Fellow Greyhound Owners Questions

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by GandalfTheGrey, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. GandalfTheGrey

    GandalfTheGrey New Member

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    Fellow Greyhound Owners

    Hi All,

    I just wanted to ask the following questions if I may :?

    1) How many times a day do you feed your Grey?

    2) What times do you feed your Greys?

    3) Do you feed before or after a walk?

    Many Thanks

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  3. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    I have crosses, but I fed country value Greyhound twice a day, in morning and evening, but because of the risk of 'bloat' in these dogs you should try and avoid walking a hour before and two hours after feeding, I try to get them out around three hours after feeding if possible. Oh and mine eat about 500g each a day, although most ends up being picked up after ;).
  4. dizzi

    dizzi New Member

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    Basically... it varies - if I know I'm going to have to leave the dogs they get walked first, then food as near to an hour away as I can get it... if it's more leisurely on a morning - feed first, walk whenever I'm more coherrent....

    Fed twice a day (mix of half- the stuff the greyhound rescue place gave us and half James Wellbeloved as we're trying to move over)... evening is walk first and and feed later.
  5. 2Greys

    2Greys New Member

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    I feed twice a day, OH feeds & takes them out first thing so is usually about 6-7.30am and then they get dinner at about 6-7pm it tends to vary with schedule. Our walks are sedate sort with no running so i don't tend worry if its fairly close to a meal time, though after eating they prefer a bit of snooze first.
  6. madmare

    madmare New Member

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    1. My two are fed twice a day

    2. Approx 7.30am and 6pm

    3. 1 hour after a short quiet lead walk 2 hours after an offlead run.
    Greys are a deep chested breed so prone to bloat. Feeding should not be close to exercise of any sort.
  7. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    Hi there!

    1) How many times a day do you feed your Grey? Twice

    2) What times do you feed your Greys? 9am ish and 7pm ish.

    3) Do you feed before or after a walk? I do both, but I never walk them until at least 2 hours after they've eaten unless they're having a lead walk only.
    And if I feed them after, it's at least an hour after off lead exercise.

  8. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    I feed mine twice a day, usually around 8.30 then again at 4.30 and i usually feed after they have been out in the morning about an hour or so after exercise and before exercise in the afternoon an hour or two before i take them out.
  9. wessexblue

    wessexblue New Member

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    ours get fed twice a day 7:30 / 6:00 (ish). Morning feed is straight after a short on lead walk, evening after a long walk and run off lead. They also go out for 15mins last thing at night.

    Wasn't aware of bloating as an issue :blush: so have never worried about timings around exercise and thankfully we've never had a problem
  10. Insomnia

    Insomnia New Member

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    I'm suprised that the place you got your Greyhound from didn't warn you of that! Bloating is an issue in pretty much all deep-chested breeds, and it's not recommened to feed too close to feeding for anyone, human or dog.
  11. Hazyflight17

    Hazyflight17 New Member

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    :grin: Hi i always give two feeds a day and never feed an hour before exercise and two hours after excercise , this is because of the risk of bloat. Bloat should have been mentioned to you when you acquired the dog its common in all deep chested dogs and does require prompt vet treatment. however there are steps to take to minimize the risks like advoiding exercise before a feed and admediatley afterwoods as others have stated. so far i have not had bloat in any of my greys thank god . good luck with your grey .and if you need to know more on bloat ask your vet or there is a lot of grey info on various grey web sites
  12. JamieWilson

    JamieWilson New Member

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    I have a 5 year old retired racer. (Paddy)

    1) Twice
    2) 6.30 am and 6.30pm
    3) Any time as long as there is 45 minutes either side (before or after a meal).
  13. Sky & Joys Dad

    Sky & Joys Dad New Member

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    6:15 to 6:30am
    1:00 to 1:30pm
    6:20pm. ;-3 times daily,as Sky is such a pig she'll eat too fast and upchuck a bigger amount of food.She came first so Joy just followed on.

    No exercise for an hour either side of feeding.
  14. Kiern

    Kiern New Member

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    1) How many times a day do you feed your Grey?

    2) What times do you feed your Greys?
    6am 1pm 5pm 11pm - I feed 4 times a day for many reasons; but mainly because I work from home and my dogs used to beg for food. Now they get 4 meals they don't beg at all. Plus more meals = smaller portions = reduces chances of bloat.

    3) Do you feed before or after a walk?

    I walk 30 minutes after they eat breakfast, it's a very short gentle walk. They then get a longer walk in the middle of the day and another short walk before they eat their final meal.
  15. SusieL

    SusieL New Member

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    Toilet in garden and breakfast 6.30am
    Walk 8-9am
    Toilet break in garden and couple of biscuits 12.30
    Walk 1.30-2.30pm
    Dinner 5.30pm
    Toilet break in garden in winter, or walk 6.30-7pm
    Last toilet break in garden and couple of biscuits at bedtime 10.30pm

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