Tell me about your Labradors :) General Chat

Discussion in 'Labrador Retriever' started by kammi_sparky123, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Tell me about your Labradors :)

    How much exercise does yours get in a day?

    Is yours working or show lines?

    Do you feel safe when out walking with them if you are on your own?

    Roughly how much is your insurance if you have it?

    Any other info :D

    Also pics..... obviously :D
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  3. TabithaJ

    TabithaJ New Member

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    Dexter is a rescue so no idea which type he is - but he *looks* very much like a 'typical' working type. Much, much lighter in build, and leaner, and taller than your typical show Lab.

    He gets between 90 minutes and two hours a day, sometimes more. And he's what I would call a medium-energy Lab:mrgreen:

    The insurance is very expensive, I think; I opted for lifetime cover with PetPlan. Over £40 a month :005: :005: :005:

    Here are some recent pics; he's now around 2 and a half, we think :)


    Dex is on the right - on the left is Lucky, my brother's 11 yr old Lab:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2012
  4. labradork

    labradork New Member

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    1. Between 1 1/2 and 2 hours daily. Mostly walking (on and off lead), but also running around and playing with my other dog, training, swimming, and very occasionally biking (he is getting a bit too old and lazy to find biking 'fun' anymore!).

    2. Half working and half show, from a breeder who breeds for dual purpose Labs. Mum is all field trial bred, dad is mostly showbred but a working dog and a field trial winner.

    3. Depends what you mean? I suppose so as any large dog is physically a deterrent. He also has quite a menacing bark, which he can do on command. However in the event I was mugged, I suspect my Labrador would try and mug my attackers pockets for treats. Or wag his tail and bog off to scoff the closest pile of poo.

    4. Currently it is around £30 a month and that has slowly increased with age. He is 9 now.


    On the beach. He was probably 3 here.


    On the left here with a fellow Labby.


    A more recent pic in the snow, taken last year I think.
  5. sarah1983

    sarah1983 New Member

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    Spencer is 11 months old and we go out for about an hour to an hour and a half each day. Yeah, it's a bit longer than the 5 minutes per month but the walk we do would take about 45 minutes if it weren't for the stopping to train, stopping to sniff, stopping to take photos etc and the fact I walk slowly :lol:

    No idea what lines Spen is, all we know is that he was bred here in Germany.

    I don't really worry about my safety to be honest. It rarely occurs to me that something bad might happen to me. I suppose a largeish dog is a visual deterrent but Labs don't exactly have the reputation of being aggressive. And quite honestly I think Spen would be more likely to lick someone to death than bite.

    Insurance costs me £28 a month for the highest cover. We didn't shop around though, we found a company that will cover us in pretty much any posting and went with them.

    Spencer is driving me nuts at the moment. I feel like I'm forever taking something out of his mouth or distracting him before he can pick something up or stopping him from jumping up or mouthing. He's broken two of my fingers and dislocated my husbands shoulder. He's eaten several books, points out any cobweb that dare form in the house, picks up any bits I miss when hoovering and is pretty much on the go all day every day. Oh, and if there's water or mud around it's Spencers idea of heaven. And he very generously shares it with me and anyone else in the vicinity.

    Don't get me wrong, he's a great dog, very intelligent and willing to work, always seems so happy and ready to do something. I love him and think he's fantastic but he's bloody hard work at times.

    His favourite swimming hole.

    He was actually dirtier before the half hour walk home.

    Clean and dry for a change!
  6. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Thanks for all the info and pics! :D

    I was talking to a girl at work and mentioned how next time I will be getting a "labrador sized dog" and she went... "what about actually getting a labrador? :lol:" and if I'm honest, I hadn't even considered it until then :shock: :lol:
  7. TabithaJ

    TabithaJ New Member

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    Oh, Labs really are great fun :)

    And there are many, many loving and lovable Labs in rescues, so if you wanted to bypass the bouncy, mouthing stages, you could think about adopting one over the age of two......
  8. bellaluna

    bellaluna New Member

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    Luna will be 9 years old in a couple of days. She get's 2-3 hours exercise a day. Both of and on leash

    She's showline, but to skinny to show;-)

    What do you mean feel safe? Its not a protection dog.. :) I have no reason to not feel safe here:grin:

    I have a health insurance on Luna. Is that what you mean?

