Am I over exercising him? Health

Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by Jukesgirl, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. Jukesgirl

    Jukesgirl New Member

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    Am I over exercising him?

    I think the answer to this question is no, but i want to make sure.

    Recently my Dad has been getting at me saying that i am going to walk my little dog into an early grave.

    He is a JRT x Border Terrier - i assume, and he is 18 months old, again this is based on information from a rescue centre so it has to be taken with a pinch of salt.

    He has no health problems and never has as far as the information i have goes although one of his front legs looks to have grown crooked, it shows no sign of being a problem for him and the vet said that there was nothing wrong with it.

    So i took him for a walk the other day, just to get some alone time and before i could turn back to walk home i had got missed calls from my dad (who i live with) asking if i was ok and where was i.

    The walk could not have been over 2 miles before he picked me up saying i should not be out in the dark (!) and that it was far too much for that little dog to manage.

    I walk him every day - it is about this distance and maybe a bit more or less every day depending on the route. i also play fetch with him in the back yard and i play tug of war in the house with him.

    Is this too much for him? I wouldn't have thought it was but i was wondering if i could get some advice

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  3. Vicki6344


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    Personally, as he's fully grown, I wouldn't worry about it.

    He sounds delightful - any photos?
  4. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    I walk my adults further than that so I would say OK

    Sometimes legs look crooked on terriers but when you look properly it is just an illusion created by hair growth. As you have had it checked by the vet and he is not going lame after walk I would say its ok
  5. labradork

    labradork New Member

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    2 miles takes what, 30-40 minutes to walk? I really fail to see how your dad could consider that enough to be walking him 'into an early grave'. A dog of that cross should be able to walk that amount and far more with no problems.
  6. maxine

    maxine New Member

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    That's not a particularly long walk for a healthy dog. Perhaps your dad was just worried about you being out so long and dressed it up as concern for the dog?
  7. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    It sounds more like your dad was worried about you being out in the dark than the dog tbh and 2 miles is a pretty short walk too. My little terrier goes out for hours and covers so much ground as he's always off on the scent of something and then coming back to check in and then he's off again. We walk for a couple of hours and he must cover at around 10 miles on average and he'd be happy to carry on all day long.
  8. borderladysue

    borderladysue New Member

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    I tend to agree with Trouble on this one, i think i would be the same if my daughter was out walking in the dark, its just a parent thing, but my Border terrier is walked about 10 miles a day and he would happily do another 10 if i had the time.:roll:
  9. Jukesgirl

    Jukesgirl New Member

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    So you are all of the same opinion as me, this calms the concerns that i had ... i didn't think it was enough either but regardless of the fact that i do everything for this dog, sometimes i have to justify taking him out or playing with him!

    It could be concern for me i guess, though i doubt it. I am just glad that i am not hurting him mistakenly!

    That is my main concern ... at any rate - he always looks pretty happy to me!


    Well maybe sleepy rather than happy! :)
  10. Tessabelle

    Tessabelle New Member

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    He's lovely! :049:
    Bentley just turned one and he walks about 3-4 miles a day and has done since he was about 6 months old. All I've done is make a rod for my own back because now he expects the walks!! :roll:
  11. Jukesgirl

    Jukesgirl New Member

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    I know what you mean, Ruffus has to get walked every day really, if i go near the front door he thinks it is walkies time.

    Fortunately he is not the kind of dog that will go mental without a daily walk. It has only happened a handful of times since i got him that i have not been able to take him out but because i have Narcolepsy (a sleeping disorder) sometimes i am just too tired to get out, thankfully Ruffus doesn't makes things worse, he just cuddles up and keeps me warm and is contented with the few games of catch or tug i can manage on those days!

    OK i fear that makes him sound like an angel! but he has his moments i can assure you!
  12. Davy MacLean

    Davy MacLean New Member

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    I've got the same mix of dog as you and can never walk him enough! I was told by the vet dogs are like humans some love exercise some don't I have had mines hill walking in the lakes one day about 10 miles he thoroughly loved it and he was about 10 or 11 then slept all the way home;-)
  13. Petticoat

    Petticoat New Member

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    What a cutie!! I would think most adult terriers love a really good walk!:mrgreen:
  14. Jukesgirl

    Jukesgirl New Member

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    Yeah he is definitely a cutey! He can walk for miles or is content with a quick walk a couple of times a day - he is a good dog really, just had a poor start in life!

    Davey: would love to see pictures of yours, i just love terriers!
  15. littlefoot


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    He's simply stunning.

    I have a Patterdale just over a year old and she comes everywhere with me (apart from work lol). she will walk all day given the chance. It's not very often you see a young over weight terrier and that's because they don't like being still for to long. I'd take what your dad has said with a pinch of salt.
  16. muttzrule

    muttzrule New Member

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    That is such a cute dog! Sorry to gush but, AWE!

    Anyway, as others have said, 2 miles should be more than easily managable for a young adult terrier. You Dad was probably just worried about you. Especially if you have a sleep disorder, maybe he was just extra concerned. Maybe he would like to come out with you?

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