Needs of a boxer? General Chat

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by kammi_sparky123, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Needs of a boxer?

    How much daily exercise does your boxer have in a day?
    What does this consist of?

    What mental training/stimulation do you do a day? How long for?

    Plus pics - just coz :lol:
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  3. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    It depends... they are an energetic breed, but are also equally at home lounging on sofas or in front of the fire...

    I have taken them to Flyball and some basic agility, as well as dog training class, and am thinking about taking up CaniX with my eldest, Max.

    They don't mind on-lead walks, but also like to run round on the beach like loonies!

    They do play quite rough, and are very good at rugby tackling, or paw-splatting each other/other dogs.

    Mine are equally happy with no formal exercise, just mooching/playing in the garden; but can also walk for miles and miles and miles without an issue!

    Do you want cutesy puppy pics?


    Or slobbery, dirty dog pics?

  4. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Awwww such lovely photos!
    Love the second pic! :D
    Thanks for all that info :D

    Alfie is like that, he can walk for hours, but on the other hand if we miss a day or just go to the park for a play that day, he is more than happy with it!
  5. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    have you read through the boxer threads i did on here a while ago? i got loads of info of the boxer owners on here :grin:
  6. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Yeah I have! I also started some too! :lol:
    I love boxers, always always wanted one, but its the DA I remember being the thing that put me off the most :(
  7. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    they arent all DA though like any dog. ive met some cracking boxers through the kennels, and they are a great comical breed. i smile every time i see one :grin:
  8. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    I still love them no doubt :lol:
    DA was just one of the things I was warned about when looking into them before :neutral:
  9. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    yeah some can be, but i think its something you work around if they are.
  10. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Yeah of course, it's just that Alfie adores other dogs and would hate to have to take them where there was no other dogs because of one having DA
  11. esmed

    esmed New Member

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    I echo what Iso said - Monty is quite happy lounging at around at home but he also loves to run like a loony!

    He gets at least an hour walk every day and then plenty of play and mental stimulation at home and he seems perfectly happy with that.

    We quite often get comments that he's very calm for a boxer but I just think that people have this common vision of boxer's being mental!!
  12. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    If DA wasn't so common in the breed I would deeeeeeefinitely be seriously looking into them as I love them, but Alfie adores other dogs so would hate to have to avoid them!
  13. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    What makes you think it's so common? We have had Boxers nearly 30 yrs (& parents before that) & only had one that was DA & that was because at 6 months he was attacked by an adult GSD from behind.

    3 mile walk with 20 min off leash run & 20 min training cos they love to learn
  14. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Is it not?
    I just was told last time I was looking into them, and was reading Murfs boxer DA thread and a lot do seem to have dog issues :(

    ETA: I am not against boxers at all - I actually totally love them!! It was just all the stories of the DA being quite common that put me off just now

    ETA again :)lol:) - If I could get a boxer and have a high chance of it NOT having DA - I would - without a doubt - look back into boxers and think again about getting one as my next dog :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2012
  15. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    We have one DA and one not.... the boys' mum and sister aren't DA, and none of the litters are (that the breeder knows of) either....

    However, Max is highly strung and quite nervous, which is where his DA comes from. Murphy is a huge friendly lump.... the other day he pushed the female vet onto the floor so she was laid on her back, the proceeded to lick her all over her face.....
  16. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    I think you have to put things into prospective here, yes ofcause some can be DA, as with most breeds , the reason why you need to be aware is , that so many peopel just see a Boxer as a big lump that loves everone and everything, many many do, but some dont, be that through enviroment or breeding, I have a DA one, her nature is nervous (which it should not be) and that lends its self to a lot of her problems.

    A confident Boxer should have no issues, but I always try to make those thinking of owning one, to see all the cons as well as the pros..

    Its within the breeds nature to be a stong confident dog, and thats what can get them into trouble, so training is extremely inportant for this breed to stop him becoming a thug and brining on trouble that can set tehm on a road to more problems,

    If you want a Boxe rthen go for it, the pros far outweigh the cons...

    Just make sure you reseach, and my own personal bit of advice, is stay away from the big kennels...
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2012
  17. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Yes, some can, but so can most breeds.. the wiemi being oen of them, have met more nasty ones over the years than friendly ones, in saying that, I have had friends who have had them for years, and out of them all she had one iffy one.
  18. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    I know DA can arise in any dog (actually JRT's seem to be one of the biggest culprits round here and yet Alfie loves everyone and everything...) I had just heard more with boxers than most breeds, but that could be because I had looked into them more....

    I do really want a boxer, always have :grin:

    Having someone says "If you want a boxer go for it as the pros outweigh the cons" is actually a MASSIVE help.

    So exercise and mental wise, on average about 1-2 hours a day and training on top? But if I can only go out for 30 mins one day on the odd occasion, it will be fine? And as long as they get good exercise will be fairly chilled in the house?

    Are they good with kids as a general rule?
  19. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    that's why i put some can. i know all dogs can be iffy ;-) some cresteds can be highly strung and nervous, some can be snappy, the majority are dogs that love to play and cuddles.:)
  20. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Yes they are good with kids , as with all dogs, supervision is the key (take a look around YouTube to see for yourself), Boxers don`t need 2 hrs exercise a day, I have never done that, (on occasion , yes) but generally, they get 1hr, ish....don`t have the time to be out for around 2 hrs each day. its not the amount of exercise they need its what you put into it.

    My dogs have always had, going from puppy hood 1/2 hr up to around an hr, sometimes a bit more sometimes a bit less.

    Recall is THEE most important thing you need to concentrate on with this breed, (don`t let anyone tell you they are to thick to learn, they are not).

    Boxers are one of the most loving breeds you will ever wish to own, their facial expressions , give you a daily insight to their moods.. they are big strong bouncy dogs, so you have to be OK with dealing with such dogs, they can pull like trains, and bounce of the moon, given the chance.. but so worth every ounce of pleasure / frustration they give you , and they will in bucket loads.....
  21. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Ozzie is great with kids and training the Kc gold award ..
    Was socialized every day when a pup ,carried in to shops and through crowds when to young to be let down ..does not have a mean bone in his body ..[​IMG]

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