How hardy is your dog? Health

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Russ, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. Russ

    Russ New Member

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    How hardy is your dog?

    How hardy would you say your Bull n Molossers are?

    Busta isn't at all hardy, quite the oppisite he's pron to injury like the glass man :-(
    Miss Daisey is as hardy as they come never at the vets never injured :grin:
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  3. Whiz


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    My lot are hardly ever at the vets, infact its very rare.
  4. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    Borris has cut himself and had kennel cough when we first got him! but hes never been to vets due to an illness!
    Bessie had a tummy bug and been to vets for nothing else (other than boosters etc) but never been injured to go to the vets!

    both hardy ******s mine!
  5. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    Star has only been ill once with gastroenteritis when she was a year old :( but she also has a heart murmur but it does not affect her health at all. No accidents or injuries so far.

    Finn had a suspected broken toe when he was younger and at the moment has an ear infection so he is not as hardy as Star.
  6. Shadowboxer

    Shadowboxer Fondly Remembered

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    I would say that they are both quite hardy - certainly they seem to have cast-iron stomachs :grin:

    I would say the best description of them is 'stoical'. They have their share of minor injury such as bumps, stings, insect bites, etc. and they have both had routine ops (spay, castration), Hannah broke a toe & then had to have an op to remove the whole nail, but they never complain about discomfort or pain. This is one of the traits of the bull breeds that worries me somewhat as one is sometimes not aware of anything being wrong. A bit of sooking might be helpful on occasion :lol:
  7. Roxy

    Roxy New Member

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    Not gonna tempt fate. LOL
  8. Janie_B

    Janie_B New Member

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    Jack thought he would take on a field of cows, he`d stood staring at them and them at him for a wee while then he darted through the barbed wire, (totally ignoring me telling him no) and a huge bull thundered over to where Jack was. Jack got fright of his life. He turned and ran back to me, bounced off the barbed wire twice before getting between it. He had a gash on his chest and on his leg. They weren`t deep enough to need stitches and didn`t seem to bother him. I think I was more upset! ;-)
  9. Bobby-Digital

    Bobby-Digital New Member

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    Have to say Dino is a pretty hardy dog. He has beent o the vets for minor exzema in the summer which is pretty common in staffies.

    He also spent a couple of days at the vets for swallowing a huge needle !
    He was supposed to have his stomach opened up but he bent iut and somehow passed it. If that aint hardy i don't know what is ! :grin: ;-)

    Althoughi have to say when he came back form the vets he was crying, i am sure it was crying, whimpering and crying noises even in his sleep. The vet said he had to be taken home as he was screaming the whole place down. Poor baby. :cry:
  10. RobK

    RobK New Member

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    I've only had Abbie one year but no probs yet knock on wood.
  11. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    Rockys a softy.. or a nutter! :lol:
    (just had a knee op)
  12. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    hows rocky doing azz?

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