Boxer / tail docking General Chat

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by late74, Feb 27, 2011.

  1. Can17

    Can17 New Member

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    What color is it. :102:
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  3. rueben

    rueben New Member

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    Docking boxers is usually an aesthetic preference.Personally I like the angular look of a docked boxer and having owned docked boxers that is what I am condition to. I do have a bobtail boxer at the present time because docking is now illegal in this country.I also love the square chunky look of a docked rottie. I'm sure with most people it is what you are accustomed to. For younger or first time owners, a full tailed boxer would probabley be preferred.
  4. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    Ive had Boxers for nearly 30 years & much prefer the tailed dog - as nature intended. Ive already commented on this forum (& others) my views on "Bobtails".:?
  5. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    bobtail=corgi cross8)
  6. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    Have you got any pics showing the tail? I do prefer the look of a docked boxer but am getting used to the tail now :grin:

    Hopefully will be going to see a bobtail at the SKC next month :) Can't wait to see one in the flesh.
  7. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    Exactly - a crossbreed
  8. rueben

    rueben New Member

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    I don't have any problems with owning a bobtail and that is my choice, in fact she is adorable.I know all about the genetic engineering involving the Pembrokeshire corgi.That is now many generations ago and the kennel club recognizes the bobtail as "boxer" which my registered kennel club papers will prove. Although there are no champions in this country they are shown in the ring and Ruby's sire was a crufts qualifier.I don't show or breed myself as my interest is purely for a family pet. Boxers are not an ancient breed like certain breeds but relatively new in comparison.Originally they were bred from cross-breeding the Engish bull dog with two of the German mastif breeds just over a century ago so I would say that makes all boxers cross-breeds.I really don't know what you are getting into a sweat about as someone else's personal choice wouldn't affect me.
  9. rueben

    rueben New Member

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    To be honest Carole they don't look any different to a boxer with a long tail.The only difference is the tail is short.I have posted some photo's of Ruby on the boxer photo's thread but you can only just make out her tail.I don't really think much about it as she is just a short tail boxer to me.I think you will find they are becoming increasingly more common.Thanks for your interest.:023:
  10. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    Then why the long defensive reply?

    You have your opinion, so do I & there are other folk think as i do. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2011
  11. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    The bobtails tail varies in length, they are not all the uniform length. The purpose of the bobtail was a dog that carries the gene to produce naturally short/er length tails as docking was being banned
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2011
  12. rueben

    rueben New Member

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    Read what ever you want into my post it is what it is. As for other people's opinions they are entitled to them, as I am. Why you feel a need to repeat your opinions through this thread is a puzzle as you have nothing new to say.
  13. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    How bizarre - could say same about your post

    NB - Edited to add - Your Ruby is a lovely looking dog :)
  14. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    Yes they seem to be on the rise :)

    If I decide to have another boxer in the future he/she will probably be from bobtail lines and whether I end up with a bobtail who knows :)
  15. rueben

    rueben New Member

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    NB - Edited to add - Your Ruby is a lovely looking dog :)[/QUOTE]

    Well thank you for that. Ruby is a very sweet natured boxer with a lovely temperament.--I will add I came on this thread because it appeared to be about preferences between docked or not. Giving judgement on someone else's choice of dog is not what I am into, as all dogs are o. k. to me no matter what breed or colour. Being the owner of white boxers (now that's another story full of prejudice) you should know"other people" taking a pop at your dog isn't going to go down to well. --Regards anyway and continue to enjoy your boxers tail or no tail and whatever colour.
  16. rueben

    rueben New Member

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    I'm sure you will love whatever you finally decide to choose.They are a little more expensive at the present time but as they become more common I'm sure the price will come down.I don't know what you know of the bobtail boxer history but if you are interested Bruce Cattanach the genetiicist who originally bred them has a very informative web site.If you type in his name and bobtail boxer I thing you should get it.It gives details of all the breeding and back breeding involved. He is also the breeder of "Steynmere" boxers. Hope you find it interesting. Cheers:023:
  17. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    I think its a little unfair to call the bobtail a crossbreed ...I know some do , but to be honest it always sounds a little petty when they do:?

    As they are around the 8/9 generation now (I think) and are accepted as pure Boxer by the KC... if peopel still want to class them as "crossbreeds" then the logic should be widened to include many other breeds of dog:?

    Personally, I would not go out of my way to buy one, and its not because I consider them crossbreeds, its more to do with the tail, to much inconsistency in the length.

    Before the ban , any bobtails that were longer than the required length were docked, so you would not really know one way or the other.

    Today after the ban, some of the bobtails are horrendous, different lengths some a couple of vertebrae some longer, and has to make one wonder the object of the exersice was going to achieve, as all its done (after the ban) is produce Boxers with many different tails lengths.

    rueben I think you will find that most of us are well aware of Bruce Cattanach and his work ,( have great respect for him) and know our way aroudn his website.;-)

    Your girl is lovely, be she a bobtail or not, in my eyes she is a Boxer through and through, and you wont find any prejudice from me about them, as those who own Whites wont either,

    There is prejudice for both sadly in the breed.

    I dont agree with them costing more, and sadly again, due to demand, more and more people are trying to cash in on the act.
  18. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    I know a few members know Dr Bruce .
    What i would like to know is why some one who has worked so hard to progress boxer health chose to breed a bobtail for what seems purely cosmetic reasons ..
    I dont have a problem with the dogs themselves I have a problem with the idea..

    Does that make sense
  19. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    Thanks Murf you put it very aptly
  20. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    Well thank you for that. Ruby is a very sweet natured boxer with a lovely temperament.--I will add I came on this thread because it appeared to be about preferences between docked or not. Giving judgement on someone else's choice of dog is not what I am into, as all dogs are o. k. to me no matter what breed or colour. Being the owner of white boxers (now that's another story full of prejudice) you should know"other people" taking a pop at your dog isn't going to go down to well. --Regards anyway and continue to enjoy your boxers tail or no tail and whatever colour.[/QUOTE]

    I wasnt taking a pop at Ruby. It was you who stated she was a Bobtail. If you look bad to when you posted her photo i commented then on how nice she was.

    I could turn round & say my bitch isnt White - shes a Check, whats the point.....

    As for Whites, you are a bit behind the times -

    The German Governing Boxer Breed Club have declared that White Boxers can be shown/bred from, no longer excluded - they have been restored to their natural position within the Boxer World. White Boxers have been shown in Germany for the past seven plus months!!!

    With EC regulations the rest of Europe will follow suit
  21. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    I have every respect for the Boxer breeder who created Bobtails - dont agree with crossing corgi to Boxer .... However i know his reasons for doing so.

    I do disagree with breeders who charge more for Bobtails

    Dr C is doing research at present regarding kidney disease in Boxers which unfortunately strikes too many of the breed, some die very early & we have taken part in his research. He is standing out alone to do this research for the good of the Boxer breed as a whole so yes i do respect the man in his field of Geneaology & how hes trying to help Boxers.

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