There are too many threads about GSD's I think (although there could never be too many at all) but just a favourite question really. Colours - which coat of the collie do you like best. I love B&W but I am quite drawn to the Red merles and tri - coloured.
Tri red merle is my favourite, and then it's a tri blue merle and a well marked tri on par with each other. Not really into black and whites, a bit too common and uninspiring! I'm not a fan of white factors neither.
Love the classic black/white rough coated collie. Tricolours come a close second. The more "exotic" colours don't really appeal to me.
My favourite is blue/white, just like my Skye, but lilac/white is growing on me (I never liked it before a certain puppy, that I wasn't going to keep when it was born, but seemed to worm her way into my heart by 4 weeks old)!!! I like blue merle, blue merle tri, slate merle, slate merle tri and red merle too, but don't like big patches of solid colour in the merle (just fussy) and black/white classicly marked. I also like split faces and I love 'naughty' spots.
Classic marked black and white. - I dont like big white faces to much, a nice white blaze like Maces is perfect. - Infact if Mace was black and white, and had a full collar he would be my ideal BC (look wise).
OH love black and white collies, however I prefer blue merles, and tri coloured myself. I also prefer BC's with a stripe or "blaze" of white going down the face.
It would have to be split face,white factor ,black tipped sable of course! Actually it is less about the colour for me and the set of head and a pair of nice pricked ears!
Until recently I would have said blue merle But tbh I am seeing loads and loads of the exotic colours now and up here they all seem to be being bred to look exactly the same, pretty dainty, kinda puppy like - and they just aint doing it for me any more - seem to have lost the intensity a nice rough coat worker for me - I do like a split face with odd eyes too
Never really thought about it but as my last three have been tri of some description it must be tri. Currently have a black, tan and white and a tri blue Merle with odd eyes.
I have just had to sadly rehome a Red Sable Collie. Everyone always stopped and remarked on his colouring.
Not really bothered about the colour far far more important is what is between the ears & under the skin(ie Brains, Temperament, Health) I have had classic Black & White rough coat with perfect semi erect ears(not the fashionable Rough Collie/Sheltie tipped ears), correct prick eared classically marked curly coated Sheltie sized, Tall skinny semi rough coated tri hill dog correct semi erect ears, Classically marked smooth coated black & white with correct semi erect ears, Half white faced(other wise classically marked)rough coated with correct semi erect ears, half white/half black body with mottling semi rough coated with odd ears & finally white & black split faced medium coated with correct semi erect ears. They have/had all had one thing in common-none was bred for their looks only what the breed was bred to do-work(all from health tested parents)
I have a classic black and white Sky who is 4, a red tricolour Sunny who is nearly 3 and my newest baby a Split face blue merle called Mistral who is 22 weeks They are all my favourites
Lilac---but never again! Brown tri second and I would again. Have also had sable (orange dog!), brown and white and black and white, more or less all black and now have black tri. For choice I wouldn't have a collie again----but I said that a couple of months ago and now have another---so.... rune
Black and white rough coat, with pricked ears also love Tri colour Collies cos obviously i got one of those as well Not really into merles, but i do like blue and whites ;-) Eye colour i prefer dark (like my Skye) but in saying that, Drifts beautiful blue eyes either fascinate or scare people!! i think they are stunning Lets face it, Border Collies are the best dogs in the World, no matter what colour they come in ;-) Jann xx Oh and i WILL one day have my split face B&W
I quite like the B&W BC on here who also has blue merle - merle on one side of the face and Black on the other - called Felix! Can't remember who owns him... I would go for that coat colour if there was - but I'm a few dogs short for a BC (bit more experience under my belt first lol)