I'm sure Honey doesn't know what she is, General Chat

Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by chaz, Mar 7, 2011.

  1. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    I'm sure Honey doesn't know what she is,

    Everything I read about Salukis, they are meant to be reserved dogs, I've heard it of Grey's too, so surely a cross between the two should be the same, but no, my one loves people, will have days were she walks through the town with a wagging tail, trying to get attention from everyone, and has a horrid habit, still at five at trying to jump up at people she knows, she did get over this at one time, but I know too many people who think that this is great, and she's gone back to once she knows you, she's got to say a big hello :roll:, although its getting better again, mainly because now when I know someone encourages, and calls the dogs from a distance to wind them up, I let both go, a 26kg dog, running at full speed to jump straight into you, well its negative assocation for the person doing it ;) oh and everyone who gets near is treated to whipped legs, now I love Honey and what she's like (apart from the jumping up), but have to say, more and more, she is not the dog that most people think that she will be once they hear the breeds in her.
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  3. HiHoSilver

    HiHoSilver New Member

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    Greys reserved?Where did you hear that?I WISH I could meet a reserved one!I've encountered dignified friendly greys (very old ones!) and nervous ones (young and unhandled or abused) but never a hint of reserve.It's rare for salukis to be exuberant with strangers but there's a bloodline in the UK (Lusaki in Essex) who have a lot of exceptions to the reservation rule.And most,regardless of bloodline, are painfully (I mean it literally - it hurts!) exuberant with their friends.
  4. Greyhoundlover

    Greyhoundlover New Member

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    I must have another one of the "rare" exuberant with strangers variety, as my saluki x has to be surgically reoved from everyone he meets:roll: :grin: :grin:
    He will go anywhere including towns, but isn't keen on heavy traffic - probably due to the area he worked in Ireland being rural.

    Our last saluki x was more reserved, and saved himself for people he knew well.
  5. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    Mo, Saluki/Greyhound cross (RIP) was reserved in the extreme.
    I've never known such a stuck-up dog! :mrgreen:
    She would run to the door to greet us on our return but never wanted to know anyone else.
    If she ever sat with you on the settee she sat with her back to you :mrgreen:

    I would still have another though :049:
  6. HiHoSilver

    HiHoSilver New Member

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    If a saluki x greyhound temperament harks back to the greyhound side they're complete tarts,if to the saluki they're dowager duchesses.In the purebreds male salukis are more sociable than the ladies so long as they're properly introduced of course. The girls look as if they were born to wear pince nez - just so they can look down at you through them!
  7. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    Lol, great description :grin:
  8. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Quite a few places, she's also the most over friendly dog on the walks that we went on with the Greyhound group, she had a few issues with men there, but it seems that if you have a dog, you are ok (probally to do with the fact that the men who scared her didn't have a dog, I don't know), I have no idea what bloodline her parent was from, just that she was saluki, and a few people get hurt by both my dogs, as like all sighthounds, their tails turn into whips when they're happy lol.

    I wish Honey would save herself lol, everyone gets a happy greeting, most the time with her body being shaken by her tail going so fast, when its someone she knows her body is just out of control, as her tail is going so much :lol:

    Mo was so beutiful she knew she could get away with it, tbh I wish that mine would sit with their back to you, coz my two like to compete with who can be the lap dog, which can mean your sat down with both on you, which isn't very comfy lol.

    Lol, love it.

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