Come on, who owns/has ever owned a Lurcher/longdog. General Chat

Discussion in 'Lurcher Forum' started by chaz, Aug 26, 2010.

  1. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Come on, who owns/has ever owned a Lurcher/longdog.

    Who has been brave/silly enough to ever of put themselves through owning a Lurcher/longdog, and what sort of experiences did you have when owning them? And more importantly do you have any funny stories about them :mrgreen: the more the merrier, and more importantly would you own one again :D
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  3. spot

    spot New Member

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    Ive got a lurcher and possibly a longdog (some say pure borzoi but could be a borzoi x saluki).

    Ive fostered a fair few as well daft a brushes all of them but wouldnt be without one around the house.
  4. Phil

    Phil Fondly Remembered

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    Skye's a Deerhound X Old English Sheepdog so by 'definition' I guess he can be considered a Lurcher.

    Skye aside - my experiences of both 'pet' and 'working' Lurchers has been great and wouldn't hesitate to own one in the future.
  5. Fernsmum

    Fernsmum New Member

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    I have a lucher aged 14 . She is a rescue dog and is the nicest dog you could meet . I would have no hestitation in having another one . In fact I think they make better pets than a lot of the traditional pet dogs around .
  6. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Its nice to hear of people's dogs :) Skye probally looks the most like the first Lurchers, does he have the brains too :mrgreen:.

    Honey and Diesel are my first Lurcher and Longdog, and now I can't imagine not having one, they are such special dogs, but who doesn't say that about their dogs :mrgreen:, I've grown up with a Deerhound and Whippet among other breeds and crosses, and just love the sighthound attitude, the laziness in the house, but how they come alive outside.
  7. Lionhound


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    We got Lula from a lurcher rescue even tho she is not strictly a lurcher. We were told that her mum was a terrier/b collie cross and dad unknown but I can see some sight hound in her and a a man who has owned lurchers all his life said he definitely sees lurcher in her.
    When we were looking for a rescue I saw a lot of lurchers on the rescue site and I have to say that I love the look of them and the variety of them. Also if what makes Lula such a special girl is down to having even a touch of lurcher, I can see me having more in the future.
  8. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Do you have any photos of Lula? She sounds a special girl :)
  9. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    I have 2 lurchers and a greyhound! Lovely and very naughty dogs!! I love their personalities. They are completely crackers!!:mrgreen: They are my favourite dogs in the world ( including my collie and collie x of course:blush: !)
    Jenny says "Mama" to command! Danny is a thief and completely lush! And Holly is just plain gorgeous!!
    I am making it my life to rescue lurchers and greyhounds. If I had more room I would have more!!
    Also when Jenny farts...she looks at her bum with complete surprise and then glares at me as if to say "did you do that mum"?:lol:
  10. cava14una

    cava14una New Member

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    I haven't but would really like to so can I follow and get the goss on them please:grin:

    Someone walks 2 past my window every day one looks like a small Deerhound and the other is white with black patches.
  11. Lionhound


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    She is a total joy and we are very lucky to have her.
    Doing what she does best........beat up a girlie Ridgie:001:
  12. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Zoe when one of the theories of the name Lurcher is it coming from the translations of 'lur' meaning thieving, and 'cur' meaning mongrel, when you let a lurcher into your life you should know your getting in a thieving mongrel ;) Diesel looks at his bum when he farts too, although doesn't blame me :lol:, its like he can't work it out :lol:.

    Cava of course you can, although we'll have to see how long you stay Lurcherless ;) and Lionhound Lula is stunning.
  13. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Thought that I would put up a few photos of my hounds, and hope that with them and Lula's photos that other people will put some up too ;)

    Heres Honey, she is my Saluki Greyhound cross.




    And here's Diesel, my 3/4 Grey, 1/4 GSD boy.



  14. Phil

    Phil Fondly Remembered

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    Following on from my post last night - here's some Skye pics...

    He has the most gentle and polite manner often allowing the other dogs to get their way but when he needs to teach them a lesson they seem to respect him.

    Even Inki and Luz will tell you - they nicknamed him 'the equalizer' as he kept giving the Northern Inuits a telling off when they got too rowdy lol




  15. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    He's gorgeous, do you know how that cross come about? Was it a planned cross, its just that I like hearing of the different crosses, and haven't heard of another of the same cross :).
  16. Phil

    Phil Fondly Remembered

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    He was part of an accidental litter 11 years ago.

    One of the parents at the School Karen teaches at was the owner the Old English (mum) and a couple of doors down had a deerhound (dad). Not sure of the details but they were aware that the two dogs had been together.

    The lady who owned the Old English rehomed the pups (no charge) and we got pick of the litter. He was known as 'two spot' when we got him due to the markings on his head.
    I've seen some of Skye's siblings over the years since and they are all smaller, longer coated and less sight hound shaped.

  17. Natalie W

    Natalie W New Member

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    Can't believe how much Honey looks like my boy Twiggs here's a pic so you can see
  18. Natalie W

    Natalie W New Member

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    and here's Blobby a whippet cross not sure what with as he was a rescue
  19. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    What a gorgeous pup, I can't imagine what a family photo what look like though :)

    They do look simalar don't they :D Blobby is gorgeous too :)

  20. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    Hi Chaz, you've seen my two before but heres some more pics:

    Bella, a rescue from Dogs Trust - she is very norty lurcher (saluki x) and very affectionate


    and Kym who came from Canterbury RGT who is a typical lazy grey

  21. lilypup

    lilypup New Member

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    I went to every shelter on the South Coast to find a Lucher and because I was so honest and said I had cats and rabbits, no one would let me have one. I finally ended up at an RSPCA shelter and I decided to keep quiet and see what would happen. I had fallen for a little Lurcher girl but the shelter didn't want to split her up from her sister. My friend suggested we looked at the scruffy, depressed boy who was sat in his bed looking so sad and miserable. We took him to the exercise paddock and saw the magic that happens when a Lurcher is free to run!:mrgreen: So, after seeing his lack of reaction towards the shelter cats and passing my home check (cats and rabbits hidden away) I collected Leo and brought him home.

    I was told he was terrible at travelling, hated cats and howled when he was left. Before I got to the end of the shelter driveway Leo was curled up on the back seat and didn't make a peep for the hour long journey home. He met my cats and avoided any eye contact or indeed, any contact with them at all in the early days! The rabbits would chase him back into the house and he would leave the room if the hamster was taken out of her cage. :roll:

    He did have terrible anxiety though as it quickly became apparent he had been hit. Any sudden movement would make him cringe and whimper. :-( He chewed anything and everything that wasn't nailed down and it took a good 2 years before he felt safe and secure enough not to do this.

    His lifelong mission was to steal as much cat food as he possibly could and he was extremely successful at this. Fresh cat poo was also a delicacy of his and he would delight in breathing his stinky breath over you to let you know the litter tray had been cleaned. :roll: :lol:

    He had to have an eye removed when he was 7 after it was discovered he had a melonoma (sp) in it. This added to his 'poor me' look that he would use on any human that had food with them. Leo was a master in making people feel sorry for him and that food was the only thing that made it better. 8)

    He was a wonderful dog. So gentle with my children who grew up with him and adored him. We said goodbye 2 and a half years ago when he was nearly 14 and had almost lost the use of his back legs. He passed away in my arms, safe in the home he loved. My sofa will always have a Leo shaped hole in it as indeed my heart has.:049:

    A very special dog who charmed all he met although the odd child did run away crying at the sight of the one eyed, balding scary dog!


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