Met a woman in the park with what had to be a (Gorgeous looking) JRTx red staff. She'd seen both parents. The letter came out 4 small white and brown things, 3 large red things... Naughty Mummy.
Interesting reading about peoples idea of a jrt. I've got. A shorter legged one she doesn't have a queen anne front though and shes longer in body than a prt. All the terrier men at game fairs tell me she's the old fashioned type that was in use many years ago. The more modern type has longer legs and does look more like a prt or a sft. Working terrier men are more concerned with spannability than anything else they want to make sure it can get down a hole in the ground. I think jrt developed according to the land they were worked on some types wouldn't be suitable for the land they would work so the men owning them would breed for what type they wanted according to the work done and the land they worked on. Horses for courses
The PRT is KC registered, so of course there will be more breeding closer to the breed standard. Teacup JRT's don't seem right to me. Like someone said, there are plenty of other dogs to teacupify. My two are from Cornwall and I'm told they are what you might call 'true' JRT's. They are nice temperment but seem to be interested in rabbit holes and fox nests.