Looking for a working cocker spaniel to buy General Chat

Discussion in 'Cocker Spaniel' started by Helipops, Jul 21, 2010.

  1. Helipops

    Helipops New Member

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    Looking for a working cocker spaniel to buy


    Im looking to add a new puppy to my household. I would like a working cocker spaniel (boy) to join my current pup who is 12 months old.

    Can anyone offer any advice as to how to introduce the new pup to the family.

    Also if anyone knows of any pup's ready for homes around mid September. Preferrably near Bolton.

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  3. rickyspringer


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    hi there, firstly is your youngster you currently owned trained to your highest standards and polite, i only ask this as you could potentially have to tearaways on your hands, if the dog is doing well i would just slowly ease the new pup in and if the dog is well balanced with a lovely temprement there should be no bother at all.. I will be able to help locate a litter for you so please message me nearer the time. RS:grin:
  4. JoedeeUK

    JoedeeUK Member

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    Whoa there way too early to add a puppy to your existing young dog. You need a good age gap to ensure no "horomonal"clashes & also for your first dog to be fully mature. As it appears your current dog is your first dog please do not rush into having two dogs very close in age.
  5. Helipops

    Helipops New Member

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    Yes my current pup is very well behaved. We have 2 cats as well and she was very quick in learning to treat them differently and gently. Before long they were the best of friends. She has showed no signs of aggression or dominance, at most the occasional bark at unfamiliar visitors to neighbours houses.

    Thanks for the help. I would be needing to take them home no later then third week of September. When is the best time to message you?
  6. Helipops

    Helipops New Member

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    appreciate the advice but not my first dog.
  7. rickyspringer


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    I will start looking now, tell me what you are after, dog or bitch, price, docked or not.. highly bred to work or just a working bred cocker? It souds like an ideal time to add another as you seem very pleased with your current dogs training,

    look forward to your response, message me if preferred:grin:
  8. Helipops

    Helipops New Member

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    Thanks you very much

    I put dog as we already have a bitch but to be honest I would prefer another bitch, as long as the pup was very submissive.

    Docker or not - not bothered as long as it was done legally.

    We would like a working cocker only because we already have one and want them matched on the energy levels so does not need to be highly bred to work. Def not show type - too much fur.

    Yes I agree, I was not planning on getting another when I first bought her but now she is trained and nearly over the silliness she needs full time companionship.

    We paid £380.00 for ours at the moment, she did not come with vaccinatations though so thats why the price was a little lower. I would prefer that as like my own vet. I would not be prepared to spend more than £450.00.

    Final hope but by no means a deal breaker. I would love an all chocolate or black cocker.
  9. rickyspringer


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    think I will definitely be able to help you, my search will now begin haha, would you take one any sooner??? Would you not have one with the smallest of white blazes on the chest, i think a bitch would be better suited, its difficult owning both dog and bitch when the season's come:grin:
  10. Helipops

    Helipops New Member

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    I wish I could take one sooner but I have work commitments until then and would not be able to supervise the puppy completely until mid September.

    I agree - a bitch would be best but they will both be spayed in any event. Coping with one season has been more than enough fun for me.

    Yes the colour is not really an issue, just as long as it is a healthy happy puppy.
  11. JoedeeUK

    JoedeeUK Member

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    Your profile shows that you have only owned one dog for 0-1 year !! & even if this was your 100th dog 12 months is still too short a time between dogs
  12. morganstar

    morganstar New Member

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    Sorry I dont agree it depends on the dog, one of mine went to live with his sister because she suffered seperation anxiety and both are very happy they were just 12 months at the time.
    Also we got Dice to show when Spence was 16 months old and he had loads of temperament problems but Dice didnt pick them up we made sure he was walked seperatly as Spen's awful on a lead, we didnt leave them alone together and we've never had a minutes prob with Dice as all.
    The op sounds like they know what to expect etc.
    By the way I trim Ben and Maggie every 12 weeks there inseperable and love each other and Bens fitted in a dream with the family as a whole.
  13. Helipops

    Helipops New Member

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    What is wrong with the busy bodies on this website. I very politely said thanks for the advice. Is this all you have time to do, argue on websites with random people. My post says "looking for working cocker to buy" not for ADVICE. There are acutally real people in my life who work with animals and have actually met my dog. I think I will take their advice over yours. People like you ruin this forum and stop it being fun. I hope people on this website see this post as every thread I go on, whether serious or fun has some chimp getting their ten pennies worth on.
  14. morganstar

    morganstar New Member

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    I have to say I agree, I'm not sure when we all became so called dog experts to the extend that we feel it's ok to lecture newcomers. We're supposed to be a forum of dog lovers yet I've seen two post on here one afvising a OP to get a cat instead!!!! and the other telling them in a round about way they werent capable of looking after two dogs.
    Good luck with your new puppy I'm sure she'll give you years of love and friendship and be a good playmate to your existing dog.
  15. Helipops

    Helipops New Member

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    thanks for the support.

    Websites like these should be encouraging people to add pets to their homes.

    and thanks again for the help in finding a new puppy
  16. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    I don't know whether he has any pups available when you are looking or not, but google Briarquest. Ian breeds lovely little working cockers :)
  17. Helipops

    Helipops New Member

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    I have had a look and am amazed by the website. Do you know where he is based?
  18. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    Selby, Yorkshire - or he was when I last went there a few years back.
  19. gsdgirl:-)

    gsdgirl:-) New Member

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    I think Jodee is very very knowledgable and has a wealth of experience to offer, but on this occassion i have to disagree, my boys are both very young and complete each other, they are fantastic together, good luck with your search and pics please!!:grin:
  20. Helipops

    Helipops New Member

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    Thanks that is not too far, I will email him
  21. Helipops

    Helipops New Member

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    I will put pics on, I need to for my current dog too

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