Need some help if possible guys (Bernese breeders) Questions

Discussion in 'Bernese Mountain Dog' started by Lynn, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. Lynn

    Lynn Member

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    Ok guys how good is this.

    I have had a reply already from Steve Green of the BMDC of GB already. He says Ollie's symptoms do not sound typical of anything Bernese. He also says there are no compulsory health tests for Bernese in the Uk but obviously Hip and elbow scores are recommended.

    He has asked for my phone number so he can ring to have a chat as things are too complex to go into by e-mail.

    I think it is excellent he has repleid so quick and is prepared to give me some of his time.
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  3. Rolosmum

    Rolosmum New Member

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    I am really pleased for you and wish you really good luck with your search.
  4. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    All the best with this lynn xxxxx
  5. scorpio

    scorpio Member

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    That's brilliant news Lynn, let's hope he will be able to help with your quest :grin: xx
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Am really pleased Lynn you are going for another Bernie,

    The above sounds promising, so fingers crossed he can put you in the rigth direction.

    Advertising litters on breeders own websites is not something I would worry to much over Lynn, many very good breeders have websites and advertise forthcoming litters.

    From what I understand of the breed Lynn, is that "nervousness" is a problem , and is quite wide spread, (talking to owners ) so that would be a very major priority for you to filter out.

    The best thing I can suggest Lynn (apart from talking to the bloke) is get to shows, go spend some time sitting watching them in the ring, along with talking to breeders/exhibitors... its amazing what you learn, who to avoid, how they treat their dogs and so much more, simply be sitting people/dog watching.

    Good luck Lynn, will watch this space!!
  7. Lynn

    Lynn Member

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    Thanks JB. Re: the e-mail from Steve Green he has settled my mind somewhat for me saying Ollies health problems were not sounding typically Bernese related I must admit this was making me jumpy.

    Shyness is a becoming a problem as you know we had this with Ollie and all the socialising in the world did not change that. It is has been said before no guarantees re: health or temperament you do your research you take advice but you have to take the rough with the smooth of course it would be lovely to have a dog that welcomes all into the house and that you can take out most places and not get stressed by it all and to sit outside drinking coffee and they lap up all the attention. But we have dealt with the problem before so we would again as long as it isn't out and out aggression that is out of control of course.

    No reasons why we will encounter this again there are more non shy berners still I believe than shy ones but we must not be complacent the problem is becoming more widespread.

    But if I took all of Ollies problems into account I would not have another

    I am not indicating that the breeder we got Ollie from was a bad breeder. I hope all who are following this thread understand that. I went on gut instinct and I still feel it was right. He had endorsements on his contract, he was to be returned if we could not keep him she offers homes for life if she cannot re-home which I know when I had to return Zanta and to my knowledge they were all inside dogs although some have suggested they weren't. I will keep an open mind on that one.

    So there wil be another pup in the future and hopefully not to far into the future we are hoping sometime this year.
  8. Dobermann

    Dobermann New Member

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    Thats great Lynn, looking forward to pics at some point in the year then!:)
  9. DevilDogz

    DevilDogz Member

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    That is brilliant Lynn. I hope he can help direct and support you and I am sure he will! Best wishes.
  10. Suejaw

    Suejaw New Member

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    The best thing I can suggest Lynn (apart from talking to the bloke) is get to shows, go spend some time sitting watching them in the ring, along with talking to breeders/exhibitors... its amazing what you learn, who to avoid, how they treat their dogs and so much more, simply be sitting people/dog watching.

    Good luck Lynn, will watch this space!!

    Hope i'm quoting correctly.
    But the above is a major must, sit there and watch before you speak to people and get a feeling for them around their dogs and how they interact with people too.
  11. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    Any more news then?? I hope you're getting somewhere now, as I'm getting very excited myself!!!!;-) :grin:
  12. Lynn

    Lynn Member

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    Literally just got off the phone from speaking to Steve Green very nice man. Obviously he cannot recommend names and people as he says he can and others can get dropped in it quite innocently.

    We are possibly going to the 17th April carting exhibition at Northamtpton not so many dogs or breeders there but good to go and get a feel and we will definitely go to the 22nd of May garden party and watch and take notes and get to know some poeple as you suggest Sue.

    I am going to get in touch with some breeders and see about going to visit some and make a decison about how I feel about them and the answers to my questions and their premises and whittle it down that way.

    At the end of the day it is going to have to be our decison who we decide to buy from and hope we get it right. No one else can do that for us.

    I am off for Bernese cuddles tomorrow. I am off to see a lady round the corner from me who has 3 and we are going to have a chat and she is going to let me browse through her year book from the BMDC. I am looking forward to that I can tell you.
  13. Berger

    Berger New Member

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    Enjoy the cuddles today Lynn. I wonder would she let you take some pics?
  14. Lynn

    Lynn Member

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    Thank you. I was wondering that but thought it might be a bit cheeky as this is the first time I have met her and her dogs.
  15. Berger

    Berger New Member

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    Ok maybe next time. Enjoy the cuddles zx
  16. Lynn

    Lynn Member

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    Just got in from my Berner fix. Got a few pointers too re: breeders.

    Two females, Willow and Sacha and a beautiful big male Brewster. Had some lovely cuddles.

    I can go back again if I want too.
  17. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Well any news other than just visiting;-)
  18. Lynn

    Lynn Member

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    No afraid not.

    If you are wondering if she breeds sadly she doesn't anymore both girls had to be spayed possible pyo fright.

    I do have my name on a list and there is a possibility of a puppy but it depends on the size of litter and sexes.

    I am not going to jump straight in though. I want to make sure I do it slightly different this time. You live and learn as they say.

    I am still searching and enquring.

    I will keep you informed of how things progress. Promise.
  19. Berger

    Berger New Member

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    Brilliant Lynn. Bet you were in berner heaven. Are you gonna go for a male or female again do you think or do you have a preference?
  20. Lynn

    Lynn Member

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    Actually this time I am not sure I mind. I would quite like the choice if possible of the puppy choosing me.
  21. footsieG

    footsieG New Member

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    Glad you have had a very small bernie fix, I have been to my old ringcraft class tonight, there is a girl there who has now got 2 BMD, ALFIE , IS ABOUT 3.5YRS AND Syd is 1. They have fantastic temperments and look really well balanced, would you like me to ask her for their breed line next week when we are there. As I have said before my best friend has had four, one a rescue, but they had some problems and were all different breed ines, but I do love their teddy bear looks. Take care and when the time is right you will find the right pup, or as you say, it will pick you. Gayle. Xxx

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