Alaskan Malamutes Questions

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by STGSD, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    Thanks and yes he is :lol: The first dog on Seoniad's link is his brother :p
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  3. STGSD

    STGSD New Member

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    He's the first Zephyr I came across since naming mine! I was totally 'oooo-ing' and 'ahhh-ing' at the first pic (Zephyr's brother) he looks SO cuddly and fluffy!
  4. Muddiwarx

    Muddiwarx Member

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    No - I have 2 Labs, BC and Mally girl - they just have lots of Mally friends and extended family :) LOL
  5. STGSD

    STGSD New Member

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    Ah thats lovely! I want - I mean Zephyr wants - more doggy friends lol!
  6. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    It's not a very common name - but it was close to his 'litter' name and also links to his sire's kennel name so it stuck :) Although he's really just called Zeph now (that or 'baby brat' :lol: ).

    Gunner is gorgeous isn't he :mrgreen:
  7. STGSD

    STGSD New Member

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    He is and I like the name Gunner too!

    I like the meaning of the name Zephyr, and it was the one name out of many that my bf actually liked! My boy also gets called 'Zeph' now!

    Love your website and your dogs *jealous* lol! Amano is stunning!
  8. cornishmals

    cornishmals New Member

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    Hi I'm Jude (Kernowerghki)and live 3 miles from thae Eden project.I have Oh my gosh 6 Alaskan Malamutes and 3 canadian Eskimo Dogs.I work and show my dogs appart from Spock who was and elderly rehome and our latest 2 additions Delilah a 12 week Mal Girlie and Denzel a 8 week old Canadian Eskimo Dog.I always welcome, as do the Woos ,to my home.I can talk Mal and Eskie for hours LOL.
    Delilah and Denzil
    Kira The ginger winger
    Dems in a more serious pose
  9. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Uncle Cruiser demands access rights to his nephew!!!
  10. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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  11. Koda

    Koda New Member

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    aw! i bet it is good training :lol:
    Thats good then that hes improved,im hoping Koda will too as hes got to be neutered before our pup moves in

    It'll be our second - the other huskamute was always like "ours" (she was our neighbours who worked full time) and we were at one point asked to take her or she was going to be sent to the RSPCA :roll: so we did, but she was very unruly and destructive and couldn't be left alone for longer than half hour without eating dry wall etc, and it was my parents choice and parents house back then so they didn't keep her and she went back to her old owners-who do still have her and shes just had a litter of puppies (crossed EBT:roll: ) don't ask, altho if u search my posts you'll find my rant about it ;)

    So this will be our second and she'll be mine to bring up just as i did my Koda, so all should be fine as the other huskamute wasn't ours and she wasn't brought up well :(

    Kodas fine being left, he'll howl when you leave but then he goes to sleep according to our neighbours, tho my mum doesn't work so he doesnt get left alone very long...

    As far as i know most can be crated, Kodi was and it was a real godsend, hes never had a accident since he was housetrained :)
    Edited to add we're getting her from Cornish mals who posted above :) x

  12. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    Thank you :grin: Man thinks he's a sled dog and he is an excellent lead dog :lol: He's a gorgeous boy (and I am sorely tempted by another :lol: )

    His nephew is getting big - he's 2 1/2 now! :grin:
  13. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Cruiser will be birthday..can you beleive it!!

    AND I must be one of the few who haven't collected any more or bred from my first LOL
  14. Adam P

    Adam P

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    Hi again.

    The two males I know are really good with other dogs but were neutered really early, 6 or 10 months.

    The only one I've met to be iffy with other dogs was a mal cross who was undersocilised until 10 months, he was ott and didn't know how to interact. A few sessions with my dogs cured him.

    I would suggest you get one the opposite sex to your gsd.

    I don't know about the rescue situation, I often think a rescue can be good because you have the adult personality right there, plus you don't fall for the pushy puppy.

  15. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    I fell for the pushy puppy..he climbed over his litter mates and demanded my hubbys hand stroked him...and he is the most placid big lump you could ever find..

    He will walk past any dog growling at him and look at me and say "look at that muppet Mum"..

    On holiday a fortnight ago we passed a woman with a great wasn't very old at all....we were on a dog walk..which was about 8-10 ft wide..she had a little boy with her around 3yrs old..

    from about 30 ft away she started shouting "no" at her dog..I looked up and her little boy was running towards no point did she try to recall her child!!! she had a hand on the muzzle of her dog and was shouting no..I didn't actually think her dog was doing this point her little boy arrived next to us..turned to face the same direction as us and took a hold of Cruisers collar and proceeded to "walk" him along the path!!!!

    All this time the child's mother is screaming "no behave" at her dog..Cruiser was totally chilled and strolling along..when we passed the woman and her dog she still never recalled her child..he kept walking my dog..

    When we were about 5ft past her she screamed " get down"..she had her dog strung up on his hind legs and then proceeded to pretty much lie on top of him..all the time Cruiser strolled on..

    I am still bewildered as to what went on there..

    once I extracted this child from my dogs collar we then passed a tied up GSD who sounded like he wanted to kill my boy..who was strolling along without a care..quickly followed by a yorkshire terrorist who tried to eat his reaction....

    FYI..Cruiser is from fab lines for temprement (fab lines for everything!)
    was neutered at 20 months
    and wasn't overly socialised as a youngster..but wasn't shut away either..
  16. STGSD

    STGSD New Member

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    Gorgeous! Love the first pic! I really like Canadian Eskimo dogs too :049:

    You aren't too far from me, pehaps when my bf is back from Afgan, I can drag him down to meet your dogs...
  17. STGSD

    STGSD New Member

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    Great pics, i'm in love with the big fluffy bear!!
  18. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Me too..LOL...

    His temprement is fabulous..he is uncle to Kirstys Zeph
  19. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    ive liked mals since i was a littl girl and my uncle promised me one for my 18th birthday, unfortunately puppy never materialised... :-( after reading about them though they still sound the lovely dogs i fell in love with when i was 10. would love to own one but dont know if i would be able to cope.

    more pictures please :mrgreen:
  20. Animal Magic

    Animal Magic New Member

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    Here you go x-clo-x. :grin:








  21. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    aww gorgeous :mrgreen: i do love them!! the only thing that would bother me is how they are around small furries as i have two cats, and also the not letting them offlead.

    do yours live inside? im just thinking about what size hoover id need :lol: :lol:

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