Bit of advice please Questions

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by Gonzo33, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. Gonzo33

    Gonzo33 New Member

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    Bit of advice please

    My husband and I have finally decided on buying a couple of Boxers when we are posted back to UK (hubby is a crown employee). This is for two reasons, we love the breed, he has owned a boxer x staff before (I had a collie x mad thing), we will have the time for them and if we are unfortunate enough to get posted anywhere else abroad we will be able to take them with us (ie not a banned breed) after we have the Pet Passport.

    I have read a lot of threads on here regarding breeders and such like but am now confused. We want the dogs as family members as opposed to show.

    1. Would you buy from a breeder such as Marbelton (near where my friend lives) even though you are after a family member as opposed to a show dog?

    2. If buying a white would you insist on a hearing test as well as the heart tests?

    The remaining questions relate to practicalities really.

    3. When in the car (we are going to have to buy an estate as we have 3 children between us - 2 that live with us) would you crate the dogs in the boot? If so can you recommend a good company to buy crates from please.

    4. If you do not crate in the car how do you suggest that we restrain the dogs for their own safety, the last thing I would want is for them to get hurt if we were involved in an accident.

    5. How does the pet passport work? I have read up on the internet regarding it and I am confused as to what you have to do to come back into UK after a short holiday abroad.

    Sorry for so many questions, I just want everything to be right for our new dogs!
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  3. krlyr


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    Firstly, I don't know anything about Boxer breeders but have you considered rescue dogs? It's generally not recommended to take two puppies on at the same time because of the extra work - it's not just double the housetraining, socialising, etc. but you also have to work to prevent issues such as them being too attached/reliant on each other, bad habits taught to each other, etc.
    Do you have experience with puppies? I grew up with dogs but I still found a puppy hard work, and definately wouldn't want to raise two at the same time! Perhaps a compromise would be to adopt an adult/young Boxer then add a puppy after a little while? There are several Boxer-specific rescues and remember that a rescue dog isn't necessarily a problem dog, many dogs end up in rescue due to financial reasons, lack of time, relationship split, etc. rather than behavioural issues.
    Not that I'm against responsible breeding, but you might find it less of a jump in the deep end to have a well-behaved adult dog first that can show a puppy the ropes!
    I didn't use a crate/guards in my last car as it was just a temporary old banger - what I did was get secure harnesses (you can buy car harnesses but I just used their regular harnesses with comfortable chest plates to spread any force evenly) and tether them to the metal rings that the seats clipped into (mine travelled in the back with the rear seats folded down). I'm currently in the process of ordering guards for my new car though - I went for a tailgate guard (to stop the dogs being able to jump out of the boot) and an interior guard to stop the dogs climbing in the front/being thrown through the windscreen in an accident! I'm having mine custom made because, again, I'm using it with the rear seats down, but with an estate you should have no problems finding guards or a cage. Once you have the car then check Ebay for bargains, or there's also the Agilitynet website which has a "Fleamarket" section which has lots of secondhand crates and guards. Alternatively there are several companies that make good quality, custom made ones to fit your specific car. Barjo are one, for example, but there's several out there.
    Not sure about the health tests or passport but hopefully someone else can answer those :)
  4. Krusewalker


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    2 pups same time, not wise

    2 boxer pups at ame time, crazy! why would you want to do that to yourself :grin:

    a training club i know a young couple did just that, they are struggling to even be in the same field during training, as the littermates just spend the whole time fixating on each other instead of their owners.
    consequently training is an ongoing struggle, dogs arent learning very well.

    same club 2 littermate lurchers, identical problem in the home and in class....they couldnt even turn up at same time.

    which is what one would expect to happen with 2 pups really
  5. Luthien

    Luthien New Member

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    With regard to the practicalities, I have one crated in the car and one not (but still in the back on the estate). I got the crate from Ebay, and it was about a third of the price you would pay in the shops. HOWEVER, even though I went out with a tape measure, the first order I totally messed up. It was massive! So I would suggest having a look a some first in person to get an idea of size :)

    We've got a Chevrolet estate, but I do need to put two of the back seats down or it would be a bit of a squash. If I had the money I would get a Volvo.
  6. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    hope i helped a bit :grin:
  7. marianne38

    marianne38 New Member

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    marianne morris
    Hi, we took our dog abroad last year and got the passport.

