What made you choose your hound? Questions

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by Insomnia, Jun 11, 2010.

  1. Shaylas mum

    Shaylas mum New Member

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    I came to have my lurcher (whippet x border terrier) Lacey by default really. :grin: Her previous owner was having a baby and thought she would not manage a dog and baby something I do agree not with :cry: as I have always had dogs with children; any way Lacey was bound for rescue and just out of the blue because I was not looking to get a dog at that time, I asked if I could see her.
    She was bought to the house to meet hubby and myself and never went back to her original home.
    It is a decision I have never for a minute regreted. When I had her she could not/would not walk on a lead now she does obedience trials and has just gained her bronze good citizens award:lol:
    All that was just about 2 years ago, and now we are waiting for our new little whippet to join in in a months time.:grin:
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  3. monkeydonkey

    monkeydonkey New Member

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    This is Indi she is 9 years old now and we got her when she was 4, she was my first dog and she was matched to us.


    More of Indi


    This is my big baby Wizard, i got him from the same rescue and saw him on the website it seemed meant to be as one of my favourite films is The Wizard of Oz we took Indi to meet him and he came home the same day.



    And a norty Whippet for good measure!

  4. TomtheLurcher

    TomtheLurcher New Member

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    lovely doggies, I do love brindles , I have one lurcher and would love another but will need to wait a bit and hopefully find the right friend for Tommy ;-)
  5. nddogs

    nddogs New Member

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    Love all the photos, makes me want to rescue a greyhound or lurcher :grin:
    We have a norty whippet Brynn :twisted: he's my Mums she got him to take on walks etc as we all have a dog each.
    Photos: As you can see he does zoomies to
  6. Insomnia

    Insomnia New Member

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    Excellent pictures! They're all such gorgeous hounds! Thanks for sharing :)

    Just thought I'd share a couple more of Axel now. We've had him 2 months now, a gorgeous boy who's a pleasure to have around.

    Chillin in our garden
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2010
  7. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    :049: :049: :049: :049: Yummy Axel!!:007: :007: :007:
    I adore greys and lurchers!! They rock!!:mrgreen:
  8. TomtheLurcher

    TomtheLurcher New Member

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    I agree Zoe1969 , how could anyone resist ! ;-)
  9. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    This is Bella whom i have had for 6 months now, she came from Dogs Trust in Canterbury Kent, it was love at first sight. She is a loony lurcher but very affectionate !



    This is Kym an ex racer whom i've had for 2 years now, shes very calm and placid and a bit snobby and aloof ! she came from RGT in Chartham Hatch in Kent

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