Hi, Im new and looking for border collie help! General Chat

Discussion in 'Border Collie' started by Helen73, Aug 18, 2010.

  1. Helen73

    Helen73 New Member

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    Hi, Im new and looking for border collie help!

    Hello everyone, Im Helen and Im the owner of a beautiful 3yr old border collie called Cy. He has started moulting and its coming off him in huge clumps of very fluffy fur :? , its travelling all around the house and has also started to travel down the street into neighbours gardens :shock: Ive owned Cy for 6 months after he was abandoned by his previous owner and have never had this problem before. Ive booked him in with the local groomers this week, thats if he has any fur left!!!! Was wondering if there are any collie owners out there who has had similar problems?? I hope to chat to you soon and looking forward to getting to know you all. xx
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  3. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    Yep....some of them have good moults.
    Siren is looking little hairless at the moment. We don't get the tufts as I groom her on a regular basis, but lots comes out.

    I'm sure the trip to the groomers will help you get one top of it.
  4. Helen73

    Helen73 New Member

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    Thank you for replying :grin:
  5. Cassius

    Cassius New Member

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    Hi Helen,

    I don't own BCs but my GSDs get tufties too. Once Cy has been groomed you could make sure you brush him every day. This should minimise the amount of hair you notice coming off him because as you groom him yourself you'll take off the excess.

    With my dogs, if they're not groomed adn then get tufties, it's best to leave it. once I start pulling them out at that stage they just keep on coming.

    So once you have the moult under control, then brush him every day. it doesn't have to be a long tedious job - just 10 mins a day shoudl do.

    My dogs (one of which hated being brushed at first) now line up and sit to wait their turn when I get the brushes out.

    Laura xx
  6. Helen73

    Helen73 New Member

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    Cy enjoyed his trip to the groomers, he looks beautiful :grin: . We also built him a kennel yesterday so he has shelter when we are both working, its big enough for a small horse! My youngest son whos 12 was in there with him yesterday! We have filled it up with his all his toys and a new cuddly blanket! We now have a very happy and spoilt Cy!! xx
  7. Mese

    Mese New Member

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    You should invest in a Furminator hun :)
  8. Sarah88

    Sarah88 New Member

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    Yup, Kia is my our first dog and we got her last November so we experienced our first proper moult this year. Who knew they had so much hair!? :lol: She really hates being brushed so only tend to do her once a week (accompanied by bucket-loads of treats! :roll:) but while they are really tufty it is better to try and do it every day.

    So don't panic! :mrgreen:

    Sarah x
  9. BrendaMarie

    BrendaMarie New Member

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    The carpets here turn black for a while... even with the brushing... and we get little clumps of hair in the corner of the three rooms that don't have carpet... some how it all stays out of the bathroom even though she loves to lay on the marble floor... hang in there and remember to talk to Cy in a nice happy voice saying "good dog" and the like. good luck and have fun!!
  10. TBBS

    TBBS New Member

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    My Skye is bald at the moment, but that is due to her having a litter of pups 4 months ago, but she does usually have quite a big molt about a month before she comes in season, but this time she really has gone bald.

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