    Before you come back into England, you have to get you dog checked at least 24hrs before by a vet. We were staying with friends who lived in France, so they found the vet for us. Cost it was about 50euros. The vet will stamp your passport, when we got to the eurotunnel they go over the passport very efficiently. Also it cost us about £ 250 to get the passport, and the rabies jab has to be done every 2 years, to keep the passport validated.

    Our vet was very good he had a leaflet explaining the passport step by step and how much each step cost, Pop into your local vets they might have some leaflet.

    hope that helps.

    Marianne and Jasper
  8. krlyr


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    Don't forget tailgate guards though :) I wouldn't leave dogs untethered with just an interior guard - even if they're well trained to not jump out when the boot is open, it would only take one lapse of training near a busy road to cause serious injuries to the dog, or in an accident the boot might pop open.
  9. marianne38

    marianne38 New Member

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    marianne morris
    You don,t have to wait 6 months to come back from Spain, thats only if you get the dog in Spain and you want to bring it home.
  10. shirls

    shirls New Member

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    Lots of boxers in rescue and often they get pairs in and are desperate for a home where they can stay together. I wouldn't want 2 pups together. For lots of reasons training etc as everyone has said, but also when the time comes for them to go to the bridge you are potentially going to lose both dogs around the same time.
    If you want some rescue sites to have a look at please let me know.
    Good luck
  11. Gonzo33

    Gonzo33 New Member

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    Thanks everyone.

    Hubby wants 2 at once (he is impatient). Having had a Collie x from a pup I would prefer one and then get another a year or so later.

    krlyr I was thinking of having a nosey around the rescue ctr websites. The only thing I will say is that I have a daughter who will only be 3 when we get our addition and I know not many centres like to rehome with such young children. My husbands boxer x staff was a rescue. Lovely dog.

    It has been such a long time (3 years) since we have had a dog I feel like I have forgotten what to do! I am sure it will all come back to
  12. Gonzo33

    Gonzo33 New Member

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    Please do recommend some rescues.

    Me xx
  13. Gonzo33

    Gonzo33 New Member

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    Had a nosey, found a few rescue ctr's. Looks like we might need to hold off until my youngest is a little older.
  14. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    The remaining questions, the pet passport, cant help you there,

    Car safety, there are plenty of manufactures on line for you to look at, (I have a double guardsman) for my car, if you dont want to use a crate a tail gate and dog guard will do.

    But again...............PLEASE DONT GET TWO AT ONCE!

    Heres a question to put to your hubby..........ask him how he would react if you told him you where having twins!
  15. krlyr


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    Look at many different rescues and also consider phoning them when you're in the position to adopt. Rescues may be flexible on policies for the right home - but remember that rescues can move quite quickly, hence the suggestion to get in touch closer to the time you're actually ready to adopt a dog. They may not have a dog now that they would consider homing to a family with a young child but in a few month's time they may have the perfect dog that's come in from a family home with a very stable temperament.
  16. Gonzo33

    Gonzo33 New Member

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    He'd die of shock (I have been sterilised)!!! Seriously he will come round to my way of thinking that one is better than two initially!


    I definately will make a few calls when I get nearer the time (ie back in UK and settled in).

    Thank you all for your help. I shall show my husband this thread later :)
  17. boxergoggins

    boxergoggins New Member

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    ;-) cant add anything that hasnt already been said...just wanted to say good luck in your quest to find a new 4 legged friend!!

    I too am in the process of getting a boxer pup...only one mind. Would never be without a boxer in the house though!!
  18. shirls

    shirls New Member

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    Northern Rose Boxer Rescue is where I got my Kasha. They will match a dog to your family.
    Boxer Rescue Liverpool
    Boxer Welfare Scotland
    They are both good too.
    Good Luck
    Shirls x
  19. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    Can't add much to this - everything I would have said has already been said!!

    I have 2 Boxer boys who are approx 18mths apart and they are as close as littermates.... we have never been able to take them to training class together, as they are totally fixated on the other :roll:

    In terms of transport - my 2 sometimes travel (unsecured) in the boot of my car - an estate - otherwise they have car harnesses and sit on the back seats. They are totally chilled when travelling, so 99% of the time will just lie down and sleep!
  20. Gonzo33

    Gonzo33 New Member

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    Thanks everyone. I have shown my husband this thread and he has conceded to getting one and then adding another at a later date.

    I don't think he realised the reality. He is away with his job a lot of the time so doesn't really appreciate the day to day grind .. lol

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