Torn between two breeds (SBT/EBT) General Chat

Discussion in 'Staffordshire Bull Terrier' started by bolty, May 15, 2010.

  1. bolty

    bolty New Member

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    Torn between two breeds (SBT/EBT)

    Hello DogWeb its been a long time since I've been on here.

    I'm coming back to you all with a question and as always to learn and take the knowledge that is given.

    I'm thinking of getting a dog again. The thing is I can't choose between these two breeds, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and the Bull Terrier (English.) I have had both in the past, only had the Bull terrier for a few months as a puppy, as at the time I had a stafford as well and he would not accept her into the home...

    As things are now I have no dogs and have not had a dog for around 4 years and feel that its time to get one from a puppy...

    The thing that makes me think a Stafford would be the right dog for me and my family is the way they are, always willing to join in with things, got a lot of energy so would enjoy coming on days out with us/me, and tend to be good off a lead so they can have a run about however when I had my last Stafford I never liked the way how most people are with you when you have a Stafford.

    The other breed that we are thinking of is the english bull terrier but only having a bull terrier in the past for a couple of months I'm not really sure what they are like. From what I have read and what people have said they are quite an active breed as well and with a good up bringing from a puppy are quite a laid back happy go lucky dog when older, which would also fit in with us if that's what they are like.

    So what my question is to you all on dogweb I stick to what I know and get a staffordshire bull terrier and just put up with other peoples opinions of the breed or do I go with something new, the bull terrier, which I am leaning towards at the moment?
    (Also eveybody that I have know with bull terriers always have them on leads as they say they can't let them off the lead as they don't come back. Is this just their dogs or is it common with the breed?)

    Thank you
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  3. Brundog

    Brundog New Member

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    Hello and welcome back

    For me it would always be a Stafford, i do like EBT's but just think Staffords have something about them.....

    HOwever it depends - is it going to be a pup? a rescue ? etc. As otherwise its a case of how long is the piece of string.

    You could get a fantastic stafford with excellent recall who loves everything, or you could get the total opposite - regardless of whether you do it from pup or not.... there are no guarantees.

    Same with an EBT ....

    good luck with your decision !!! but I always say once you have a stafford you cant go back !!! LOL
  4. bolty

    bolty New Member

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    Thanks Brundog 8)

    I would be getting a puppy ;-)
  5. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    I think from what I know of both breeds is either or would make wonderful family dogs, but my sons fried had EB and from what he says they surpass anything in the stubborn stakes. :shock: even as they mature. where as a Staffie will be more amenable to you , (do as they are told)

    Love them both, good luck in your choice!!
  6. bolty

    bolty New Member

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    Thanks JB, i still cant say what ill go for, will think about in for a few nore months ;-)
  7. bolty

    bolty New Member

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    mind made up ;-)
  8. Vicki6344


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    What did you decide Shane?

    Both of your choices are wish breeds for me.......

    Welcome back, by the way x

  9. akitagirl

    akitagirl New Member

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    staffy, staffy, staffy!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. bolty

    bolty New Member

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    Hi Vicki you been keeping well? (hope so :grin: )
    the bull terrier was a nice moment of thinking but
    Akitagirl says it all lol, for me in the end a stafford had more going in its favour over the bully.

    there is a pic thread up "little marley"

    :002: I sure did.

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