Honey - how much does she look like a Greyhound. Photos

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by chaz, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Honey - how much does she look like a Greyhound.

    As I've had so many people not realise that Honey is a cross, including people who run Greyhound rescues, and people who work at racing tracks (although that was pics), I'm wondering compared to the standard, how much is Honey like a Greyhound?

    General Appearance
    Strongly built, upstanding, of generous proportions, muscular power and symmetrical formation, with long head and neck, clean well laid shoulders, deep chest, capacious body, slightly arched loin, powerful quarters, sound legs and feet, and a suppleness of limb, which emphasise in a marked degree its distinctive type and quality.

    Possessing remarkable stamina and endurance.

    Intelligent, gentle, affectionate and even-tempered.

    Head and Skull
    Long, moderate width, flat skull, slight stop. Jaws powerful and well chiselled.

    Bright, intelligent, oval and obliquely set. Preferably dark.

    Small, rose-shape, of fine texture.

    Jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. the upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.

    Long and muscular, elegantly arched, well let into shoulders.

    Shoulders oblique, well set back, muscular without being loaded, narrow and cleanly defined at top. Forelegs, long and straight, bone of good substance and quality. Elbows free and well set under shoulders. Pasterns of moderate length, slightly sprung. Elbows, pasterns and toes inclining neither in nor out.

    Chest deep and capacious, providing adequate heart room. Ribs deep, well sprung and carried well back. Flanks well cut up. Back rather long, broad and square. Loins powerful, slightly arched.

    Thighs and second thighs wide and muscular, showing great propelling power. Stifles well bent. Hocks well let down, inclining neither in nor out. Body and hindquarters, features of ample proportions and well coupled, enabling adequate ground to be covered when standing.

    Moderate length, with compact, well knuckled toes and strong pads.

    Long, set on rather low, strong at root, tapering to point, carried low, slightly curved.

    Straight, low reaching, free stride enabling the ground to be covered at great speed. Hindlegs coming well under body giving great propulsion.

    Fine and close.

    Black, white, red, blue, fawn, fallow, brindle or any of these colours broken with white.

    Ideal height: dogs: 71-76 cms (28-30 ins); bitches: 69-71 cms (27-28 ins).

    Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

    Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


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  3. Insomnia

    Insomnia New Member

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    I'm not much good at deciphering standards...but did a quick check for Greyhounds of similar colours (I work visually)...what do you think of the similarities to this one?

    from http://www.ourgreyhounds.co.uk/picture_gallery/pages_31_40/gallery-34.htm

    I'd say based on that her ears are a little bigger? To be honest, if I didn't know what she was I'd think she was a Greyhound too...she's not very different and as a long dog does have a lot of Greyhound likely to be in her...
  4. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Looks like Collie in her to me.
  5. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    She's Grey/Saluki, but I think both of mine show more Grey then the other breed, I see what you mean about the ears, the tail carriage is also different, but the body very simalar, apart from Honey is a midge at 24tts, so below the standard asked for, she's just a petite girlie ;) to me, I see a difference in the face too, but that could just be that they are not clones lol. Also I love the Grey you showed, he's gorgeous :D
  6. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Really, can I ask where, must admit thats the first time anyones said that of her, so I'm intrested to see what collie traits you think she shows :).
  7. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Cant see much Saluki. Can see maybe whippet, would explain the blue fawn colour, can see collie, thisker ruffed hair around neck and more slitty eye.
  8. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Tbh if I didn't see the parents I would of thought whippet, she's small IMO, although not tiny, her face is quite slim, and sometimes I've wondered whether the Saluki mum was actually a cross, but she's the one that came from a breeder, although no questions where asked of the mums pedigree, so I'm wondering if maybe she did have whippet in there somewhere?
  9. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Dawn do you think the the slitty eyes are still in these photos? As looking back, with the head shot she's looking towards where the sun is, and in the body shot she's watching a rower down river, again towards the direction of the sun, so I'm wondering whether the sun is having a impact on that?


  10. *SJ*

    *SJ* New Member

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    I would say it's definitely her head mainly that shows she's not full greyhound. Also she is too small, that said though it's easy to see why she gets mistaken for a Grey.
  11. Insomnia

    Insomnia New Member

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    On that last picture you posted, I do see Saluki in her profile. She's gorgeous! Also the last but one picture she doesn't look full Greyhound. I can't put my finger on why...
  12. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    I definitely see saluki in her. I can see she is not full greyhound but that's because I know greyhounds. I can see why people who don't know would mistake her for a greyhound.
    Greyhounds can be large or small. I've got a big boy yet I've met some much smaller one...mainly female.
    My lurchers always get mistaken for greys, even when they are walking with Guinness who is full grey.
    There were two women sat on the prom and we passed with all 5 dogs. One asked the other if they were greyhounds and she thought all of them were! Danny is a bull lurcher, Jenny is a greyhound whippet cross, Poppy is a staffie whippet cross and Otis is a lab collie cross!:mrgreen: Only Guinness is pure grey!
  13. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    I must say I do think out of all of it I think its her face that is so different, but I couldn't say why, but thanks, you just let me know what I couldn't put me finger on :D

    Thank you :) the second to last is one that Clare (lilypup) says that she looks like a mouse in, maybe thats why ;) :lol:.

    Thank you :) must admit when on the Greyhound walks I see some that are a simalar size to her, but never the males, which probally makes sense really :) but I have to say I really laughed about Otis, bless him, how does a dog of that mix look anything like a Grey :? :lol: :lol:
  14. trevorfrie13

    trevorfrie13 New Member

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    I have watched greyhounds run for 50 years and I see Lurchers or Longdogs today that I mistake for Greyhounds. All I do is look at earmarkings although I appreciate that this only indicates greyhounds registered for racing and a dog without the markings could well originate from 2 greyhounds. I think that all running dogs are superb athletes, a greyhound bred to win Crufts would match the standard but it wouldn't run as well as what I call a greyhound.
  15. Can17

    Can17 New Member

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    i love then:007:
  16. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    I know what you mean about the different types of Greyhounds, its a shame though, as I thought that breed standards were put in place to protect breeds and keep them true, so surely the better example should be the one who excels at what they were and are bred for.

    Thanks :).

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