Question for the Border Collie owners - BC weight Questions

Discussion in 'Border Collie' started by Mese, May 2, 2011.

  1. Mese

    Mese New Member

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    Question for the Border Collie owners - BC weight

    On saturday we took our dogs to the vet to get their advocate etc , so weighed them

    Teddy is 27 kg
    Toffee is 25 kg
    Gypsy is 18.5 kg

    Our vet is happy and says they are perfectly fit and healthy and not overweight , though I queried it as they all seem to be at the top end (even over) the weight scale for BC's

    all three have tons of energy & play all day and you can feel their ribs but not see them

    So what do you guys think , are my dogs heavy or am I just paranoid ?

    What weight are your Border Collies ?
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  3. Rookgeordiegirl

    Rookgeordiegirl New Member

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    My 3 range between 18.5kg and 20.5kg have to admit I think 27kg a bit on the heavy side unless he is a big dog:grin:
  4. suecurrie

    suecurrie New Member

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    My BC was always around 22 kgs but he wasn't that big. I agree with Rook that 27kgs does seem a bit heavy but I would have thought your vet knows best as usually they hate overweight dogs.:grin:
  5. Ben Mcfuzzylugs

    Ben Mcfuzzylugs

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    BC's vary so much in size that weight charts (which my vet used on my friends BC to say he was underweight - when he wasnt) are totaly useless

    Sounds big - what heights are they?
    How much can you feel the ribs?

    a good guide I was given is the ribs should feel like the tops of your fingers when your hand is in a fist
    - im pretty overweight but I can still feel my ribs :)
  6. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    Tassle is 15kg (at 19.5in to withers)
    Siren is 17.5kg (at 19.5in to withers)

    Jasper was about 19kg (and 20/1in to the withers)

    Gabe (my GSDx) is 28kg and 24in to the withers.
  7. TBBS

    TBBS New Member

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    Bertie is 18.5 kgs (19.5" tall)
    Teagan 16 kgs (19" tall)
    Skye 15kgs (19" tall)
    I need to weigh Star again, last time I weighed her she was 12.2 kgs, that was a couple of months ago (19" tall)
  8. scotia

    scotia New Member

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    My old border collie (not around any more :cry: ) when he was still healthy was about 21kg and about 22 inches tall.
  9. kate_7590

    kate_7590 New Member

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    I think male BCs can be up to 23kg?? Please correct me if im wrong.
    My dogs- Flint BCX is about 24kg
    Simba is about 21kg and Gemma is 12kg.

    I think it varies alot between different 'types' of Bc, show types would be very differnt to working collies for example.

    Not trying to be rude but are the boys purebred? maybe there is a slight cross back in their parentage with a heavier breed?

    Also muscle weighs more than fat so if they do alot of excesize I imagione they would weigh more than a dog that rarely got out :)

    They are all lovely anyway, and if the vets happy with them thats thats great :D x
  10. Mese

    Mese New Member

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    How do you measure a dogs height ?

    The parents I saw for Toffee and (at another farm) for Gypsy looked pure BC to me , whether or not they were I couldnt tell you as they were working farm dogs and Teddy I havent a clue about as he was a rescue , but they all looked pure BC to me
    Toffee is a very large BC , he is almost identical in size to our (now passed on) lad Buddy who was a pedigree but also a very large border collie

    Teddy doesnt have much of a waist , but he's always been that way ever since we got him
    he does tend to put on weight very easily though as he isnt as active as Toffee and Gypsy are (he just isnt into running around and playing) , so for that reason he is on a diet at the moment , he only gets half the amount for breakfast that is recommended and the full amount for tea ... im debating whether or not to cut his tea-time amount to half as well
    I dont want him starved though so im undecided on that point
  11. Jfk

    Jfk New Member

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    I have two 19" collie bitches weighing 16kg and 16.4kg and a 23" dog weighing 20kg. The dog is very skinny though so not a good judge.
  12. youngstevie


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    Skye is 16Kg
    Bruce 17.5Kg
    Tess 20 Kg (but she is a bigger framed BC)
    Reah (back to 17kg) but she used to be 19Kg, but has been battling liver probs.

    Personally I thought 27Kg at the higher side, but then mine are what I call lean, and I am always wondering if they need some more weight:lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. Wozzy

    Wozzy New Member

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    Well, Jed is 27kg but he's just a big chunky dog. He is a tad overweight because exercise is not his best friend but even if he became quite lean, he's still got hefty shoulders and quite a large frame. You can feel his ribs but they do have a layer over them! He used to weigh 30kg and it took me a couple of years to get him down to what he is now. He stands at around 24" at the withers.

    Jessie is 19" high and weighs 15.5kg. It wouldnt harm her to lose a kg because I do like my dogs on the lean side but she is by no means overweight.
  14. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    Ripley is full grown and weighs 12.9 kg. She is small framed- i didnt measure her as she has an irrational fear of the measuring tape!!

    Maverick is 13 months, measures 22" at the wither and weighs 18kg (he is VERY lean at the moment...been stood in fertilizer lately i think!!!)
  15. suecurrie

    suecurrie New Member

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    Bobbie (Blobby Bobby) who came to me on Saturday and is 5 in September went to the vet today. He is very tubby and six of my friends guessed his weight to be between 40 and 55 kilos:shock: Anyway, it is 30kg so he has to lose at least 6 kilos. I think the exercise will shift a lot of weight as he hasn't had any for a number of years. Can't wait for him to be a slimmer dog as I know he will feel a lot more comfortable.
  16. TBBS

    TBBS New Member

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    I took Star to the vets yesterday to get her weighed, she weighed 12.7 kgs, she's 13 months old.
  17. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    Wow, she looks quite a thicker set dog in her pics...or is that her coat?
    I'm glad someone elses dog weighs less than ripley (sorry!) :blush: :lol:
  18. TBBS

    TBBS New Member

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    She's got a big coat! She will probably put on a bit more weight as she's still only young and has some filling out to do. Her mum only weighs about 15 kgs and that's 0.5 kgs more than she weighed before the pups.

    Skye has a litter brother that only weighed about 12 kgs, he was about Skye's height but not as stocky, she's also got a couple of sisters that are tiny, only just measuring into large agility, I'll have to ask how much they weigh.
  19. Border1

    Border1 New Member

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    wow i took my nearly 15 week old puppies to be weighed and the boys weighed in at 11.3 kg and Ziva weighed in at 8.55 kg
  20. muttzrule

    muttzrule New Member

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    Moxie is 17 '' at the shoulder and 12.5 kg, but she's pretty dinky for a collie. (if she's even full collie) The collies here tend to range in size pretty dramatically depending on their breeding. I'd tend to go on how the dog looks and feels rather than what is standard for the breed. Out-of standard sized dogs aren't unheard of after all.
  21. LittleMonkies

    LittleMonkies New Member

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    Max is 19.5kg and Ben is 17kg but very skinny. I always ask the vet for his opinion in case we need to increase Ben's food but they seem very happy with him and say its nice to see that people these days don't seem to be overfeeding their dogs so much. Ben is very excitable and probably burns off more energy than Max but if he is ill he loses weight very quickly. It does worry me.

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