Tell me about Saluki's General Chat

Discussion in 'Saluki' started by SLB, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. SLB


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    Tell me about Saluki's

    I saw a beautiful one on the park today and I know a bit about them but I was hoping someone who has experience with them could tell me more. I would love to rescue one in the future so want to know a bit more about them. Other than they are beautiful sight hounds :)
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  3. nddogs

    nddogs New Member

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    Totaly agree - stunning dogs :mrgreen:
    One came to training classes - looked like it was half in it's own little world. Quite a charater and quite bouncy it did a nice little once retrieve too, it was also slightly resevered with people but took part in ring craft. But have heard they are really not good if they find deer/sheep/etc.

  4. gizooty

    gizooty New Member

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    salukis are generly Aloof,
    bit like a afghan.. they dont trust strangers, can be ok off lead but need watching.. lol..
    i have 2 afghans, and a saluki x whippet(who will be rehomed soon) i race my dogs, n there is Salukis that go there... the pup is great, friendly but the older ones, not so sure...
    umm other than that i think they are fabb
  5. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    I've got half a Saluki :mrgreen:
    She is docile, quiet, aloof, stubborn, dignified, independant and lazy and will soon suss out the softest most comfortable bed in the house!
    She is very fast and will chase anything that moves although she actually prefers to be chased that to chase.
    Salukis speed is difficult to measure because when going flat out they zig-zag and so it is difficult to compare with other hounds.

    I would certainly have another, cross or full Saluki :grin:
  6. Freyja

    Freyja New Member

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    Do you race at Elsmere port? If you do and he woman with the salukis has 4 all related 2 bitches that are litter sisters and 2 males which are the bitches pups then it is my friends salukis. The youngest Seth is great but the others Russ, Qassa and Qadifa can be quite aloof untilthey get to know you. I have known Russ since the day he was born
  7. honeysmummy

    honeysmummy New Member

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    I walk a full Saluki and own a saluki x greyhound.

    They are lovely, can be pretty aloof to start with especially with strangers but can be quite funny and clown like when they get to know you. Intelligent, very agile and Nippy is right about the zigzgs. They go like a bat out of hell but never in a straight line, lol!!
    Great with other dogs generally. Fab with children and Noah is brill around cats and small animals (tho not squirrells!!!). So some cat trainable def.
    They are lovely, I am very lucky cos Noah has the best parts of Saluki and the best parts of greyhound! :)
  8. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    I have a saluki cross grey and she is very affectionate, lively, great with children and other dogs, they are notoriously disobedient though and seem to like water, and obviously being a sighthound not good with small furry things
  9. SLB


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    Oh so I cant own one til all 8 of my bunnies have lived their life lol - Unless I rescue a pup from a breed specific and bring it up with them - that would work right? lol They sound great, since coming on here, I love the idea of owning a hound - grey or saluki - never an Afghan though - too much fur. so I thought I'd find out more about them.

    What are their exercise requirements and can they be let off lead without enclosures?
  10. TomtheLurcher

    TomtheLurcher New Member

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    My lurcher is part saluki , it makes him pretty but also makes him slightly aloof at times and also gives him those fab ears , I was at discover dogs at the weekend and the salukis were just to die for so beautiful but need a bit of research into the breed to know what you are taking on , sure its more than worth it though to look at such gorgeous dogs daily ! ;-)
  11. SLB


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    Oh I wont be getting one for a while - I'd have no room for me or the OH in our house if I had my way - I want a tall dog because I cant have a big dog - the house is 50 years old and not really great dane friendly - although I would love a dane - so a nice pretty hound should fit in well and as for the enclosed space we have a huge enclosed garden so that should be no problem - of course we'd have to get one whose been assessed with furries or wait til the firries ahve passed otehrwise they;d be dodging rabbit runs ;) LOL

    I have been swayed by them a bit by being on here and seeing all the hound pictures :) - I blame you all!!!;-)
  12. HiHoSilver

    HiHoSilver New Member

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    Saluki Rescue:
    Ann Blake
    Crusty old baggage but no one knows more about the breed than she does,get past the crust and she's fantastic.
    For general info on keeping the breed look at my post on Azawakhs
  13. HiHoSilver

    HiHoSilver New Member

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    [​IMG][/IMG]Some pretty saluki pics for you..[​IMG][/IMG]
  14. TomtheLurcher

    TomtheLurcher New Member

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    Tom has saluki in his lurcher x and I recognise all of the above lol ! and wouldnt change it for minute !:grin:
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2011
  15. HiHoSilver

    HiHoSilver New Member

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    More pics..[​IMG][/IMG]
    They look their best on the move don't you think?[​IMG][/IMG]

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