After having looked at a number of breeds I have really taken a shine to Dachshunds and I have lots of time to research before I get a dog as I am currently jobless and would not buy a dog till then. Their pictures simply don't do them justice. Seeing them in the flesh is like looking at a different breed almost. I have been reading up about them on the Kennel Club website and and they certainly fit the bill of what I am looking for. Can anyone recomend books to buy, articles to read, websites to look at? I have all ready asked about things like health tests in the past.
They are a great loyal and stubborn little dog. I have 2 of the breed. Both rescues, one mini and one standard size. I recommend getting them from a reputable breeder, and if you do go with a rescue understand that there problems become your problems. I love both of mine, but with them both coming from a rescue, they have their issues. They are lovable, but my mini is a head case due to the abuse she had at the hands of a despicable breeder. My standard was pushing out litters and was kept in an outdoor kennel with a chicken wire floor and has feet problems. Both are potty trained, but still will go inside if it suits them (rain or snowy weather mostly). Good luck .
I am sure that Tassle would let you come down here and practice on the one she has. You may go home minus a few fingers but you would meet a REALLY challenging dog! rune
There are also, IME, differences in temperament and outlook between the coats (much like BSD) of the breed. I like the wiry ones myself.
I second that, not for the faint hearted, if you are not up for a challenging dog, forget it, remember no matter how cute they are they are hounds,,, little dogs with big noses and will follow that nose with a vengeance.
Absolutely the 3 coats are all totally different in every way. As I have mentioned before really look at the breeding too. Mine is imported stuff and it is TOTALLY different temperament to the vast majority in the UK showring. Is a lot more challenging, but more true to how they should be (and much more fun). We have to just be one step ahead of them all the time (and sometimes we lag lol) And I have to add, hand on heart someone without much experience would really struggle with one of mine - he can be a real git. IT wouldn't take much of the wrong handling to turn him into quite a nasty little thing
I agree great little dogs with a big personality, can be a challenge to train but very very loving and when you have four running around play fighting it can get a bit noisy wouldn’t be without them though.
I have two standard Wire Haired and they are adorable. I was told they were stubborn and never let them off lead but honestly mine are a dream. One will never leave my side but Hector will go off exploring but never far enough so he can't see me. Their recall is spot on. The only time they are loathed to come is at the end of a walk when I want to put leads on. They are have a good level of obidience and Hector was so easy to house train. They only flaw if you can call it that is, if allowed they can think themselves top dog so they need to know you are leader. Personally, I only like the wirey breed but they are lovely dogs and I'm sure you will love them too.
my wife and i recently got a grey and tan mini dachshund smooth haired, and while she has been an unbelieveable challenge to housebreak, brena is a sweet little puppy that loves everybody. she gets along really well with our older lab mixes chuk and katie. so far so good. i am still learning about dachshunds since the only dogs i have ever had have been labs and lab mixes.
brena got her adult shots finally from dr. halsey, who said she was in great shape and perfect weight. i am very pleased about this because i don't want her developing back problems when she gets older.
What a a beautiful little dog - I love her colour. My friend's family have dachshunds - they say they'd never have anything else.
our vet dr. halsey calls her "blue and tan", but the breeder called her "grey and tan". she does look kinda bluish doesn't she? her eyes are sort of a blue/grey in color. very pretty looking eyes. dr. halsey says they don't get too many dachsies with her color in his practice.
we put her rabies tag on her collar today and she was soooo cute trying to walk backwards to grab it. then all of a sudden she just gave up and now she is beginning to ignore it. i think katie helped her with this.
my wife and i both love puppy breath! btw, brena has VERY nice soft smooth fur, which i hope she keeps as she grows older. i love having her fall asleep on my lap and petting her.