Silken Windhounds, first show Photos

Discussion in 'Silken Windhounds' started by chaumsong, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. chaumsong

    chaumsong New Member

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    Silken Windhounds, first show

    The UK Silken Windhound Club are holding their first show next month, anyone interested in the breed this would be the place to see them. There are now 29 silkens in the country and 7 are coming over from the Netherlands so there should be a good turnout. The club are also producing a directory of every silken in the country. I've just sent my pics off so thought I'd include them here too :)

    Milly (Starborough Queen Amadala) 3 yrs

    Spice (Endevor Prince Valiant) 8 months

    and he's not mine but I love him, the other Silken in Scotland...
    Finlay (Starborough Sonnet) 2 yrs

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  3. SneaksyWhippet

    SneaksyWhippet New Member

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    Wow, Spice's colouring is very striking! What a handsome bunch.
  4. Muddiwarx

    Muddiwarx Member

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    Oh I wish it was nearer - one day I would love one or two of these
  5. Tass

    Tass New Member

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    Beautiful dogs :007: :007:

    Your's are much more Borzoi-looking than some photos I have seen of others.

    What are their shoulder heights? :)
  6. chaumsong

    chaumsong New Member

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    Hi Tass, Milly is 55 1/2cm, Spice 56 1/2 (8 months so may grow another centimetre or so) I haven't measured Finlay but he's a little smaller than Milly - I would guess he's 54ish. They're all within the standard although Milly is a little tall for a bitch :)
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    What elegant dogs! :007:
  8. Tass

    Tass New Member

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    Thanks Chaumsong. :)

    A little bit taller than whippets then?

    I know the Borzoi standard heights but I am not familiar with the Silkens.

    Gorgeous dogs. Can I steal Milly please? :007: :lol: :lol:
  9. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    Are these new? What are they - Borzoi crosses? :?
  10. Tass

    Tass New Member

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    I think they were developed in the US from Whippet x Borzois. A few of the original ones were short haired but the idea was to create a smaller Borzoi.

    I expect Chaumsong could give you a more complete history.:)

    I seem to recall they are the only breed with every individual DNA registered? Or have I got confused?:blush:

    I think they are lovely (especially Milly:lol: ) but some Borzoi people consider part of the true "Borzoi ness" IS their stature.
  11. chaumsong

    chaumsong New Member

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    You're right Tass, and Nooooo you can't have Milly - she's my little Princess :)

    ClaireandDaisy although a relatively new breed Silken Windhounds are a breed in their own right now, originally bred from borzois and 'long haired whippets' (LHW were thought to be whippet x sheltie) and as Tass says are the only breed with a fully DNA verified registry. Every silken has to be dna tested before breeding, very useful if any genetic faults occur like the MDR1 gene. They are recognised by a number of kennel clubs in different countries but not in the UK yet.

    There are silkens all over the world, with 29 in the UK now.
  12. chaumsong

    chaumsong New Member

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    I thought this was a wonderful pic to share, a silken windhound (Spice's brother Thief) and a borzoi, showing how alike they are in everything but size :)

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2012
  13. chaumsong

    chaumsong New Member

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    I've written this on another thread, but just to keep all the silken info on the one page thought I should copy it here too.

    Just a quick silken update, we've had a population explosion in the UK with 1 new import puppy from the states and a litter of 5 pups born last weekend, making the number of silkens in the UK now 35 :)

    This is the latest import, 17 weeks old. Alligante Jubilee of Cairdean


    and one of the latest litter of pups at Starborough


    The handbook from the show in Kent has been reprinted and I have a few copies to sell on behalf of the UK Club. It's a great book for anyone interested in the breed with a history of their development and a photo directory of the UK dogs and a lot of European ones too, as well as kennel ads etc. £10 or £12.50 posted.

    I took my pair over to Germany last weekend for the European silken show, we all enjoyed the trip immensely and brought home lots of goodies too.

    Here's Milly at the show, being spayed she had to go in the companion class and was BISS companion both days. She graded very good on Saturday and Excellent on Sunday.


    and Spice, he had to go in junior (9 to 18 months) and was 2nd both days. He was the same as Milly, VG Saturday, Excellent Sunday.

  14. spot

    spot New Member

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    They are beautiful looking dogs and Finlay is so like a miniture version of my Luki (now at the bridge) and certainly wouldn't take up as much room on the sofa:lol:
  15. Hanlou

    Hanlou New Member

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    Stunning looking dogs! :grin: xx

    What is their temperament like? x
  16. chaumsong

    chaumsong New Member

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    They are lovely little people, really sweet with people and dogs, I've never met a nasty one. Like most sighthounds they can appear a little shy to people who don't know them, they won't rush up to strangers to jump all over them - but they will quietly stand beside strangers to have their ears rubbed :grin:

    My 2 go everywhere off lead, meeting and mixing with lots of other dogs and people of all shapes and sizes without a problem, this is another thing that attracted them to me over my beloved borzois. They will play with other dogs who like to play chases, but if the other dog isn't interested they just walk past. If another dog growls or barks at them they will just walk on. My bitch has occasionally snapped at very persistent male dogs who insist on sticking their noses in her bottom, but I view that as completely acceptable :lol: she only ever air snaps and only when pushed. My dog has never once snapped at anything, even extremely rude dogs.

    My two don't get to see many young children, but they have been very gentle and tolerant with the ones they have met. A 3 year old girl down the park the other week was playing with them and wanted to take Spice, the youngster, for a walk. I clipped his lead on and he trotted along beside her very nicely 8)

    I'm completely smitten with them, they really are the perfect hounds for me.
  17. chaumsong

    chaumsong New Member

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    Silkens have been invited to take part in the rare breeds parade at The Houndshow this Saturday in Stafford.

    Anyone interested in the breed there will probably be about 7 silkens present, including my two.

    There is a fund raising event for breast cancer at the show and Milly is getting dressed up for it, any excuse to wear pink...

  18. Hanlou

    Hanlou New Member

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    Awww she looks very snazzy! :grin: xxx

    Thanks for the information - they sound like a thoroughly lovely breed, am very taken with them altogether. They truly are a really beautiful breed.

    I have pet rabbits who free range on my back yard so not sure sighthounds will ever be an option for me whilst they're around - but this is definitely a breed I'll bear in mind for the future. xxx :007: xxx
  19. Berger

    Berger New Member

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    Oh wow they are stunning. I always chatted with Eunice who sadly passed and was a member on Dogsey.
    She had two beautiful Borzoi.
    I used to love watching them in the ring.
    They are poetry in motion.
    Your windhounds are just amazing xx
  20. chaumsong

    chaumsong New Member

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    Yes, Eunice was a friend of mine for many years, she never got the chance to meet any silkens but I know she would have loved them too.
  21. chaumsong

    chaumsong New Member

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    There are now 36 silkens in the UK after the arrival of UKC Ch. Allagante Winsome Riviera on Sunday. River made the long journey from the USA to live with the Kushbudar hounds.

    Isn't he handsome :)

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