Papillion for a dog savvy 9 year old? Questions

Discussion in 'Papillon' started by Mother*ship, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. Mother*ship

    Mother*ship New Member

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    Please stay ladies! :grin: All info/discussions of the breed are useful.

    I've been given the contact details of someone who mainly breeds for agility (in fact her main breed is working kelpies) so I'm going to give her a ring for a chat and more info. Any questions I should be particularly asking?

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  3. Abbeypap

    Abbeypap New Member

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    Thank you for letting us continue on your thread. I have to admit to leading a very sedentry way of life and 10 or maybe even 20 odd years ago agility would have had me reaching for my dog and car keys to go join in. :grin: I go to some local agility shows when they are on near me and I do admire everyone and there dogs who go full pelt round the rings and I always come away with the impression everyone is having an absolute ball.

    I had visitors who came to see my pups for agility and they appeared only interested in cost and play drive. Not a single person asked about the health of the pups nor of any hereditary conditions which may affect a dog needed with good stamina and four good legs to get them round an agility course :)

    If your breeder is worth her salt she will ask 100 times more questions of you. Hope you have a very nice chat with the lady you are phoning and come away with loads of useful information.
  4. mac82

    mac82 New Member

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    im very sorry mothership i apologise im afraid i got a little carried away!!!:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: im afraid that was rather rude of me!!!!!
    abbypup i will pm you if you dont mind!!
  5. Mother*ship

    Mother*ship New Member

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    Don't be a dill! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    I want to hear all about your Paps, really doesn't matter if it's a little OT, it's all interesting!!! Feel free to chat away I'm enjoying it!

  6. mac82

    mac82 New Member

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    why thankyou!!. you might be interested to hear the very first time i saw a pap it was not love at first sight!! we were sat in the vets with our rescue colliexlab and i heard this whinging going on and on and on!!! i turned round and there was a little old woman with a black and white pap shivering away and i asked if he was ok,she replied i don't know why he creates such a fuss he only comes here to get his nails clipped!!!
    i just remember thinking "how could anyone want to own such a pansy of a dog?" i was the most abominable small dog snob i confess!! working at a rescue did me the power of good it taught me little dogs can have such huge personalities!!
    i now have a 'pansy' of a dog who is scared of moths and daddy long legs, and he is the best decision i ever made!!:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
  7. Laurelin

    Laurelin New Member

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    Hi, I'm new but I was lurking and saw this thread. We have five papillons currently and I've had 7 over the years. I LOVE them, they are just so fun.

    None of mine are snappy at all, in fact I don't think you could make any of them snap if you tried. They are sweet natured and very affectionate towards their people. They can be kind of loud, but I've never had a snappy one.

    They are often compared to border collies very often. This is because they are very very smart and they are also very high energy usually. This makes them great sports dogs and they are very easy to train. I do agility and rally with my papillons. they are just as good as large herding breeds. I had shelties, GSDs, and a BC x before the papillons and find their eagerness to please and energy level really comparable to those breeds.

    We got my sister her first papillon when she was 9. She's now 12 and they are inseparable. Her papillon is very sweet and easy going and gentle.

    This is my youngest, she's 1 1/2 years:


    These are the two boys:


    This is my oldest girl:


    And this is my little sister's girl, Rose. She is such a sweetheart.

  8. Rookgeordiegirl

    Rookgeordiegirl New Member

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    Now what can I add except that Mouse joined our family yesterday.She has no fearhas the most wonderful temp, and as you know I plan to do obed with her. Her breeder is a lovely lady with years of experience in the breed including obed.I have now got to know a few that are "working" or starting to work. Mouse has only been here 24hrs and she is lying at my feet amongst 3 collies ,1 pug and 3 cats thats not bad for a young pup :grin: :grin:
    Ive opened another thread with her next to my collie Corrie
  9. Laurelin

    Laurelin New Member

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    Congrats on your new pap! I would love to see pictures (and of your collie too). I'm planning on adding a border collie to our crew next year. :)

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