Beagle fitting into existing home Questions

Discussion in 'Beagle' started by astle9, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. astle9

    astle9 New Member

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    Beagle fitting into existing home

    I have 2 dogs a border and a lurcher/springer cross, 3 years and 1 year of age and i was wondering if a Beagle would fit into this easily, i have researched the breed and i would ideally like to rehome an older beagle between 2 and 5, my dogs walk for approx 2 or 3 hours per day and are left for approx 4 hours due to work.
    The balance of the 2 dogs is excellent male border and female cross both nuetered, i consider myself quite experienced in terms of dog ownership and training, good idea or not?
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  3. Hannaho

    Hannaho New Member

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    i think its a good idea especialy if your rehoming a beagle who nneds a home - your not out for too long and aslong as you do exercise it for atleast two hours a day i see no problem also you have a springer and a border so u must exercise them a lot! and youve done your research - have you looked at the beagle welfare site they can give you good advice and theres some lovely dogs looking for homes on there too.
  4. astle9

    astle9 New Member

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    My rehoming form has been sent yesterday to the beagle welfare rescue representative, yes there are some stunning dogs on there and yes i would take the lot if i had room sadly i only have room for 1 more.
    I think the beagle breed would fit in very well with the crew and i would hope he or she would enjoy the fact we walk a great deal.
    Thank you for your reply.
  5. AmyH-Cornwall

    AmyH-Cornwall New Member

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    Good luck with your hunt for a Beagle! Remember to post lots of pics when you get him or her home!! :grin:

    I am sure him or her will fit in great with your other dogs, they are such lovely dogs and oh yes they will like the exercise, my Monty is only 6months and will already happily go all day if I let him lol!
  6. EgyptGal

    EgyptGal New Member

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    Hi Astle 9 i am fostering Rodi who is on Beagle Welfare, with my 2 beagles (2x6 year old male beagles)at the moment have only had her for a couple of days but she is fitting in great,She came from scotland from her owner who couldn't cope because of her seperation anxiety,well i,m hoping that i'm not speaking too soon but she has slept the 2 nights she has been here without a murmer (touch wood!) so i'm thinking she needed doggy company! She has been quiet when i pretend to go out too, Good Luck with what you decide and hope it works out.
  7. astle9

    astle9 New Member

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    Thank you for your replies, i will just wait for a response from the Beagle folk and see where it goes, i have patience and i will wait if required for the right dog as i do not want the existing pair to be put our too much, i expect a home check will be required which is a good thing, we have a small house but it is very dog orientated and a medium sized garden which is fully fenced so that should be a good point for any home check. Quite exciting to be honest and i hope it works out.
    Rodi sounds a sweetie and i hope she fits in well with your family, Walsall is a place so close to me yet i never hardly visit, my son played rugby last season for Stourbridge v Walsall and it was one of the few times i have visited apart from when the Baggies are in town.
    Let me know how Rodi is doing as i do so hope she brings you a lot of joy.
  8. EgyptGal

    EgyptGal New Member

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    I know what you mean about being put out a few of my fosters have really upset my permanent dogs:shock: Rodi is the same age though and they just seem to click, am hoping that the seperation anxiety doesn't rear its head in the next few weeks and then hopefully she can have that tag removed from her info and find her new forever home:grin: Are you going for a male or female? Or not sure?
  9. EgyptGal

    EgyptGal New Member

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    THe ones that have upset them, have been the really crazy puppies:roll: they just can't be doing with the over energetic bundles darting about:roll: So that is something to bare in mind when looking for another dog, one with a similar energy seems to be good.:p
  10. astle9

    astle9 New Member

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    My partner says she feels that our border Alfie would be more accepting of a female but i really do not think it is important as they are both 'done' , i have seen Rodi on the website and she looks cute.
    I presume the people at the welfare group have lots of experience so they can steer me towards a compatible dog if i pass the home check, i wrote to a Mrs Rootham i think was the name as there were no local reps and i presume she will be in touch when she has time as i know they are all volunteers.
    No rush though as it has to be the right dog, i do not want the heartache of returning it.
    I am sure Rodi will be fine with you as you said i think she just needed a pack.
  11. EgyptGal

    EgyptGal New Member

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    Yes Lesley is the lady i am in touch with, who knows she may suggest Rodi!:lol: You,re close enough to meet up to see if they get on if she does! I know what you mean about wanting to have them all though, if i didn't like my holidays abroad so much i think we would have more than 2 but the kennels cost a lot:cry: So fostering is a way of helping and having another for a while:grin: Good luck with your home check i.m sure you'll pass with flying colours:lol: Happy hound hunting!
  12. astle9

    astle9 New Member

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    Thank you and enjoy your time with Rodi.

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