Hello peeps, I am considering of getting another basset hound. My previous one is unfortunately no longer with us and I think it is time I got another one. I was just wondering if anyone knows of any good breeders or who can point me in the right direction? As my previous basset I had was from someone who advertised rehoming him in a pet shop. I did manage to track down his breeders in the short space i had my Harry (my basset) for but I dont think I will go back to them for another one. Tasha x
Hi I can recommend Balmacara Bassets. They are in Lincolnshire. http://www.balmacarabassethounds.co.uk/ Good luck with your search. Sarah
Have you considered a rescue, as you have already experienced a hound and its traits i am pretty sure you would go top of the re-homing list for the next pup or teenager which came into the rescue.
If you do opt for a rescue Basset, please try Basset Welfare. They are also excellent for advice. http://www.bassethoundwelfare.org.uk/ Thanks Sarah
Thank you very much for your advice. I am going to look at both options of getting a basset from a breeder and also one from rescue. It would be nice to rescue one as it would be lovely to give him/her a loving and caring home. Plus I work in a boarding kennels and I don't like hearing that dogs have to be put into rescue for all sorts of reasons.