Greyhounds to be sent to China! Controversial

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by spot, Mar 2, 2011.

  1. galty

    galty New Member

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    As I wont pay Murdoch a penny any chance of publishing the ST article.

    Have noticed on an Anti Greyhound site it is being questioned.

    Any way will be at the Irish Embassy for the Demo next Saturday might meet you there.
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  3. spot

    spot New Member

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    Its been published on the pro greyhound board as you probably know:roll:

    I notice on there the vast majority of owners (pretty much one person on her own disagreeing with the idea in a lengthy debate) are very for the idea and see nothing wrong with the fact that there is no animal welfare laws in China or any way it could policed. Many of the those invovled in the industry think its fine for their dogs to be flogged off to other countries including China and Spain so long as the money is right and say its fine if they end up in the food chain however they are slaughtered! In fact they see is as something to joke about (do they make good burgers being one comment)

    Might well see you there but cant help but wonder just which side of the fence you will be on?
  4. spot

    spot New Member

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    Thank you lets hope more do. x
  5. galty

    galty New Member

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    If your refering to Smiths site I deregistered over 2 years ago and as its a closed site no idea whats said on it.

    Only pro site I visit is Flappers.
  6. Vicki6344


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    So incredibly sad..... :cry:
  7. Insomnia

    Insomnia New Member

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    i have signed it
  8. Jodie

    Jodie New Member

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    Please hlep these dogs

    If you haven’t already heard - the Irish Greyhound Board are proposing to export greyhounds and set up a greyhound racing industry China. This - in a country where there are no animal welfare laws - where dogs are killed for their fur and dog meat is considered a delicacy.:-(

    A petition has been created and will be delivered to the Irish Government in Dublin and the Irish Embassy in London calling for the withdrawal of these dreadful proposals.

    Please...please can you spare just one minute to sign the petition. You dont have to declare your name but your signature will obviously strengthen the message to the Irish Government.

    Heartfelt thanks in anticipation for your support for the greyhounds.
  9. spot

    spot New Member

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    Please sign
  10. spot

    spot New Member

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    So tell us where do you stand
  11. galty

    galty New Member

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    Thanks for the link.

    Amanda`s(scotland) is holding a protest on 2 April out side the Irish Consult and also one in London on the 9 of April.

    I think even one person turning up is worth 1000 sig on a petition
  12. lolly2012

    lolly2012 New Member

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    I have signed and I have posted on my facebook I hate facebook but it does have its uses at times to get things like this noticed and can help to gain more petition signatures I use it for that all the time.

    thanks for posting the link x
  13. Gizmoli626

    Gizmoli626 New Member

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    I lived there for nearly 3 years, we need to stop this!! We need to get pretty much all animals out of there!!!
  14. Westie_N

    Westie_N New Member

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    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    Signed and shared elsewhere. :cry:
  15. galty

    galty New Member

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    Hope you can go to this then as its in Scotland

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2011
  16. galty

    galty New Member

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    Thank you
  17. spot

    spot New Member

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    Thanks to all who have signed

    Galty we will turn you into a tree hugger yet you know ;-)

  18. galty

    galty New Member

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    You wont you know, I never sign petations waste of time

    Amanda states she was pleased with the turn out.

    Will be going to the London one on the 9th
  19. trevorfrie13

    trevorfrie13 New Member

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    We must improve the image of greyhound racing if the sport I love is to continue. I think that without the sport the greyhound would change in a decade and the athletes we know would become different dogs. I live in England but do recognize the breeding skills of the Irish. They must not export to China. China will become the leading nation in the world in 50 years but it must improve its treatment of animals. Do not let the Irish send their greyhounds there until it does or else we will have more horror stories.
  20. HiHoSilver

    HiHoSilver New Member

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    Just had an email from one of the greyhound groups,the CEO of the Irish Greyhound Board was in Government offices in Dublin today lobbying for this obscene proposal to go ahead.Money money money...
  21. HiHoSilver

    HiHoSilver New Member

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    Yesterday nearly 500 dogs on their way to a meat market were saved when an animal rights group member spotted them crammed into truck on the outskirts of Beijing.He swerved his car in front of the truck forcing it to stop.There was then a 15 hour standoff.The authorities could do nothing for the dogs despite the conditions in the truck as there are no laws in China to protect animals.
    The situation was finally resolved when the animal rights group paid the driver $10000 for the animals.
    They were transported to a vet clinic where most of the adults were found to have parvo virus and distemper and others just too weak to stand from starvation and dehydration.Only the puppies were healthy.
    There is growing opposition to the meat trade in domestic animals from middle class Chinese who claim that many of the animals are stolen pets.

    And this is where Bord na Gon want to send our greyhounds...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2011

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