English Bull Terrier with health issues Health

Discussion in 'Bull Terrier' started by Luke, Oct 30, 2005.

  1. Luke

    Luke New Member

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    English Bull Terrier with health issues

    i don't at present any bull or molosser breeds at presenmt but as they are all i have known for all of my life i expectadlly show an interst :lol: :lol:
    Now the reason i post here is in relation to a relatives EBT, Bentley. Bentley is 22 months now and a big boy to say the least. He is a very well bred English Bull from a supposedlly reputable breeder who has been in breeding EBT's for many many moons, now the problem is Bentley has recentlly been diagnosed with a whole host of problems. Epiliepsy, Hip dysplacia (sp) a strong heart murmur, weak lungs, the starts of blindness in one eye and a whole lot of other things. Now i am under the impression that most of these things would have been tested for in the parents of the litter prior to breeding, am i right?
    Now with this being the case, the breeder showed the results of the parents of Bentley's results from the relavant health tests, now i was there on this day and there was a 'fishy' air about this whole thing, but my relative was too besotted with the chubby white EBT pup that sat before them.
    The vet has said their is little they can do for Bentley's problems apart from medicate them, but it is uknown how long the medication will hold out for. it could be for another 10 years or it could be for a mere 10 months the vet isn't too sure :-( He has told my relative, Bentley's owner, that Bentley's problems are so serve that eventually it will be the end of him, meaning it is just going to worsen in many cases. It is costing a fortune in vets bills, is a great emotional strain on my relative and their family and its causing so much upset. Now my relative contacted Bentley's breeder and was told they did not have an idea where the stated problems had come from, and that they hadn't come from their stock, then hung up the phone. Now this seems a little odd to me, does it to you??
    My relative sought some help from another 'well known' EBT breeder and was politley told, something along the lines of its amazing how diseption can often be used in the dog circles and can be used in aid with 'respected' breeder, i leave it to you to figure what this means :shock:
    But the point to this thread they have no idea on now what to do? or how bad things with Bentley are going to get?
    I just posted to get your advice on the subject for them
    best wishes
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  3. Russ

    Russ New Member

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    Hi Luke, a friend of mine got a cocker pup from a so-called respectable breeder, this breeder has been breeding Cockers for many years and has a waiting list of owners waiting for pups. Anyway my friends vet spotted that the dog has only 1 testical, this as far as i'm aware this is passed on from breeding stock with the same problems. These dogs should never be bred from.
    Makes you wonder :?
    As far as any advice towards your relatives EBT, imo it would depend on how well this dog is generally, how much medication this dog needs (whether it could cause more probs).
    It's still a young dog and has so many different problems that it's sounds like it's just waiting to keel over.
    I would really consider putting it to sleep :cry: :cry: :cry:
  4. Saz

    Saz New Member

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    Heart (Murmurs) - Eye (Primary Lens Luxation) - Kidney (Polycistic, Nephritis? - Patella (luxation) Had this info from bully breeder for you, Hope it helps.
  5. Bobby-Digital

    Bobby-Digital New Member

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    Hi mate i am so sorry for your relatives, seems to me this breeder is in it just for the money and seems to care nothing about what he produces and the hurt and trauma he will cause to not only the pups he produces but the owners.

    As far as what to do i don't really have any advice apart form trying to find out about other people who have had pups from this so called reputable breeder. Find out if other owners also had poorly pups. My bet is if you do manage to find the other owners they will also be plagued with health problems with their dogs. I guess all you can do is make sure future people know what they will be getting and maybe contacting the kennel club and reporting the breeder ?

    Good Luck !
  6. Luke

    Luke New Member

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    hi everyone, thanks for the advice, all the other pupsd from his litter are fine, so there is a possibility it could be an odd occurance. The vet said the dog is not suffering, but he said the heart murmur and possibly the lungs could be due to his weight he is not so much fat as muscly, but he is a big dog of not a very active personality, my relatives who own Bentley live out in the country beyond their house is nowt but fields, he is taken well was before he was told small excerisse on many mile walks a day. Who knows apart from the HD and eye probs it could be his size, here is a pic of him when he was about 18-19 months
    maybe, well hopefully it isnt as bleak as once perceived, the HD of course is not a great thing nor is the eye sight loss, but a dog can live with these things and the heart murmur well as long as not over excerted he would be alright, lungs and other problems i think are down to his size, i have tried to tell my reltives they could be killing him with kindness, he was brought up with pomeranians, who god bless their souls, were devils for being given everything that was scraps or bits off the plate now my relatives have followed suit with Bentley and this i think could be responsible for some of his reasons, am i right?
  7. Brundog

    Brundog New Member

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    hi luke

    cant really offer too much advice on the breeder apart from what above has said.

    However I think Bentley looks quite "heavy" and could do with losing a few pounds especially if he has HD - as you may be aware bruno has HD and I have specfically been told to watch his weight as this is a main aggrivator of the condition. Just because he has HD doesnt mean he cant walk normal walks- hydrotherapy is a great idea if they can do that for him it will help to strengthen all his muscles and tone his body without strain to his joints

    main thing though is to get him on a diet in my opinion as he does look just a bit too heavy for a bully IMO

  8. Luke

    Luke New Member

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    Hi Dani
    he has been put on one of the types of Burns food as he was allways fed on the dreaded tins, plus treats, scraps, what he stole from the persians, and what he stole from the ducks, so he has a large intake, my relative whom owns him thinks of Bentley as an extra child as we all do, but have you ever tried to tell someone their childs fat and need to loose some weight? its bloody hard, i got acorss i believe them to be killing him with kindness, so they went to the vet got some advice and hes been put on burns, they are giving this a go then their secondary option is BARF.
    Personally Danni, i agree he is to much weight on not enough frame, i mean he is over standard in height but not in frame so to speak.
    I sent my relatives whom own bentley an email with links to articles and sites which have information on some of the things Bentley suffers from, i am trying to get across to them what their vet said, some of his ailments are managable, not curable completley, but manageable and the others well, they would improve vastly if only he would loose some wait.
    over christmas bentley is staying with my aunt, which is bentley owners mum, so bentleys owner is my cousin. Anyways my aunt is a very lets say rough and ready woman, she owns terriers that she uses for working, plus an aging pointer. But she stands no messing she takes as she puts it none of this modern day tosh of all these treats etc etc, it may sound awful but raising aand keeping her dogs in such a way has lead them all to pass on into their late teens early twenties!! Bentley is staying their two months, so it will be like going to a fitness farm/boot camp/prison :lol: we shall see if in late January of next year his stay away from his spoiling owners may of helped him........i hope :)
    best wishes
  9. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    been as the ebt is a bull breed luke, its not common for the breed to have so many problems, and to be honest i reckon his illness are down to poor breeding!

    Poor poor dog, if its in pain the best thing is to let him go, but if the meds and everything else is curing the pain and treating him, and he suffers no pain then he can live on the meds

    good luck with him

    hes a beauty whatever, must be very hard!
  10. Whiz


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    There are a number of health tests required for the Bull Terrier prior to breeding from them, its not poor breeding, its incompetent breeders cutting corners!

    Bull Terriers can be prone to :-

    Heart Disease

    Kidney Disease


    Lethal Acrodermatitis

    Patella Luxation

    Skin Problems

    Neurological Disorders

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