awwwww he's gorgeous bless his heart Jake smiles like anything when he gets a new toy and wags his stump as if his life depended on it They are just like children really: love getting something new
What a lovely picture. He looks like he's saying. 'Look Mum I can pick it up with my feet'. Clever Boy!! AnneXX
Great picture Marean Mine love toys but unfortunatly it causes squabbling among them so I've given up with them :-( They have tug toys in the garden but I have to watch them with it and have learnt when is the right time to take them off them before world war 3 breaks out
yeah you could say that lol, nemo chews ANY toy given to him to pieces but he has great fun in the process ;-)
Problem is, this one squeaks! The toy, not Jack. But he loves his toys and when a visitor comes that he likes, he'll bring out his toys from his box and lay them at the visitor's feet. Squeaky toys, an old broom, the visor of a cap which is a great frisby, anything that can be thrown, caught, tugged.
Trish, your chap has the most adorable face, I wish there was a suitable smiley to add here! Jimmi actively avoids squeaky toys which is really odd given his penchant for searching out squeaky things in the garden. He genuinely seems frightened of them. However, give him something soft that he can fling about and pull to bits, then he is in heaven.
Frankie loves toys especially if they belong to the others, he's a bit of a kleptomaniac He also loves playing fetch and will have you chucking things for him to retrieve all day long. Diesel my staffie is only interested in his kong and his ball on a rope.