Collie x Husky General Chat

Discussion in 'Border Collie' started by suecurrie, Apr 28, 2011.

  1. suecurrie

    suecurrie New Member

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    Collie x Husky

    Somebody asked me today if I knew anyone who wanted a 5 year old collie x husky as the family is trying to rehome her due to (usual) don't have enough time for her!! What do you think that cross would be like? I know collies but do not know much about huskies.
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  3. kirsty1978

    kirsty1978 New Member

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  4. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    I had a collie X Husky I got him from rescue in Canada and brought him back to England in 1992.

    He was the most fantastic dog brilliant temperament with other dogs and people.
    I can't say that all of these crosses will be the same but this was my experience.
    He would sit and allow nieces to put make up on him :lol:

    Down side was the grooming and the double coat.
  5. suecurrie

    suecurrie New Member

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    Many thanks both. xx
  6. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    So are you having her ?
  7. suecurrie

    suecurrie New Member

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    It did cross my mind but it wouldn't be fair on my Mum who has my two in the mornings which she loves and they are so good and easy it would be silly to upset things.
  8. suecurrie

    suecurrie New Member

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    I am seeing him tomorrow:roll: 5 years old, border collie looks, very sweet natured apparently and fine with other dogs and children. Doesn't get any exercise to speak off but is loved by his current family which is why they feel he needs someone who can give him the attention and exercise he deserves. His name is Bob.
  9. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    I hope he is as lovely as he sounds, and gets on well with your dogs.

    The housekeeper at the "big house" on the estate rehomed a dog late last year and she was told she was a collie x husky. She is a lovely dog, very friendly but a bit OTT and very high energy (not really surprising though, given the cross and also the fact she had been in kennels for quite some time). Thankfully the lady who has taken her on is a regular runner, and so her dog is getting plenty of exercise and her hubby used to train dogs for the MOD, so he is helping with the training side of things.

    Best of luck. I look forward to hearing more about Bob, and don't forget your camera :)
  10. suecurrie

    suecurrie New Member

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    Thanks Moobli. My head is saying no, my heart is saying yes and when I see him tomorrow that will probably be it.:grin: Even been thinking of an alternative name as don't like 'Bob'. Saw photo of him on friends 'phone and he looks very similar to my BC who died last November.
  11. tyr

    tyr New Member

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    My friend has a collie x husky. She was, um, *lively* when young but has mellowed since then (she's nearly 3 now). Very bright but definitely husky-minded - did an agility course perfectly first time round but refused to do it again (what's the point? :lol: ). She can be off lead most of the time, although she has a strong chase instinct and does the occasional disappearing trick for a few minutes. Very friendly - gets on fine with all people and dogs. She loves to run and never gets tired.

    The coat is definitely to be considered - apparently she sheds binbags full when she moults...

    Good luck for tomorrow! I'll be interested to hear if Bob is more collie-minded or more husky-minded - or somewhere in the middle.
  12. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    What does your mum say about looking after another? If she is happy, you are happy and your current dogs and Bob get on then you have nothing to lose ;-) :grin: It is always a real heart-jerker when you see a dog (especially one needing a new home) that looks like one of your dear departed friends. Good luck, whatever you decide.

    As he looks more collie-like, do his current owners consider him to be more collie like in personality or more like a husky? Is he fairly obedient/handler orientated? Obviously there are lots of husky owners who can't let their dogs off lead due to the strong running instinct inbred into them and I believe they can be fairly notorious sheep worriers (although, so can BCs that aren't trained too). I would be interested to know how focused he is on livestock, or whether he isn't interested.
  13. suecurrie

    suecurrie New Member

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    Thanks Tyr. I must admit the coat thing is putting me off a little. My BC was bad enough but a BCx Husky must be a nightmare. Having a Saluki I am used to having a dog with a strong chase instinct but I am lucky to have such lovely walks on my doorstep in very safe surroundings. Oh I don't know what to do:?: :roll:
  14. suecurrie

    suecurrie New Member

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    My Mum is not too concerned as long as "it doesn't wee in my house". :grin: I will have lots of questions tomorrow as only really know his breed and age. My BC was a dream - he could walk for miles but didn't like to lose sight of me and his recall was 100%. We only met some sheep once in his 15 years and he was actually a little frightened of them:grin: Anyway, I have to get my BC out of my mind and look at Bob with completely new eyes. I am very very undecided at the moment. :roll:
  15. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    Just go with the flow - and listen to your gut instinct tomorrow when you meet :)
  16. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    Have you met Bob yet:grin:
  17. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    I hope it went well? Really eager to hear what happened? Hope it is good news for Bob xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  18. suecurrie

    suecurrie New Member

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    Hi All - Yes I met Bob today. He is a lovely dog with a big smile and a very waggy tail. Very overweight and I suspect blocked anul glands as I noticed the dragging of the bum. I asked the owner if he suffered from blocked anal glands but she said she wasn't aware of it but to be honest I don't think she has noticed the signs:roll: He is definitely border collie in looks and colour. He got on ok with my two although when they came to my house after we met on the park ,which I suggested to see how my two reacted, it all went fine although Meggie put him gently in his place a couple of times which is to be expected, especially when he had the cheek to drink some of her water:grin: He didn't react at all, just kept wagging his tail. The owner was all ready to leave him today but I said no it would have to be Saturday so I am there for two full days to make sure all ok and gently introduce him to my Mums. I still don't know if I am doing the right think as life is so easy with my two but I look forward to seeing a much slimmer dog (hate fat dogs). He was originally a rescue having been thrown out of a car at 7 months old:shock:
    I have decided to call him Bilbo but will have to call him Bilbob for a while:mrgreen:
  19. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    Welcome Bilbob and don't forget the before and after photos :grin:
  20. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    Any piccies???

    Great to hear everything went so well. I know what you mean about not wanting to upset the applecart, but I am sure Bilbo (lovely name, although I do like Bob too) will repay you 100 times over for taking a chance on him :)
  21. suecurrie

    suecurrie New Member

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    Thanks Leadstaffs. Will take some at weekend when he arrives.

    Your post Moobli makes me feel so much better. Don't know what I am worried about. He is so chubby I think maybe I should be calling him Blob:mrgreen:

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