I did. The source where I got them has more, so I may add to the thread.
Thanks so much for posting these fantastic photos. The phrase 'man's best friend' came to mind looking at these dogs working along side their human companions. I especially loved the one with the little girl kissing her big friend also the one where all the dogs are queueing up with what looks like their food bowls ready for dinner.
fantastic history lesson Moobli. it just shows what an incredible breed, we love. more please. ( Moobli's historical mystery tour!)
Haha thanks all. Glad you are enjoying the photos. I will dig around and see what others I can find. I have seen the vid you posted before Murf
Thanks Murf - this is brilliant! And although I'm not a Schutzhund person I tend to agree with the sentiment!