    A few pics



  9. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Next door have a labrador I used to walk before I got alfie, she is working lines and so ball obsessed she generally isn't allowed them! But she really is a gorgeous friendly dog :D

    I think, if I am totally honest, that I would probably get a puppy!

    I would love a male lab, but with Alfie being male is that a bad idea?

    ETA: bellaluna - no no I didn't mean as a protection dog :lol: I just meant that when I get a second dog I will be living on my own and walking on my own, and I would like to feel safe! Not in the sense they would bite or anything even close, just the presence... does that make more sense? :lol:
  10. sarah1983

    sarah1983 New Member

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    Heh, I dismissed Labs at first coz (please don't hate me!) I'm not a huge fan of how they look :blush: But when it comes down to the important things they tick all the boxes and I certainly don't regret changing my mind. I wouldn't say no to another Lab in the future although there are several other breeds I'd like too.
  11. Tarimoor

    Tarimoor Member

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    I've got two Labradors, who are half sisters. They are lovely steady characters, and go against all the information out there saying they are nutty just because of their colour - chocolate. I also have a flatcoated retriever, who is a complete clown, although the photos would have you believe otherwise.


    Left to right, Indie, Tau and Rhuna :)

    If you do go for a Labrador, make sure both parents have had the appropriate health test, my minimum would be hips, elbows, bva eye cert, cnm and gpra, eic is another one that many are testing for, although there's conflicting information/advice about it.
  12. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Thanks! :D
    I think I would get a black lab :)

    Thanks for the info on health testing! :D

    PS - such gorgeous pics everyone!
  13. marleysmum

    marleysmum New Member

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    Marley is 8 months old and gets about 1 hour of exercise a day mainly of leash, the rest of the time he chases my cats, digs up the garden and runs round the house like a maniac! ill be taking him out for an extra half hour walk when hes alittle older to then aim for about 2 hours a day split into 2 or 3 walks.

    He is from show lines, the chunky kind with a big head lol!

    Yes i feel safe with him even though hes only a pup, his bark is loud and he is protective, when hes fully grown and reaches approx 40 kg and barks/growls i will feel safe although he would just bounce all over them and look for anything to eat! but the other person doesnt know that lol :grin:

    Im with AXA and i pay £18.86 per month, for lifetime cover with £7000 per year incuding dental which i found alot of companies dont cover, hes covered for death/theft and with only £75 excess i think its great! the vets recommended them to me. I havent needed to claim yet so i dont know how they are in the event of a claimbut iv heard good reviews.

    im new to the forum and need to find out how to post pics so i will when i know how.:? :)
  14. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Thankyou! That was a fab post! :D

    I am with Petplan and my insurance for alfie is more than that :shock: but we reckon it's because the vets round here seem to think that we have never ending pockets and are so expensive!

    When I move out (and getting the pup) I will be going out of Edinburgh so hoping insurance won't be as bad lol.

    To post pics, just get a photobucket account, upload the pics, and then the code on the right of the pic that says [​IMG]
  15. marleysmum

    marleysmum New Member

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  16. marleysmum

    marleysmum New Member

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    Hopefully iv done this right and the pics of Marley have come through!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2012
  17. marleysmum

    marleysmum New Member

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    ? i carnt seem to get these pics posted!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2012
  18. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Awww he is gorgeous!! :D
  19. marleysmum

    marleysmum New Member

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    Thanks, he is such a sweetie! he gets away with things cos hes soo cute lol!
  20. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Haha aww :)
    I still really want a male lab!
  21. marleysmum

    marleysmum New Member

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    I love male labs, so full of character!

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